366 Songs 118: The Milkman of Human Kindness

I am, again, horribly behind with keeping vaguely current with 366 Songs. So, again, here’s lots of music with even less writing than usual.

Billy Bragg is the sound of the 1980s for me; the late ’80s, admittedly, like, maybe 1988, ’89? But he was someone that my older sister was into for awhile, and so I heard a lot of his stuff and it sunk into me without my realizing it. I got into him for myself, years later, when he released his Don’t Try This At Home album, and worked backwards. When I heard this song again, back then, and actually listened to the lyrics for the first time, I realized that this was the kind of awkward, stumbling poetry that I wished I could write. “If your bed is wet/I will dry your tears,” indeed.

All-Old! All-Different!

Classic X-Men feels like it was the first comic that I actually tried to collect, as opposed to just pick up and keep track of (The second was DC’s Justice League/Justice League International). I was there for the first issue! I could get in on the ground floor! I remember my excitement as I picked up the first issue – the first couple of issues, I think, I’m pretty sure the first two were out by the time I managed to get up to the city and buy them – and thought “Now I’ll be able to catch up on everything!” There’s something so amazingly nostalgic for me, looking at the above cover, now. I was 11 years old, and this was stupidly exciting for me.