Someone Should Record A Teen Titans Song Called “Titanic” to the Tune of Atomic

At some point in November, I started re-reading The New Teen Titans, a comic book series that was for a large stretch of the 1980s one of the most acclaimed comic books in the U.S. market — and one of the leading titles for DC Comics at a time when it was positioning itself as one of the most forward-thinking publishers out there for mainstream audiences. By all logic, such a description would suggest that New Teen Titans is an all-time classic that people place in the same pantheon as Chris Claremont’s contemporaneous run on Uncanny X-Men, or other such 1980s superheroes classics. And yet… they don’t.

The problem is, bluntly, that the last… half of the classic 1980s/early 90s run is not particularly very good. In fact, it’s so bad that it’s almost more interesting than the good stuff, for reasons that amount to little more than simply asking, “What the fuck is happening?” over and over and over again.

The “classic” New Teen Titans run starts in 1980 when Marv Wolfman and George Perez revive the 1960s team book with a bunch of new characters and a mission statement that essentially consists of, “see what Claremont is doing in X-Men? Yeah, that, but even more soapy.” It was an immediate smash hit because, honestly, it’s addictive glossy soap superheroics that very deliberately places all of the big threats as something with personal connections to one of the core cast, because everything in the damn comic is soap opera and character-driven, and that’s what makes it work. Keeping everything claustrophobically focused on its core cast is a strong enough gimmick to keep the momentum going even when you realize that some plots are going nowhere, and others are repeating over and over again. (How many times need we worry that one of the team is evil?)

And then, stunningly, everything goes to pieces. The 1980s New Teen Titans comic was successful enough that, four years in, it gets replaced by another comic, also called New Teen Titans, which gets renamed The New Titans with its 50th issue because, well, maybe teens weren’t in anymore. That second series continues until its 130th issue in 1996 or so, but here’s the thing: everything after, maybe, #62 or so is… terrible. Not just “not very good,” but, actively bad. And it’s all because the series seems to utterly forget what works.

I can’t deny it: the sudden, unmistakable drop-off in quality is what kept me reading until the end, in part because I was compelled to try and figure out if there was method to the seeming madness of dropping almost all of the pre-existing cast in any number of melodramatic ways — one is literally tied to a missile, flown into Russia, and then transformed into a mind-controlled robot; that’s not a joke — while also wondering just how crazy things could get.

There’s something compelling to me about watching artistic “flops,” or failures in some degree or another, but the fate of New Teen Titans is almost singular in the ways in which it doesn’t just lean into the skid as things start to go wrong, but almost speed up into it, too: doubling down, as if to see what might happen if the crash is harder, more violent, more destructive. You almost have to admire that sense of nihilism, if it wasn’t for the fact that… it’s kind of boring to read…?

The Comics of December 2024

In a very strange way, December — a month where I read a lot of holiday comics, and a lot of Teen Titans comics and related series thereof — might have been the month that most perfectly represented my 2024 reading trends (revisiting old series and/or catching up with things I hadn’t read but felt like I should as a superhero fan, but doing so in bulk) and also the month that broke me of that tendency, at least in the short term. I read a lot of comic books in December, but outside of the obvious choices, very few were memorable, and very many were instantly forgettable if not downright bad. (Most of the 2003 Teen Titans series, I’m sadly looking at you.) Maybe 2025 is a year where I read less, but what I do read will be of higher quality. Check in with me this time next month and we’ll see if I followed through on that promise to myself.

  1. The Titans (1999) #s 1-2
  2. The Titans Secret Files & Origins #1
  3. The Titans (1999) #s 3-4
  4. Secret Origins (1986) #13
  5. Action Comics Weekly #s 613-618, 626-634 (Nightwing stories only)
  6. The Titans (1999) #s 5-20
  7. The Titans Secret Files & Origins #2
  8. Crisis #8 (Third World War story only)
  9. Rogue Trooper: The War Machine
  10. DC Rebirth Holiday Special #1
  11. Astonishing X-Men Infinity Comic #1
  12. The Titans (1999) #s 21-25
  13. Team Titans #s 5-11
  14. Fantastic Four: Antithesis #s 1-4 
  15. Team Titans #s 12-14
  16. The Titans (1999) #s 26-30
  17. Marvel Team-Up (1972) #1
  18. The Brave and the Bold (1955) #148
  19. Batman (1940) #309
  20. Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (1989) #79
  21. The Titans (1999) #s 31-37
  22. The Titans (1999) #s 38-41
  23. Marvel Holiday Magazine Digital Comic #s 1-3
  24. Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic #25
  25. Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix-Up #1
  26. All-New Venom #1
  27. Iron Man (2024) #2
  28. West Coast Avengers (2024) #1
  29. X-Men (2024) #8
  30. The Avengers (2023) #21 
  31. The Titans (1999) #s 42-50
  32. Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #s 1-3
  33. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #s 61-62
  34. The Christmas Spirit of 1940: Black Henry and Simple Simon
  35. Avengers Assemble (2024) #s 3-4
  36. Wolverine (2024) #4
  37. Teen Titans (2003) #1
  38. Titans East Special #1
  39. Titans (2008) #s 1-3
  40. Titans (2008) #s 4-5
  41. World’s Greatest Super-Heroes Holiday Special #1
  42. Batman Annual (2016) #1
  43. Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1
  44. Titans (2008) #6
  45. DC Special: The Return of Donna Troy #s 1-4
  46. Titans (2008) #s 7-11
  47. It’s Jeff! Infinity Comic #38
  48. Klaus #1
  49. Titans (2008) #s 12-15
  50. Blackest Night: Titans #s 1-3
  51. Titans (2008) #s 16-23
  52. Titans Hunt #s 1-2
  53. Klaus #s 2-7
  54. DC’s Nuclear Winter Special #1
  55. DC Universe Holiday Special 2010 #1
  56. Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns #2
  57. Titans Hunt #s 3-8
  58. Justice League (2011) #51
  59. Titans: Rebirth #1
  60. Titans (2016) #1
  61. Weirdworld (2015 Vol 2) #1
  62. Klaus and the Witch of Winter
  63. Klaus and the Crisis in Xmasville 
  64. 2000 AD Prog 2413 (Year-end Christmas Prog)
  65. Essential Rogue Trooper: The Traitor General
  66. Transformers (2023) #s 7-10
  67. Klaus and the Crying Snowman
  68. Klaus and the Life and Times of Joe Christmas
  69. The Ultimates (2024) #7
  70. DC’s Batman Smells, Robin Laid an Egg #1
  71. DC’s Very Merry Multiverse #1
  72. Titans (2016) #s 2-6
  73. Titans (2016) #s 7-11
  74. Teen Titans (2016) #8
  75. Deathstroke (2016) #s 19-20
  76. Teen Titans: The Lazarus Contract Special #1
  77. Titans Annual (2016) #1
  78. Astonishing X-Men Infinity Comic #2
  79. Titans (2016) #s 12-19
  80. Dazzler (2024) #3
  81. NYX (2024) #6
  82. Star Wars: Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #s 1-3
  83. Transformers (2023) #s 11-15
  84. Titans (2016) #s 20-22
  85. Titans Annual (2016) #2
  86. Titans Special (2018) #1
  87. The Christmas Spirit of 1941: A Trilogy
  88. Titans (2016) #s 23-25
  89. Deathstroke (2011) #1
  90. Deathstroke (2014) #1
  91. Deathstroke: Rebirth #1
  92. Deathstroke (2016) #1
  93. The Christmas Spirit of 1945: Horton J Winklerod
  94. Adventure Comics (1938) #82
  95. DCU Holiday Bash III #1
  96. Titans (2016) #s 26-32
  97. Green Arrow (2016) #45
  98. Nightwing (2016) #50
  99. Titans (2016) #s 33-35
  100. Teen Titans Academy #1
  101. Future State: Teen Titans #1
  102. Hellblazer (1988) #49
  103. Teen Titans Academy #s 2-4
  104. The Brave & The Bold (1955) #57
  105. Teen Titans Academy #s 5-7
  106. Teen Titans Academy 2021 Yearbook #1
  107. Shazam (2022) #1
  108. Teen Titans Academy #8
  109. Shazam (2022) #s 2-4
  110. Teen Titans Academy #s 9-10
  111. The Best of DC #22
  112. Action Comics #s 1078-1982
  113. Metamorpho, The Element Man (2024) #1
  114. The New Gods (2024) #1
  115. Challengers of the Unknown (2024) #1
  116. Justice League Unlimited (2024) #2
  117. Justice League: The Atom Project #1
  118. Teen Titans Academy #s 11-15
  119. Superman (2023) #20
  120. Superwoman Special #1
  121. Judge Dredd: A Better World
  122. GI Joe (2024) #2
  123. 2000 AD Prog 2414 (New Dredd by Williams/Wyatt!!!)
  124. Batman (2016) #s 155-156
  125. Batman: Dark Patterns #1
  126. Green Lantern (2023) #18
  127. Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum #1
  128. JSA (2024) #s 2-3
  129. Green Lantern/Green Arrow: World’s Finest Special #1
  130. Titans (2023) #18
  131. Catwoman (2018) #71
  132. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #34
  133. It’s Jeff! Infinity Comic #39
  134. Superman (2023) #21
  135. The Flash (2023) #16
  136. Black Canary: Best of the Best #2
  137. Detective Comics #1092
  138. Jenny Sparks (2024) #s 5-6
  139. Aquaman (2025) #1
  140. Absolute Superman #s 2-3
  141. Birds of Prey (2023) #s 16-17
  142. Batman and Robin (2023) #s 16-17
  143. Batman and Robin: Year One #4
  144. Wonder Woman (2023) #s 16-17
  145. Super Friends (1976) #42
  146. Forbidden Tales of Dark Mansion #15 
  147. The Christmas Spirit of 1946: A Fable
  148. Deathstroke Inc. #1
  149. Deathstroke Inc. #s 2-7
  150. Shadow War: Alpha #1
  151. Batman (2016) #s 122-123
  152. Deathstroke Inc. #s 8-9
  153. Robin (2021) #s 13-14
  154. Shadow War Zone #1
  155. Shadow War: Omega #1
  156. Marvel Rivals Infinity Comic #1
  157. Astonishing X-Men Infinity Comic #3
  158. Dark Crisis #s 1-2
  159. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #62
  160. Captain America (2023) #16
  161. Dazzler (2024) #4
  162. Daredevil (2023) #16
  163. Fantastic Four (2022) #27
  164. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #20
  165. The Immortal Thor #18
  166. Ultimate Universe: One Year In #1
  167. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #12
  168. Dark Crisis #3
  169. Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #s 4-6 (Name change!)
  170. Titans (2023) #19
  171. Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7
  172. DC All In Special #1
  173. Deathstroke Inc #s 10-12
  174. Super-Team Family #s 11-14
  175. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #35
  176. Catwoman (2018) #72
  177. Zatanna (2025) #1
  178. Zatanna: Bring Down the House #s 1-5
  179. The Question: All Along the Watchtower #2
  180. Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #20
  181. Deathstroke Inc. #s 13-15
  182. Deathstroke (2016) #s 2-4
  183. Teen Titans (2003) #2
  184. Superman (1938) #2
  185. Batman: Dark Patterns #2
  186. Teen Titans (2003) #s 3-6
  187. Deathstroke (2016) #s 4-8
  188. Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns #4
  189. DC Comics Presents (1978) #67
  190. Teen Titans (2003) #7
  191. Teen Titans (2003) #s 8-12
  192. Marvel Holiday Tales to Astonish #1
  193. Uncanny X-Men (2024) #7
  194. Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #4
  195. Phoenix (2024) #6
  196. Infinity Watch (2024) #1
  197. TVA #1
  198. It’s Jeff! Infinity Comic #40
  199. What If…? (1989) #41
  200. The Christmas Spirit of 1947: Joy
  201. What If…? (1989) #s 67-68
  202. The Question: All Along the Watchtower #3
  203. Challengers of the Unknown (2024) #2
  204. The New Gods (2024) #2
  205. Justice League Unlimited (2024) #3
  206. Teen Titans (2003) #s 13-16
  207. Teen Titans/Legion Special #1
  208. Teen Titans (2003) #s 17-23
  209. Outsiders (2003) #s 1-3
  210. What If…? (1989) #s 46-47
  211. Astonishing Spider-Man Infinity Comic #9
  212. The Flash (2023) #17
  213. Metamorpho, The Element Man (2024) #2
  214. EC Shiver Suspenstories #1
  215. What If…? (1989) #51
  216. The Christmas Spirit of 1948: Basher Bains
  217. Outsiders (2003) #s 4-10
  218. Action Comics (1938) #521
  219. DC Comics Presents (1978) #68
  220. JSA (1999) #33
  221. DC Comics Presents (1978) #71
  222. Outsiders (2003) #s 11-25
  223. Teen Titans (2003) #s 24-25
  224. JSA (1999) #s 34-37
  225. Martian Manhunter: Divergence #1
  226. Outsiders (2003) #s 26-31
  227. Teen Titans (2003) #s 26-28
  228. Martian Manhunter (2015) #1
  229. X-Men (2004) #9
  230. West Coast Avengers (2024) #2
  231. Timeslide #1
  232. Teen Titans (2003) #s 29-31
  233. Iron Man (2024) #3
  234. Exceptional X-Men #4
  235. Outsiders (2003) #32
  236. Teen Titans (2003) #s 32-33
  237. Outsiders (2003) #33
  238. Astonishing X-Men Infinity Comic #4
  239. Marvel Rivals Infinity Comic #2
  240. Suicide Squad: Blaze #1
  241. The Christmas Spirit of 1949: S. Kringle Klaus
  242. Teen Titans (2003) #34
  243. Rare Flavours #s 1-2
  244. Teen Titans (2003) #s 35-37
  245. Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns #5
  246. The Christmas Spirit of 1950: Darling’s First Christmas
  247. The Christmas Spirit of 1951: Joe Fix
  248. Outsiders (2003) #s 34-37
  249. Power Girl (2023) #1
  250. Nightwing (1996) #71
  251. Teen Titans (2003) #s 38-39
  252. Teen Titans (2003) #s 40-41
  253. Outsiders (2003) #s 38-43
  254. JSA (1999) #38
  255. Astonishing Spider-Man Infinity Comic #10
  256. The Gargoyle (1985) #1
  257. Teen Titans (2003) #s 42
  258. Outsiders (2003) #s 44-46
  259. Fantastic Four (1961) #1
  260. Teen Titans (2003) #s 43-50
  261. JSA (1999) #s 39-42
  262. Martian Manhunter (2015) #2
  263. JSA (1999) #s 43-45
  264. Fantastic Four (1961) #2
  265. It’s Jeff! Infinity Comic #41
  266. Rare Flavours #3
  267. Nightwing (1996) #72
  268. Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #s 1-5
  269. Rare Flavours #4
  270. Cover Story: The 2000 AD Design Art of Robin Smith
  271. Martian Manhunter (2015) #s 3-4
  272. Laura Kinney, Wolverine #1
  273. Teen Titans (2003) #s 51-55
  274. Nightwing (1996) #73
  275. Outsiders (2003) #50
  276. Outsiders: Five of a Kind – Nightwing/Captain Boomerang #1
  277. Outsiders: Five of a Kind – Shazam/Katana #1
  278. Outsiders: Five of a Kind – Martian Manhunter/Lightning #1
  279. Outsiders: Five of a Kind – Aquaman/Metamorpho #1
  280. Outsiders: Five of a Kind – Wonder Woman/Grace #1
  281. Martian Manhunter (2015) #s 5-6
  282. Batman and the Outsiders (2007) #s 1-9
  283. Fantastic Four (1961) #3
  284. Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #s 7-17
  285. Hulk (2008) #25 (First Jeff Parker issue)
  286. The Gargoyle (1985) #2
  287. Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #s 18-21
  288. Batman and the Outsiders (2007) #s 10-12
  289. Teen Titans (2003) #s 56-60
  290. Martian Manhunter (2015) #s 7-8
  291. JSA (1999) #s 45-48
  292. Astonishing X-Men Infinity Comic #5
  293. Marvel Rivals Infinity Comic #3
  294. Fantastic Four (1961) #4
  295. JSA (1999) #s 49-51
  296. Rare Flavours #s 5-6
  297. Judge Dredd: Regicide
  298. JLA Secret Files & Origins #2
  299. New Year’s Evil: Prometheus #1
  300. Teen Titans (2003) #s 61-66
  301. Terror Titans #1
  302. Teen Titans (2003) #67
  303. Terror Titans #s 2-6
  304. Outsiders (2007) #s 13-14
  305. Batman and the Outsiders Special #1
  306. Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #s 22-26
  307. Fantastic Four (1961) #5
  308. The Avengers (2023) #22

Step Three, Seasonal Profit

What makes a good Christmas story?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, for obvious reasons — look at the calendar, after all. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, as any number of singers will tell you if you listen to the radio long enough, and that means that I’ve been watching more than my fair share of holiday movies and reading just as many (if not more) holiday comic books. I even made the mistake of watching Red One, the “Chris Evans is a dirtbag and Dwayne Johnson is a giant security elf and I guess they’re a buddy comedy team now?” movie from this year, and…. oh boy.

The problem with Red One is the problem with Spirited, a very similar holiday movie starring Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds from last year; both are comedies in which a real-world cynic comes to accept the magic of the holidays while paired with a secretly-disillusioned magical being who also comes to believe in the holidays all anew, and everyone lives happily ever after, and both make the mistake of thinking that the way to do this is by replacing magic with a mixture of special effects and “hilarious” real-world elements. Santa’s treated like the President with a special security detail, get it? The North Pole is an efficiently-run bureaucracy, understand? It’s so relatable.

Except, of course, it’s not. It’s restrictive and boring and makes everything feel more generic; there’s, if anything, a purposeful lack of magic, as whimsy and wonder get replaced by cynicism and formula.

My contrast, I’ve been re-reading Will Eisner’s The Christmas Spirit throughout the month, which collects the various holiday-themed installments of his 1940s newspaper strip The Spirit. Every single story in there feels like a model of what works for a good Christmas story, because every single one is based around a very simple idea: at some point, someone will be moved to make a kinder choice than they normally would, and everything changes for the better as a result. It’s a formula that doesn’t require gimmicks, winks at the audience while referencing Santa, magic, or snowmen, or anything other than the belief that the holidays are really about trying to be kind and good… and seeing what happens as a result.

There’s a lesson there for… well, basically everyone who’s thinking that Vin Diesel should play Santa’s half-brother through adoption who has to save the holidays in a big budget streaming special this time next year. But then, seeing what Eisner did and trying to learn from it has never really been a bad idea.

The Comics of November 2024

The first half of this month passed in a bit of a blur, for reasons I can’t even begin to comprehend — it’s not as if anything was particularly busy on my end, but I guess the election results left my head in more of a spin than I thought — but nonetheless, I kept on keeping on reading comics at a fair clip through the whole thing. Somehow, I ended up on both a John Ostrander’s DC work and a Greg Rucka’s later DC work kick (they’re connected, via Amanda Waller; I was also tracking through all the Suicide Squad material, as you can see), which proved to be far more enjoyable than I might have expected, despite the DC Universe Infinite app collapsing at the time. (It’s fixed, since; I celebrated by reading too many New Teen Titans comics, and oh boy.) Here’s what I read last month, anyway.

  1. Action Comics #1076
  2. Batman & Robin: Year One #2
  3. Batman & Robin: Year One Noir Edition #1
  4. Wonder Woman (2023) #15
  5. Titans (2023) #15
  6. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #33
  7. Catwoman (2018) #s 69-70
  8. Suicide Squad (1987) #52
  9. Justice League of America (1960) #159
  10. Star Wars: Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #3
  11. Wolverine: Revenge #3
  12. NYX (2024) #4
  13. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 53-59
  14. Captain America (2023) #14
  15. Deadpool Team-Up #3
  16. Phases of the Moon Knight #3
  17. Namor (2024) #4
  18. The Power Fantasy #s 1-3
  19. Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt (2019) #s 1-5
  20. Star Trek (2022) #13
  21. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 60-66
  22. Suicide Squad (2007) #s 1-3
  23. Checkmate (2006) #1
  24. The Fury of Firestorm (1982) #53
  25. Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man
  26. Checkmate (2006) #s 2-4
  27. Firestorm (1982) #s 54-60
  28. Manhunter (1988) #s 5-7
  29. Blue Beetle (1986) #s 1-2
  30. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1982) #s 61-69
  31. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man Annual #5
  32. Manhunter (1988) #s 8-12
  33. Marvel Treasury Edition #28 (The Amazing Spider-Man/Superman)
  34. DC Universe: Decisions #s 1-4
  35. Titans (2008) #9
  36. Batman vs. The Incredible Hulk
  37. Drax the Destroyer (2005) #1
  38. DC All In Special #1
  39. Manhunter (1988) #s 13-15
  40. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1982) #70
  41. Aliens vs. Avengers #2
  42. The Avengers (2023) #20
  43. X-Men (2024) #7
  44. X-Force (2024) #5
  45. X-Factor (2024) #4
  46. Venom War #4
  47. Ultimates (2024) #6
  48. Star Wars: Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #4
  49. Marvel and DC Present The Uncanny X-Men and the New Teen Titans
  50. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 20-23
  51. The New Teen Titans Annual (1984) #2
  52. One Star Squadron #s 1-2
  53. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #22
  54. Astonishing Spider-Man Infinity Comic #s 3-4
  55. One Star Squadron #s 3-6
  56. Damage Control (2022) #s 1-2
  57. Batman/Punisher: Lake of Fire
  58. Punisher/Batman: Deadly Knights
  59. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 24-27
  60. Checkmate (2006) #s 5-7
  61. Suicide Squad (2007) #4
  62. V for Vendetta #1
  63. Action Comics (1938) #1
  64. Action Comics #1077
  65. The Flash (2023) #15
  66. Superman (2023) #20
  67. Detective Comics #1091
  68. Absolute Wonder Woman #2
  69. Action Comics (1938) #411, 443, 482
  70. Superman (1939) #326
  71. World’s Finest Comics #s 251-252
  72. Suicide Squad (2007) #5
  73. Superman (1939) #327-328
  74. Action Comics #500
  75. Suicide Squad (2007) #s 6-8
  76. Hawkworld (1989 miniseries) #s 1-3
  77. Hawkworld (1989) #s 1-2
  78. Suicide Squad (2009) #67
  79. Secret Six (2008) #s 17-18
  80. Suicide Squad (2011) #s 1-5
  81. Darkseid vs. Galactus: The Hunger 
  82. Spider-Man and Batman #1
  83. Fantastic Four: Full Circle Expanded Edition
  84. Suicide Squad (2011) #s 6-8
  85. Checkmate (2006) #s 8-10
  86. Hawkworld (1989) #3
  87. Checkmate (2006) #s 11-17
  88. Outsiders (2003) #s 47-49
  89. Star Trek (2022) #14
  90. Checkmate (2006) #s 18-20
  91. Suicide Squad (2011) #s 9-15, 0
  92. Superman in ‘The Computers that Saved Metropolis’ (Radio Shack 1980 giveaway comic)
  93. Green Lantern/Silver Surfer #1
  94. Silver Surfer/Superman #1
  95. Action Comics (1938) #512
  96. Superman (1939) #352
  97. Darker Image #1
  98. Checkmate (2007) #s 21-26
  99. Detective Comics (1937) #s 854-865 (Question back-ups only)
  100. Convergence: The Question #s 1-2
  101. Lois Lane (2019) #s 1-12
  102. 2000 AD Annual 2025
  103. Judge Dredd Megazine #474
  104. Suicide Squad (2011) #s 16-23
  105. New Suicide Squad #s 1-4
  106. Reign in Hell #s 1-2
  107. DC Universe Presents #s 13-16
  108. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #23
  109. X-Men: To Serve and Protect #3
  110. New Suicide Squad #s 5-8
  111. Uncanny X-Men (2024) #5
  112. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #61
  113. Captain America (2023) #15
  114. The Spectacular Spider-Men #9
  115. Venom (2021) #39
  116. Psylocke (2024) #1
  117. Spider-Man: Black Suit & Blood #4
  118. Superman (1939) #355
  119. Superman (1939) #s 358-359
  120. New Suicide Squad #s 9-22
  121. New Suicide Squad Annual #1
  122. Harley Quinn and Suicide Squad: April Fools Special #1
  123. Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1
  124. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1982) #s 71-73
  125. Superman (1939) #s 360, 362
  126. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1982) #s 74-79
  127. Manhunter (1988) #s 16-17
  128. Doom Patrol (2001) #s 11-14
  129. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1982) #s 80-83
  130. Astonishing Spider-Man Infinity Comic #5
  131. DC: The New Frontier #1
  132. Firestorm (1982) #s 84-85
  133. Void Rivals #s 7-12
  134. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 1-8
  135. Venom War: Fantastic Four #1
  136. Suicide Squad by Jim Lee Unwrapped (includes alternate version of Suicide Squad (2016) #1)
  137. Superman (1939) #363
  138. Action Comics (1938) #s 523, 545
  139. Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #s 1-6
  140. Justice League (2016) #s 12-13
  141. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 9-10
  142. Manhunter (1988) #18
  143. The Spectre (1992) #9
  144. Martian Manhunter (1998) #0
  145. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 11-12
  146. Action Comics (1938) #546
  147. Final Crisis: Revelations #s 1-2
  148. Final Crisis: Revelations #s 3-4
  149. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 13-15
  150. Final Crisis: Revelations #5
  151. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 16-20
  152. The New Gods (1971) #s 2-3
  153. Star Wars (1977) #s 55-57
  154. Star Wars: Rebellion (2006) #s 1-2
  155. 2000 AD Prog 2410
  156. Battle Action (2024) #4
  157. Star Trek (1989) #s 7-9
  158. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 21-25
  159. Suicide Squad: Amanda Waller #1
  160. Superman (1987) #4
  161. Star Wars: Rebellion (2006) #s 3-5
  162. Inhumans (2000) #1
  163. Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Comic Magazine #1
  164. Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes #1
  165. Wonder Man (1986) #1
  166. Marvel Spotlight (1971) #s 26, 31
  167. Marvel Spotlight (1979) #s 9-11
  168. Vigilante (1983) #36
  169. Superman (1987) #170
  170. The New Gods (1971) #4
  171. Hellblazer (1988) #s 25-26 (Grant Morrison fill-in)
  172. Constantine (2013) #s 1-3
  173. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 26-41
  174. Trinity Annual (2017) #1
  175. Trinity (2016) #s 12-16
  176. Star Trek (1989) #s 10-12
  177. Star Wars (1977) #s 58-60
  178. Action Comics (1938) #556
  179. Superman (1939) #403
  180. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 42-46
  181. Aquaman (2016) #s 39-40
  182. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 47-50
  183. Suicide Squad (2019) #1
  184. Zenith: Phase 1
  185. Batman/Captain America
  186. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #s 19-21
  187. Star Wars (1977) #s 61-66
  188. Zenith: Phase 2
  189. Suicide Squad (2019) #2
  190. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #11
  191. Venom War: It’s Jeff #1
  192. Firestorm (1982) #s 86-88
  193. Hellblazer (1988) #s 135-140
  194. Suicide Squad (2019) #s 3-5
  195. Star Wars (1977) #s 67-77
  196. The Spectre (1992) #s 10-13
  197. Battle Action (2024) #3
  198. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #24
  199. Astonishing Spider-Man Infinity Comic #6
  200. The Hunger and the Dusk #1
  201. Hellblazer (1988)  #s 141-143
  202. Daredevil/Batman: Eye for an Eye
  203. Suicide Squad (2019) #s 6-11
  204. Suicide Squad (2021) #s 1-3
  205. Teen Titans Academy #3
  206. Suicide Squad (2021) #4
  207. Firestorm (1982) #89
  208. Suicide Squad (2021) #s 5-6
  209. Suicide Squad Annual (2021) #1
  210. Superman and the Authority #s 1-4
  211. The Power Fantasy #4
  212. Batman and Spider-Man 
  213. Superman/Fantastic Four 
  214. Immortal Thor #17 
  215. Exceptional X-Men #3 
  216. Avengers Assemble (2024) #3 
  217. Phoenix (2024) #5 
  218. Storm (2024) #2 
  219. Wolverine (2024) #3
  220. NYX (2024) #5
  221. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 28-32
  222. Crisis (UK) #s 1-2 (Third World War stories only)
  223. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 33-36
  224. Destro #1
  225. Scarlett #1
  226. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 37-38
  227. The New Teen Titans Annual (1984) #3
  228. Infinity Inc. (1984) #45
  229. Destro #s 2-5
  230. The New Teen Titans (1984) #39
  231. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 39-42
  232. Teen Titans Spotlight #1
  233. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 43-49
  234. The New Teen Titans Annual (1984) #4
  235. Scarlett #2
  236. Star Wars (1977) #78
  237. Crisis (UK) #s 3-4 (Third World War stories only)
  238. Teen Titans Spotlight #s 2-6
  239. Vigilante (1985) #s 20-21
  240. World’s Finest Comics (1941) #s 254, 270
  241. The New Titans (1984) #s 50-52
  242. Teen Titans Spotlight #s 7-11
  243. Vigilante (1985) #22
  244. The New Titans (1984) #s 53-56
  245. The New Titans Annual (1984) #5
  246. The New Titans (1984) #s 57-59
  247. Secret Origins Annual (1986) #2
  248. The Multiversity Guidebook #1
  249. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #25
  250. Batman (1940) #440
  251. The New Titans (1984) #60
  252. Harley Quinn in Paradise #1
  253. Scarlett #s 3-5
  254. Batman (1940) #s 441-442
  255. The New Titans (1984) #61
  256. The New Titans (1984) #s 62-67
  257. The Multiversity: Mastermen #1
  258. The Multiversity: Ultra Comics #1
  259. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #62
  260. Venom War #5
  261. The Multiversity #2
  262. The New Titans (1984) #s 68-70
  263. The New Titans Annual (1984) #6
  264. The New Teen Titans: Games OGN
  265. The New Titans (1984) #s 71-75
  266. The New Titans (1984) #s 76-77
  267. Crisis (UK) #5 (Third World War story only)
  268. The New Titans (1984) #s 78-79
  269. The New Titans Annual (1984) #7
  270. The New Titans (1984) #s 80-86
  271. Crisis (UK) #6 (Third World War story only)
  272. The New Titans (1984) #s 87-89
  273. Crisis (UK) #7 (Third World War story only)
  274. Astonishing Spider-Man Infinity Comic #7
  275. Deathstroke the Terminator #s 14-16
  276. The New Titans (1984) #s 90-92
  277. Team Titans #s 1-3
  278. Titans Sell Out! Special #1
  279. Deathstroke the Terminator #17
  280. Team Titans #4
  281. The New Titans (1984) #93
  282. The One Hand #s 1-5
  283. The Six Fingers #s 1-5
  284. Zombo: Can I Eat You?
  285. JLA (1997) #s 1-4
  286. Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns #1
  287. The New Titans (1994) #s 94-100
  288. Zombo: The Day Zombo Died
  289. The New Titans (1994) #s 101-111
  290. Zombo: Planet Zombo
  291. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #168
  292. The New Titans (1994) #s 112-114, 0
  293. It’s Jeff! Infinity Comic #32
  294. The New Titans (1994) #s 115-117
  295. Superman vs. The Incredible Hulk
  296. Batman/Daredevil #1
  297. The New Titans (1994) #s 118-122
  298. The New Titans Annual (1984) #11
  299. The New Titans (1994) #s 123-130
  300. JLA/Titans #s 1-3

The Semiotics of Barry Allen

After my recent dive into years worth of The Flash issues from the 1970s and early 1980s, I feel like I’ve come away with a pretty good understanding about what made those issues work, and the specific languages, codes, and signifiers at play throughout that era that have fallen out of favor (and, in many cases, out of use entirely) since then. That last part is a shame; comics as a medium is such a unique blend of words and pictures that I feel like there are multiple tricks that only comics can do that just don’t get used anymore because they’re not fashionable, and it feels… I don’t know, like tying a hand behind your back for no reason, perhaps?

To that end, I realized that there’s so much inside this particular era of Flash comics that, should an enterprising creative team wish to do so, a revival of Barry Allen as the hero inside the costume could literally build a comic just out of reconsidering some of the particular visual iconography of his original run. (No pun intended.) To wit:

  • The majority of Barry Allen Flash comics are built around the concept that the cover presents an outlandish situation that requires explanation, and the issue itself solves the mystery of how it happens. (Even if, as is often the case, the cover is not entirely an accurate version of events.) If Wally West Flash comics are straightforward superhero comics, Barry Allen Flash comics are whodunnits, or howdunnits. They’re mystery stories.
  • Unlike most superhero stories, Barry Allen is the adult in the room. His rogues gallery, his work colleagues, everyone else in his life (with the exception of his love interest(s), for some fascinating reason) are all a little kooky and out of there, but Barry is curiously immune: he’s a professional who cares about his friends, his career, his family, and even his hobbies — because, somehow, he actually has hobbies. In revivals, that’s translated into “Barry was a square,” but there’s something more interesting in the idea that Barry holds it together while everyone else… doesn’t.
  • For a long time, Flash comics started with a first page that flashed forward in the narrative while setting the scene for the reader and restating the question posed by the cover. It’s a fun trick to introduce the reader to the stakes of the story, and one that also allows for misdirection and/or contextualization that can’t be fit in anywhere else in the issue. Why did this drop out of use?
  • For that matter: can we have omniscient narrators back in comics, please? Less first person narration — something that the Wally West Flash comics really popularized back in the ’90s, perhaps ironically — and more third person!
  • While we’re at it, why can’t we have caption boxes with hands like this again?

I think what I’m saying is, if I could write fiction, I’d want to write a Barry Allen Flash comic, just to use all these tips and tricks to see what happened.

The Comics of October 2024

Funny story, for anyone wondering why there are so far fewer comics on this list than in recent months: it’s because, for the entire week I was at New York Comic Con, I didn’t read anything. I woke up and went to work, and I worked until my eyes started closing by themselves, for the most part. I certainly wasn’t able to have a clear enough head to read, so… October was accidentally kind of three weeks long for me? Oops.

It strikes me now that I should have read more horror in October, because of Halloween and “spooky season” and all that, but that didn’t occur to me at the time. A second oops, in that case. So, what did I read? Gaze upon the list below, dear friends.

  1. Detective Comics (1937) #s 840-841
  2. Tales of the Unnamed: The Blizzard #s 3-12
  3. DC Comics Presents (1978) #18
  4. The Flash (1959) #296
  5. DC All In Special #1
  6. Immortal Thor #16
  7. Storm (2024) #1
  8. Venom War #3
  9. Venom War: Spider-Man #3
  10. X-Men (2024) #5
  11. The Flash (1959) #297
  12. Star Wars: The Battle of Jakuu – Insurgency Rising #1
  13. 2000 AD 40th Anniversary Special
  14. 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 2020
  15. 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 2024
  16. Armoured Gideon Book One
  17. Zombo: Can I Eat You? 
  18. Detective Comics (1937) #s 842-845
  19. Zatanna: Everyday Magic
  20. Zatanna (2010) #1
  21. Daredevil (2023) #14
  22. Deadpool (2024) #4
  23. Robbie Reyes, Ghost Rider #1
  24. NYX (2024) #3
  25. Phoenix (2024) #3
  26. Wolverine: Deep Cut #4
  27. Zatanna Special #1
  28. Batman & Robin (2023) #14
  29. Detective Comics (1937) #s 846-850, 852
  30. Batman (1940) #685
  31. Gotham City Sirens (2009) #1
  32. Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files Vol. 45
  33. The Flash (1959) #s 298-300
  34. Gotham City Sirens (2009) #s 2-6
  35. Absolute Power #s 1-4
  36. DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos #1
  37. DC’s I Know What You Did Last Crisis #1
  38. Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1
  39. Green Lantern (2005) #21
  40. Green Lantern Corps (2006) #14
  41. Showcase (1956) #34
  42. Secret Origins (1986) #29
  43. The Atom Special #1
  44. Giant-Size Atom #1
  45. Justice League of America: The Atom – Rebirth #1
  46. Green Lantern (1960) #13
  47. The Flash (1959) #131
  48. Green Lantern (2005) #22
  49. Green Lantern Corps (2006) #15
  50. The Flash (1959) #s 301-303
  51. Green Lantern (2005) #s 23-24
  52. Green Lantern Corps (2006) #s 16-17
  53. Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Parallax #1
  54. Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Cyborg Superman #1
  55. Blue Beetle (2006) #20
  56. Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superboy Prime #1
  57. Green Lantern (2005) #25
  58. Green Lantern Corps (2006) #s 18-19
  59. Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Ion #1
  60. Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps: Secret Files #1
  61. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #18
  62. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #59
  63. Exceptional X-Men #2
  64. Spider-Man: Black Suit & Blood #3
  65. Conquest 2099 #1
  66. Sentinels #1
  67. Ultimates (2024) #5
  68. Venom (2021) #38
  69. X-Force (2024) #4
  70. Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) #s 13-15
  71. Scooby-Doo Team-Up #s 65-66, 99-100
  72. Doctor Who: Once Upon A Time Lord
  73. The Flash (1959) #304
  74. World’s Finest Comics #198
  75. The Flash (1959) #305
  76. Green Lantern (1960) #20
  77. The Flash (1959) #175
  78. World’s Finest Comics #199
  79. The Brave & The Bold (1955) #72
  80. Blade: Red Band #1
  81. Marvel Zombie: Dawn of Decay #2
  82. Fantastic Four (2022) #26
  83. The Flash (1959) #143
  84. Green Lantern (1960) #43
  85. Get Fury #6
  86. Deathlok 50th Anniversary #1
  87. The Flash (1959) #168
  88. The Brave & The Bold (1955) #s 67, 81, 99, 125 (Batman/Flash team-ups)
  89. DC vs. Vampires: World War V #3
  90. The Flash (1959) #s 306-308
  91. DC Comics Presents (1978) #s 1-2
  92. The Brave & The Bold (1955) #151
  93. Justice League 3000 #1
  94. The Flash (1959) #309
  95. Justice League 3000 #s 2-7
  96. G.I. Joe (2024) #1
  97. The Flash (1987) #19
  98. Blue Devil #30
  99. The Flash (1959) #155
  100. Justice League 3000 #s 8-10
  101. The Flash (1959) #312
  102. Justice League 3000 #s 11-15
  103. DCYou Sneak Peek: Justice League 3001 #1
  104. Justice League 3001 #1
  105. Action Comics (2011) #41
  106. Batman/Superman (2013) #1
  107. JLA (2015) #1
  108. Fantastic Four (1961) #6
  109. Action Comics (2011) #s 42-44
  110. Batman/Superman (2013) #s 2-5
  111. Catwoman (2001) #s 44-45
  112. The Joker (1975) #s 2-4
  113. Startling Stories: Fantastic Four – Unstable Molecules #1
  114. The Flash (1959) #174
  115. The Flash (1959) #313-314
  116. Dr. Fate (1987) #1
  117. Swamp Thing (1985) #80
  118. The Spectre (1987) #22
  119. The Flash (1987) #20
  120. Invasion! #1
  121. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #19
  122. Stop Project 2025
  123. The Flash (1959) #s 315-316
  124. The Flash (1959) #s 317-319
  125. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Special Edition #1
  126. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Special Edition #1
  127. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Special Edition #1
  128. Judge Dredd Megazine #473
  129. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #10
  130. Uncanny X-Men (2024) #4
  131. Mystique (2024) #1
  132. Crypt of Shadows (2024) #1
  133. Star Wars: The Battle of Jakuu – Insurgency Rising #2
  134. Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (1989) #6
  135. 2000 AD Prog 2406
  136. Nightwing (2016) #118
  137. Absolute Wonder Woman #1
  138. Detective Comics #1090
  139. Green Arrow (2023) #17
  140. Superman (2023) #19
  141. The Flash (2023) #14
  142. Nightwing (2016) #119
  143. Action Comics #s 1072-1074
  144. Batman (2016) #154
  145. Little Batman: Month One #1
  146. Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (1989) #s 7-10
  147. Alien: Romulus #1
  148. Avengers (2023) #19
  149. Dazzler (2024) #2
  150. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #18
  151. Iron Man (2024) #1
  152. X-Men (2024) #6
  153. X-Factor (2024) #3
  154. Spider-Boy #12
  155. Scarlet Witch (2024) #5
  156. Conquest 2099 #2
  157. Venom War: Carnage #3
  158. JSA (2024) #1
  159. Absolute Superman #1
  160. Shazam! (2023) #17
  161. Justice League of America (1960) #s 139-140
  162. 1st Issue Special #5
  163. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 5-10
  164. Birds of Prey (2023) #15
  165. Action Comics #1075
  166. Absolute Batman #2
  167. Absolute Batman Noir Edition #1
  168. Batman: Dark Age #6
  169. Batman & Robin (2023) #15
  170. Green Lantern (2023) #17
  171. Justice League Unlimited (2024) #1
  172. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #20
  173. Vertigo Voices: Face #1
  174. Justice League of America (1960) #141
  175. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 11-16
  176. Suicide Squad Annual (1988) #1
  177. Doom Patrol/Suicide Squad Special #1
  178. Justice League of America (1960) #s 142
  179. Manhunter (1988) #1
  180. The Golden Age #1
  181. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 17-19
  182. Deadshot (1988) #s 1-4
  183. The Golden Age #s 2-4
  184. Treasury of British Comics Annual 2025
  185. Brink Book Four
  186. Brink Book Five
  187. Ghost Rider 2099 #1
  188. Justice League of America (1960) #143
  189. Brink Book Six
  190. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 20-26
  191. Checkmate (1988) #s 16-17
  192. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 27-28
  193. Manhunter (1988) #14
  194. Firestorm #86
  195. Justice League of America (1960) #144
  196. Checkmate (1988) #18
  197. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 29-30
  198. Captain Atom (1987) #30
  199. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 31-32
  200. Manhunter (1988) #s 2-4
  201. The Spectre (1992) #s 1-4
  202. Secret Origins (1986) #15
  203. Justice League of America (1960) #s 145-146
  204. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #60
  205. The Spectre (1992) #s 5-8
  206. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 33-39
  207. Secret Origins (1986) #17
  208. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 40-43
  209. Justice League of America (1960) #149
  210. The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1
  211. Suicide Squad (1987) #44
  212. Justice League of America (1960) #150
  213. Star Trek (1984) #s 9-10
  214. Adventure Comics (1938) #s 431-440
  215. Doom Patrol (2001) #s 1-10
  216. Justice League of America (1960) #153
  217. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 45-50
  218. Justice League of America (1960) #158
  219. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #21
  220. Midnight, Mass. #1
  221. Jenny Sparks (2024) #5
  222. Milestone Universe: The Shadow Cabinet #1
  223. Suicide Squad (1987) #51

The Fastest Obsession Alive

I wish I could explain to myself, as much as you, what possessed me to start collecting old The Flash comics last month with the speed and ferocity that I went after them. I’d been re-reading a collection of the final issues of the series — the so-called “Trial of the Flash” storyline, which is strange and a little camp and gloriously awkward in such interesting and delicious ways as it tries to marry a 1950s approach to story with the 1980s when it was published — when I realized that it was a comic that really didn’t feel like anything else, even surrounded by countless other comics it had inspired. I’m not sure what this is, I thought, I want more.

That I had this thought a week before a local comic show seemed like fate, and so I found the few cheap back issue sellers there (didn’t there used to be more? There should be more, again), and picked up a handful of copies. And then, inspired by that experience, I picked up a few more on eBay. And then a few more. And then more, and so on. The end result? Within three weeks, I had somewhere in the region of 30-40 issues. Thanks, my lowkey version of hyperfocus.

Here’s the thing, though: I don’t regret it at all, and not just because I picked up most of them at bargain prices. Instead, I’m if anything more obsessed by the very particular tone and obsessive nature that the comic displays in almost all of these issues. By hanging on to tropes established decades earlier when they were in fashion, The Flash‘s 1970s and 1980s comics are these fascinating examples of what happens when ideas and cliches metastasize and become something else in the process: there’s true danger in these stories — people die, even the Flash’s wife — but it’s all treated with a lightness and melodrama that defangs everything and suggests that nothing really bad can ever happen, with whatever energies should (and traditionally would) be put into emotionally responding to trauma being instead diverted into answering any one of the outlanding questions each story is built around: How can a man die in the morning and get married in the evening?!? What does it mean that my enemy is now my best friend — and knows my true identity?!? Why am I surrounded by dinosaurs and how can they help wake up this child from their coma?!?

(Yes, that last one is real.)

Each of these comics asks a very particular suspension of disbelief, and then goes on to reward that with stories filled with imagination, good humor, and no small level of whimsy. They’re clearly comics for kids, but done in such a way that I almost feel as if I had to age into in order to fully appreciate. Pow! Zoom! Comics aren’t just for kids anymore, as the tagline used to claim, for real.

The Comics of September 2024

First off, I know; I can’t quite believe I re-read all of Countdown to Final Crisis either, especially given that it must have been the third or fourth time I’ve read it. It’s not any good, and yet I periodically just… come back to it. I’m sorry, everyone. Much more fulfilling was revisiting Steve Englehart and Joe Staton’s The Green Lantern Corps, a massively fulfilling experience for me when I was 12, and happily the same when I was 49. I probably shouldn’t be so eager to admit that, and yet…

  1. The Flash (1987) #s 76-79
  2. The Flash: Rebirth #1
  3. The Flash: Rebirth #s 2-6
  4. X-Men: From The Ashes Infinity Comic #13
  5. The Flash (1959) #300
  6. Daredevil (2023) #13
  7. Exceptional X-Men #1
  8. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #16
  9. The Immortal Thor #15
  10. Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay #1
  11. What If Donald Duck Became Thor? #1
  12. Moon Knight Annual 2024 #1
  13. Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2022) #24
  14. Scarlet Witch (2024) #4
  15. Spectacular Spider-Men #7
  16. Spider-Boy #11
  17. Star Wars: The Acolyte – Kelnacca #1
  18. The Ultimates (2024) #4
  19. Venom War: Spider-Man #2
  20. Venom War #2
  21. Flesh Books 1-2
  22. Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1
  23. Green Lantern (2011) #35
  24. Green Lantern Corps (2011) #35
  25. Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011) #35
  26. Red Lanterns (2011) #35
  27. Sinestro (2013) #6
  28. New Gods (1971) #1
  29. Wonder Woman (1987) #s 101-103
  30. Green Lantern (2011) #36
  31. Green Lantern Corps (2011) #36
  32. Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011) #36
  33. Red Lanterns (2011) #36
  34. Sinestro (2013) #7
  35. Wonder Woman (1987) #104
  36. Green Lantern (2011) #37
  37. Green Lantern Corps (2011) #37
  38. Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011) #37
  39. Red Lanterns (2011) #37
  40. Sinestro (2013) #8
  41. Green Lantern Annual (2012) #3
  42. All-New Collector’s Edition #56 (Superman vs Muhammad Ali)
  43. Absolute Power: Super Son #1
  44. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #31
  45. Superman (2023) #18
  46. Wonder Woman (2023) #13
  47. Jenny Sparks #2
  48. John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #9
  49. Absolute Power: Origins #3
  50. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #7
  51. Green Arrow (2023) #16
  52. The Flash (2023) #13
  53. Titans (2023) #15
  54. Detective Comics #s 1084-1089
  55. Super Powers (1985) #1
  56. MultiVersus: Collision Detected #1
  57. Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story
  58. Dawn of DC: Knight Terrors FCBD 2023 Special Edition #1
  59. Knight Terrors: First Blood #1
  60. Knight Terrors #1
  61. 2000 AD Prog 2400
  62. Judge Dredd Megazine #472
  63. Knight Terrors #s 2-4
  64. Knight Terrors: Night’s End #1
  65. Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Battle Lines #1
  66. Batman (2016) #s 137-188
  67. Catwoman (2018) #s 57-58
  68. Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Red Hood #s 1-2
  69. Batman/Catwoman; The Gotham War – Scorched Earth #1
  70. Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Prelude Batman Day Edition #1
  71. World War III (2007) #s 1-4 (52 spin-off)
  72. Sgt. Rock Annual #3
  73. Questprobe #3
  74. Super-Team Family #6
  75. The Flash (1959) #s 252, 268
  76. Action Comics (1938) #s 482, 512
  77. Sgt. Rock #s 345, 347, 368, 387
  78. G.I. Combat #288
  79. Blackhawk (1944) #258
  80. Green Lantern (1960) #s 123-124
  81. Judge Dredd by Mick McMahon Apex Edition
  82. Green Lantern (1960) #125
  83. The Flash (1959) #296
  84. DC Comics Presents: Captain Atom #1
  85. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 51-49 (Series is numbered backwards)
  86. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 48-43
  87. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #51
  88. Mystic (2000) #1
  89. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #14
  90. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #6
  91. Star Wars (2020) #47
  92. Star Trek: Defiant #s 8-11
  93. Star Trek: Defiant Annual #1
  94. Our Army at War #233
  95. Justice League of America (1960) #109
  96. Wolverine (2024) #1
  97. Star-Spangled War Stories #183
  98. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The Scorpius Run #s 1-5
  99. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 42-40
  100. Justice League of America (1960) #123
  101. Uncanny X-Men (2024) #2
  102. Justice League of America (1960) #124
  103. Star Wars (2020) #50
  104. Avengers Assemble (2024) #1
  105. Captain America (2023) #13
  106. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #57
  107. All-Star Squadron #s 1-3
  108. The Flash (1959) #s 260, 263-264
  109. Justice League of America (1960) #127
  110. All-Star Squadron #s 4-5
  111. The Lovable Lockheed Infinity Comic #1
  112. Absolute Batman #1
  113. Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #s 7-13
  114. All-Flash Special #1
  115. Justice League of America (1960) #117
  116. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #40
  117. Amazons Attack! (2007) #s 1-6
  118. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 39-34
  119. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #201
  120. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 33-31
  121. Justice League of America Wedding Special #1
  122. Justice League of America (2006) #13-15
  123. Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special #1
  124. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 30-29
  125. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 28-27
  126. Countdown to Final Crisis # 26
  127. The Lovable Lockheed Infinity Comic #2
  128. Savage Wolverine #7
  129. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 203-204
  130. Countdown to Final Crisis #s 25-21
  131. Salvation Run #s 1-2
  132. Countdown to Mystery #s 1-8
  133. Countdown to Final Crisis #20
  134. Countdown: Arena #s 1-4
  135. Salvation Run #s 3-7
  136. Countdown to Final Crisis #s 19-1
  137. DC Universe #0
  138. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #205
  139. DC Retroactive: Green Lantern – The ‘70s #1
  140. DC Retroactive: Justice League of America – The ‘70s #1
  141. Secret Origins (1986) #7
  142. Sword of the Atom (1983) #s 1-4
  143. Power of the Atom #s 1-2
  144. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #206
  145. Vengeance of the Moon Knight #9
  146. Spider-Man: Reign 2 #3
  147. The Sixth Gun #1
  148. Fantastic Four (2022) #25
  149. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #207
  150. Batman (1940) #401
  151. Detective Comics (1935) #568
  152. The Warlord (1976) #s 114-115
  153. G.O.D.S. #8
  154. Spider-Man/Deadpool #s 1-2
  155. Spider-Man/Deadpool #s 3-6
  156. Deadpool Team-Up #893
  157. Spider-Man: The Short Halloween #1
  158. Heroic Age: 1 Month 2 Live #1
  159. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 208-210
  160. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #15
  161. Avengers (2023) #15
  162. Spider-Man/Deadpool #s 7-18
  163. House of Mystery (2008) #1
  164. 2000 AD Prog 2401
  165. DC Retroactive: Green Lantern – The ‘80s #1
  166. DC Retroactive: Justice League International – The ‘90s #1
  167. Red Tornado (1985) #1
  168. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #13
  169. Blood Hunt #3
  170. Giant-Size Daredevil (2024) #1
  171. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 211-213
  172. X-Men (2024) #4
  173. X-Factor (2024) #2
  174. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #17
  175. Dazzler (2024) #1
  176. Black Canary (2024) #1
  177. Hyde Street #1
  178. Avengers (2023) #18
  179. Spider-Man: Black, White and Blood #2
  180. The Power Fantasy #2
  181. Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #50
  182. Spider-Boy Annual #1
  183. Wolverine: Deep Cuts #3
  184. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 214-216
  185. Joker: The World OGN
  186. Batman/Elmer Fudd #1
  187. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #8
  188. Deadpool (2024) #6
  189. Venom War: Deadpool #1
  190. Venom War: Lethal Protectors #1
  191. Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #3
  192. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #217
  193. Green Lantern (2023) #s 1-2
  194. Green Lantern: Knight Terrors #s 1-2
  195. Sinestro #s 1-4
  196. Green Lantern (2023) #s 3-12
  197. Green Lantern (2021) #1
  198. Green Lantern (2005) #10
  199. 2000 AD Prog 2402
  200. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 218-219
  201. Millennium (1987) #1
  202. Young All-Stars #s 8-9
  203. The Flash (1987) #8
  204. Justice League International (1987) #9
  205. Wonder Woman (1986) #12
  206. Outsiders (1985) #27
  207. Firestorm (1982) #67
  208. Batman (1940) #415
  209. Blue Beetle (1986) #20
  210. Superman (1986) #13
  211. Adventures of Superman (1986) #436
  212. Booster Gold (1985) #24
  213. Infinity, Inc. (1984) #46
  214. Teen Titans Spotlight #18
  215. Action Comics (1938) #596
  216. The Lobo Cancelation Special #1
  217. Detective Comics (1937) #582
  218. Suicide Squad (1987) #9
  219. The Spectre (1987) #10
  220. Captain Atom (1986) #11
  221. Generations: Fractured (Detective Comics #1027 short)
  222. Generations: Shattered #1
  223. Generations: Forged #1
  224. Millennium #s 2-3
  225. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #220
  226. The Flash (1987) #9
  227. Justice League International (1987) #10
  228. Wonder Woman (1986) #13
  229. Outsiders (1985) #28
  230. Firestorm (1982) #68
  231. Blue Beetle (1986) #21
  232. Superman (1986) #14
  233. The Shadow War of Hawkman #s 1-4
  234. Hawkman Special (1986) #1
  235. Action Comics (1938) #s 588-589
  236. Millennium #s 4-7
  237. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #221
  238. Millennium #8
  239. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 222-223
  240. The Immortal Thor #12
  241. DC Comics Presents (1978) #95
  242. Hawkman (1986) #1
  243. Infinity, Inc. (1984) #47
  244. The Spectre (1987) #11
  245. Teen Titans Spotlight #19
  246. Jeff Week Infinity Comic #1
  247. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #1
  248. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #52
  249. Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #9
  250. Doctor Strange (2023) #16
  251. Wolverine: Revenge #2
  252. Uncanny X-Men (2024) #3
  253. Avengers Annual (2024) #1
  254. Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #58
  255. Daredevil: Woman Without Fear (2024) #3
  256. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #9
  257. Absolute Power #4
  258. DC All In Special #1
  259. Justice Society of America (2022) #12
  260. Batman (2016) #153
  261. Plastic Man No More! #2
  262. War of the Gods #1
  263. Wonder Woman (1986) #58
  264. Superman: The Man of Steel (1991) #3
  265. Action Comics (1938) #s 1070-1071
  266. Green Lantern Civil Corps Special #1
  267. Green Lantern (2023) #16
  268. Batman and Robin: Year One #1
  269. Jenny Sparks #3
  270. Birds of Prey (2023) #14
  271. Shazam! (2023) #16
  272. The New Guardians (1988) #s 1-4
  273. G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #301
  274. The New Guardians (1988) #s 5-8
  275. Dark Nights: Death Metal #7
  276. Infinite Frontier #0
  277. The New Guardians (1988) #s 9-12
  278. All-New Collector’s Edition #54
  279. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #32
  280. Titans (2023) #16
  281. Wonder Woman (2023) #14
  282. 100-Page Super Spectacular #22
  283. The Flash (1959) #s 269, 271-272
  284. The Flash (1958) #s 274, 290-291
  285. Hawkman (1986) #s 2-3
  286. The Flash (1958) #s 292-295
  287. Detective Comics (1937) #s 821-826
  288. The Forged #1
  289. Tales of the Unnamed: The Blizzard #s 1-2 
  290. X-Men: From The Ashes Infinity Comic #17
  291. Detective Comics (1937) #s 827-832
  292. Hawkman (1986) #s 4-6
  293. DC Comics Presents (1978) #17
  294. Justice League of America (1960) #s 179-180
  295. Doodlepool Infinity Comic #1
  296. Detective Comics (1937) #s 833-837
  297. Hawkman (1986) #s 7-11
  298. G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #s 302-305

The Comics of August 2024

Another month where I was convinced I’d been reading significantly less than usual, only for the final tally to surprise me. This month, we can especially appreciate what in both cases started as accidental, and then very purposeful, dives into the DC back catalogs of both Geoff Johns (Doomsday Clock and afterwards, specifically) and Tom Taylor, starting with Nightwing and moving forward. As you’ll also see for the end of the month, I got very, very into revisiting The Flash in multiple different incarnations, to the point where I have crude operating theories about the differences between Barry, Wally, and so on. Sometimes, I worry about my brain.

  1. Superman/Wonder Woman: Whom Gods Destroy #s 1-2
  2. Cobra Commander #s 1-5
  3. Superman/Wonder Woman: Whom Gods Destroy #s 3-4
  4. Superman: True Brit OGN
  5. Superman/Batman (2003) #26
  6. Sovereign Seven #3
  7. Superman: The Secret Years #1
  8. Detective Comics (1937) #s 501-502
  9. Showcase ‘95 #12
  10. Teen Titans: Year One #s 1-6
  11. World’s Finest: Teen Titans #1
  12. Classic X-Men #s 10-13
  13. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #106
  14. Infinite Frontier #0
  15. Infinite Frontier Secret Files #s 1-6
  16. Future State: Justice League #s 1-2
  17. Classic X-Men #s 14-15
  18. Wolverine (1988) #88
  19. Wolverine ‘95 #1
  20. Deadpool (1997) #27
  21. Wolverine ‘99 Annual #1
  22. Wolverine (1988) #154-155
  23. Cable & Deadpool #s 43-44
  24. Wolverine: Origins #s 21-25
  25. Classic X-Men #16
  26. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #110
  27. Classic X-Men #17
  28. Universal Monsters: Dracula #1
  29. The Immortal Thor #10
  30. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #12
  31. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #9
  32. Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime #1
  33. Armageddon 2001 #s 1-2
  34. Avengers (2023) #17
  35. Doctor Strange (2023) #18
  36. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #15
  37. Uncanny X-Men (2024) #1
  38. Wolverine: Deep Cuts #2
  39. Venom War #1
  40. Spider-Man: Reign 2 #2
  41. Blood Hunters v2 #1
  42. Daredevil (2023) #12
  43. Marvel’s What If Donald Duck was Wolverine? #1
  44. Spider-Man: Black Suit and Blood #1
  45. Spectacular Spider-Men #6
  46. Lazarus Planet: Alpha #1
  47. Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton #1
  48. Lazarus Planet: We Once We Gods #1
  49. Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn #1
  50. Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution #1
  51. Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1
  52. Lazarus Planet: Omega #1
  53. Catwoman (2018) #1
  54. Firestorm (1978) #s 1-2
  55. Venom (2021) #18
  56. Firestorm (1978) #3
  57. Venom (2021) #19
  58. Firestorm (1978) #s 4-6 (#6 originally unpublished, available on DCUI)
  59. DC Comics Presents (1978) #s 17, 45
  60. The Brave and the Bold (1955) #172
  61. The Fury of Firestorm (1982) #1
  62. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #s 1-4
  63. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #s 5-12, 0
  64. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #13 (Yes, a very mild name change)
  65. Legends of Tomorrow: Firestorm #1
  66. Venom (2021) #s 20-25
  67. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #s 111-113
  68. Zero Hour 30th Anniversary Special #1
  69. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #5
  70. Absolute Power: Origins #2
  71. The Flash (2023) #12
  72. Green Arrow (2023) #15
  73. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #14
  74. Captain Atom (2011) #s 1-4
  75. The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #s 1-3
  76. Batman (1989 movie adaptation)
  77. Batman Returns (1992 movie adaptation)
  78. The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #s 4-6
  79. Captain Atom (2011) #s 4-12, 0
  80. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #s 15-20
  81. Venom (2021) #s 26-32
  82. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #s 1-2
  83. Dogpool Infinity Comic #s 2-3
  84. Legends of Tomorrow: Firestorm #s 2-4
  85. Legion Lost (2011) #s 1-16, 0
  86. Venom (2021) #33
  87. Fantastic Four (2022) #20
  88. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #49
  89. Giant-Size X-Men (2024) #1
  90. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #10
  91. Wolverine (1982) #s 1-4
  92. Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #s 1-10 (Wolverine stories only)
  93. Wolverine (1988) #1
  94. X-Factor (2024) #1
  95. X-Men (2024) #2
  96. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #55
  97. Fantastic Four (2022) #23
  98. Venom (2021) #36
  99. Venom War: Spider-Man #1
  100. Vengeance of the Moon Knight #8
  101. Doctor Strange (2023) #15
  102. Blood Hunters (Vol 1) #1
  103. Captain America (2023) #9
  104. Avengers (2023) #14
  105. Daredevil (2023) #9
  106. The Nice House by the Sea #2
  107. DC vs Vampires: World War V #1
  108. Gotham City Sirens (2024) #s 1-4
  109. Starman (1994) #s 0, 1
  110. Starman (1988) #1
  111. 1st Issue Special #12
  112. Adventure Comics (1938) #467
  113. Punchline Special #1
  114. Starman (1994) #s 2-3
  115. The Immortal Thor #14
  116. Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #s 26-31
  117. Absolute Power #3
  118. Batman (2016) #152
  119. Plastic Man No More! #1
  120. Birds of Prey (2023) #13
  121. The Penguin #12
  122. Justice Society of America (2022) #11
  123. Absolute Power #s 1-2
  124. Doomsday Clock #s 1-4
  125. Doomsday Clock #s 5-12
  126. Dark Crisis: Big Bang #1
  127. Birds of Prey (2023) #s 7-12
  128. Nightwing (2016) #s 94-98
  129. The Transformers: The Movie (1986) #s 1-3
  130. Spider-Boy #s 4-6
  131. Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7
  132. Nightwing Annual 2022 #1
  133. Nightwing (2016) #s 99-104
  134. Dark Horse Comics #s 15-19 (Aliens stories only)
  135. Aliens: Music of the Spears #s 1-4
  136. Aliens: Stronghold #s 1-4
  137. Captain Atom (1965) #s 83-84
  138. Captain Atom (1986) #s 1-3
  139. The L.A.W. #1
  140. Captain Atom: Armageddon #s 1, 9
  141. Extreme Justice #18
  142. Superman/Batman (2003) #s 1-6
  143. Superman/Batman (2003) #s 7-25
  144. Iron Fist 50th Anniversary Special #1
  145. Petrol Head #s 1-5
  146. Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #10
  147. Ultraman/Avengers #1
  148. Justice League (1987) #s 1-3
  149. Nightwing (2016) #s 105-109
  150. Titans (2023) #s 1-5
  151. Titans: Beast World #s 1-6
  152. Titans (2023) #s 6-14
  153. Nightwing (2016) #s 110-117
  154. Nightwing Annual 2024 #1
  155. Doom (2024) #1
  156. The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #1
  157. Batman: The Detective #1
  158. Superman: Son of Kal-El #s 1-6
  159. Superman: Son of Kal-El Annual 2022 #1
  160. Superman: Son of Kal-El #s 7-13
  161. X-Men: From The Ashes Infinity Comic #11
  162. Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #s 32-36
  163. The Moon is Following Us #1
  164. Superman: Son of Kal-El #s 14-18
  165. Jughead (2015) #2
  166. Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #s 1-6
  167. Injustice: Year Zero #s 1-8
  168. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #4
  169. Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #s 37-40
  170. Giant-Size Thor (2024) #1
  171. Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual (2024) #1
  172. Spider-Woman (2023) #10
  173. Phoenix (2024) #2
  174. Namor (2024) #2
  175. Predator vs. Black Panther #1
  176. Scarlet Witch (2024) #3
  177. Star Wars (2020) #49
  178. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #8
  179. Wolverine: Revenge #1
  180. Injustice: Year Zero #s 9-14
  181. Injustice 2 Annual #2
  182. Batman: The Detective #s 2-6
  183. The Green Lantern #1
  184. Jughead (2015) #s 3-5
  185. Batman: Dark Age #1
  186. Batman: Dark Age #s 2-5
  187. Superman: Space Age #s 1-3
  188. Harley Quinn: Make ‘Em Laugh #s 1-3
  189. Superman & Bugs Bunny #1
  190. Jughead (2015) #6
  191. Judge Dredd: Machine Law
  192. Dreadnoughts: Nothing to Fear
  193. Rogue Trooper: Souther Belle
  194. Rogue Trooper: Recon
  195. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6
  196. Green Lantern (2023) #15
  197. Batman & Robin (2023) #13
  198. DC vs Vampires: World War V #2
  199. Superman & Bugs Bunny #s 2-4
  200. Dan Dare (2018) #s 1-4
  201. James Bond: 007 (2023) #s 1-3
  202. Ultimate Invasion #s 1-4
  203. Ultimate Universe (2023) #1
  204. Ultimates (2024) #s 1-2
  205. Ultimate Black Panther #s 1-3
  206. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #s 1-4
  207. FCBD Ultimate Universe/Spider-Man 2024 #1
  208. The Spirit Artisan Edition
  209. Rok of the Reds #1
  210. Alien: The Illustrated Story OGN
  211. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #202
  212. Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #s 1-2
  213. Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #1
  214. The Green Lantern #s 2-8
  215. Justice League (1987) #s 4-6
  216. Justice League International (1987) #7
  217. John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #s 1-4
  218. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #50
  219. The Immortal Thor #11
  220. Ultimate Black Panther #4
  221. The Green Lantern #s 9-12
  222. Green Lantern: Blackstars #s 1-3
  223. Star Wars (2020) #46
  224. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #12
  225. Predator: The Last Hunt #4
  226. Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #8
  227. Dogpool Infinity Comic #5
  228. John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #s 5-8
  229. Aliens vs Avengers #1
  230. Marvel 85th Anniversary Special #1
  231. Deadpool Team-Up (2024) #1
  232. X-Men (2024) #3
  233. X-Force (2024) #2
  234. Incredible Hulk Annual 2024 #1
  235. Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #56
  236. Venom War: Zombiotes #1
  237. Phases of the Moon Knight #1
  238. NYX (2024) #2
  239. Fantastic Four (2022) #24
  240. The Flash (1959) #s 340-344
  241. Flashpoint Beyond #s 0, 6
  242. Legion of Super-Heroes (2011) #23
  243. The Flash (1959) #s 345-347
  244. The Flash (1959) #s 348-350
  245. The Flash (2010) #8
  246. The Flash (1987) #197
  247. Final Crisis: Rogues Revenge #1
  248. Secret Origins (1986) #41
  249. The Flash (2023) #s 1-8
  250. The Flash Annual 2024 #1
  251. The Flash (2023) #s 9-12
  252. The Flash (1959) #s 275, 277-278, 280-284
  253. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #5
  254. House of Harkness Infinity Comic #1
  255. The New Golden Age #1
  256. Justice Society of America (2022) #s 1-6
  257. The Flash (1987) #s 62-65
  258. The Flash (1987) #s 66-75
  259. Justice Society of America (2022) #s 7-10

The Comics of July 2024

Although it doesn’t look like it, I barely read any comics during San Diego Comic-Con; instead, I read an obscene amount before the show, and getting sick upon returning freed up time to do similar then, too.

  1. X-Men: The Wedding Special (2024) #1
  2. X-Factor (1986) #s 1-5
  3. Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #s 11-13
  4. All-New X-Men (2012) #s 22-24
  5. Uncanny X-Men (2013) #s 15-22
  6. All-New X-Men (2012) #s 25-29
  7. Rom Spaceknight #s 46-47
  8. Uncanny X-Men (2013) #23
  9. All-New X-Men (2012) #30
  10. Annihilation 2099 #1
  11. Amazing Spider-Man Annual (2024) #1
  12. Black Panther: Blood Hunt #3
  13. Deadpool (2024) #4
  14. Doctor Strange (2023) #17
  15. Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2022) #22
  16. Spider-Man: Reign 2 #1
  17. Star Wars: The Inquisitors #1
  18. Venom (2021) #35
  19. Werewolf by Night: Blood Hunt #1
  20. Wolverine: Deep Cut #1
  21. X-Men: Psylocke – Blood Hunt #1
  22. Absolute Power #1
  23. Rom Spaceknight #48
  24. Uncanny X-Men (2013) #s 24-31
  25. All-New X-Men (2012) #s 31-36
  26. Cyclops (2014) #1
  27. Rom Spaceknight #s 49-50
  28. Cyclops (2014) #s 2-7
  29. All-New X-Men (2012) #37
  30. Uncanny X-Men Annual (2014) #1
  31. All-New X-Men Annual (2014) #1
  32. Uncanny X-Men (2013) #s 32-35
  33. Cyclops (2014) #s 8-12
  34. Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha #1
  35. Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #s 24-25
  36. All-New X-Men (2012) #s 38-39
  37. Guardians Team-Up #3
  38. Nova (2013) #8
  39. Captain Marvel (2014) #14
  40. Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex Omega #1
  41. All-New X-Men (2012) #s 40-41
  42. Uncanny X-Men (2013) #600
  43. Extermination (2018) #s 1-5 (Original X-Men get sent home series)
  44. Rom Annual #2
  45. X-Factor (1986) #s 6-9
  46. Generation X (1994) #1
  47. GODS #6
  48. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #46
  49. Daredevil (2023) #7
  50. Thunderbolts (2023) #4
  51. Predator: The Last Hunt #2
  52. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #3
  53. Marvel Two-in-One (1974) #86
  54. X-Factor (1986) #s 10-12
  55. Wolverine (2020) #s 41-45
  56. Phoenix Resurrection #s 1-2
  57. Uncanny X-Men (2016) #1
  58. Uncanny X-Men (2018) #1
  59. X-Factor (1986) #s 13-15
  60. Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #s 260-261
  61. Wolverine (2020) #s 46-50
  62. X-Factor (1986) #s 16-23
  63. Archie (2015) #s 1-12
  64. X-Factor (1986) #s 24-26
  65. Archie (2015) #s 13-32
  66. Legion Lost (2000) #s 1-2
  67. Archie (2015) #700 (Yes, it got renumbered)
  68. Betty & Veronica (2016) #s 1-2
  69. Justice League of America Annual (1983) #2 
  70. Justice League (2011) #s 22-23
  71. Justice League of America (2013) #s 6-7
  72. Justice League Dark (2011) #s 22-23
  73. Superman (2011) #13
  74. Superboy (2011) #14
  75. Supergirl (2011) #14
  76. Superboy Annual (2012) #1
  77. Superman (2011) #s 14-17
  78. Superboy (2011) #s 15-17
  79. Supergirl (2011) #s 15-17
  80. Superman/Wonder Woman #s 1-7
  81. The New 52: Future’s End #0
  82. Earth 2: World’s End #1
  83. Convergence #0
  84. X-Men: From The Ashes Infinity Comic #5
  85. The New 52: Future’s End #s 1-4
  86. The Immortal Thor #9
  87. Captain America (2023) #8
  88. The Avengers (2023) #12
  89. The Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #s 6-7
  90. Alien: Black, White & Blood #3
  91. Betty & Veronica (2016) #3
  92. Star Wars (2020) #s 34-36
  93. Spider-Man: Shadow of the Goblin #1
  94. Star Wars (2020) #s 37-42
  95. Identity Crisis #1
  96. Superior Spider-Man (2023) #5
  97. Star Wars (2020) #s 43-45
  98. Annihilation 2099 #2
  99. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #53
  100. Avengers (2023) #16
  101. Daredevil (2023) #11
  102. The Incredible Hulk: Blood Hunt #1
  103. Union Jack: Blood Hunt #3
  104. Wolverine: Blood Hunt #3
  105. X-Men (2024) #1
  106. X-Men:  Heir of Apocalypse #3
  107. Get Fury #3
  108. Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #5
  109. Ultimate Comics Ultimates #s 15-16
  110. Howard the Duck (1976) #8
  111. Superman (2006) #s 700-706
  112. The Power Fantasy #1
  113. Superman (2006) #s 707-711,713-714
  114. Superman (1939) #167
  115. Steel (2011) #1
  116. Outsiders (2007) #37
  117. Justice League of America (2006) #55
  118. Batman/Superman Annual (2006) #5
  119. Superboy (2010) #6
  120. Batman/Superman (2003) #75
  121. World’s Finest Comics (1941) #s 298-300
  122. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 9-13
  123. The New Teen Titans (1980) #s 39-44
  124. Tales of the Teen Titans Annual (1980) #3
  125. The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #s 1-3
  126. Justice League of America (1960) #s 195-197
  127. Ultimates (2024) #2
  128. Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #5
  129. Justice League of America (1960) #198
  130. Star Wars: Ahsoka #1
  131. Justice League of America (1960) #199
  132. Tales of the Teen Titans (1980) #s 45-48
  133. Absolute Power: Origins #1
  134. The Flash (2023) #11
  135. Tales of the Teen Titans (1980) #s 49-50
  136. Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #300
  137. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #s 2-3
  138. Green Arrow (2023) #14
  139. Batman: The Brave and The Bold (2023) #15
  140. Detective Comics (1937) #1087
  141. Zatanna: Bringing Down the House #2
  142. Green Lantern (2023) #13
  143. From the DC Vault – Death in the Family: Robin Lives #1
  144. Green Lantern: War Journal #11
  145. Shazam (2023) #13
  146. Catwoman (2018) #67
  147. Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter #1
  148. Power Girl (2023) #11
  149. Harley Quinn (2021) #42
  150. Tales of the Teen Titans (1980) #s 51-58
  151. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 1-6
  152. Justice League of America (1960) #s 232-236
  153. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinite Comic #6
  154. Justice League of America (1960) #s 237-238
  155. Batman and the Outsiders Annual (1984) #1
  156. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 14-16
  157. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 7-8
  158. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 17-19
  159. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 9-11
  160. Justice League of America (1960) #s 239, 241-244
  161. Infinity Inc. #19
  162. Absolute Power #2
  163. Batman (2016) #151
  164. Shazam (2023) #14
  165. Fantastic Four (2022) #19
  166. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 12-14
  167. Shade the Changing Man (1990) #s 33-35
  168. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #47
  169. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #11
  170. Immortal Thor Annual #1
  171. The Invincible Iron Man (2022) #20
  172. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #s 12-13
  173. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #14
  174. Dracula: Blood Hunt #3
  175. Namor (2024) #1
  176. Phoenix (2024) #1
  177. The Spectacular Spider-Men #5
  178. Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #3
  179. Blood Hunters #4
  180. Annihilation 2099 #4
  181. Spider-Woman (2023) #9
  182. X-Men: Blood Hunt – Laura Kinney the Wolverine #1
  183. Aliens: What If…? #5
  184. Ultimate X-Men (2024) #5
  185. Daredevil: Woman Without Fear (2024) #1
  186. Star Wars (2020) #48
  187. Scarlet Witch (2024) #2
  188. Kid Venom #1
  189. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #20
  190. Justice League of America Annual (1983) #3
  191. Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter #1
  192. Justice League of America (1960) #s 245-250
  193. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 21-24
  194. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 15-19
  195. The Omega Men (1983) #34
  196. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 25-27
  197. Star Wars: The High Republic (2022) #s 1-2
  198. Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter #s 2-4
  199. BRZRKR #1
  200. Batman and the Outsiders Annual (1984) #2
  201. DC Comics Presents #83
  202. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 28-32
  203. Adventures of the Outsiders (1986) #s 33-38
  204. The Outsiders (1985) #1
  205. Justice League of America (1960) #s 251-261
  206. Legends (1986) #s 1-2
  207. Cosmic Boy #s 1-2
  208. Force Works 2020 #s 1-3
  209. Iron Age 2020 #1
  210. Machine Man 2020 #s 1-2
  211. Machine Man (1984) #s 1-4
  212. Amazing Spider-Man Annual (1964) #20
  213. Iron Man 2020 (1994) #1
  214. Tony Stark, Iron Man #s 1-14
  215. Roxxon Presents: Thor #1
  216. Tony Stark, Iron Man #15
  217. Tony Stark, Iron Man #s 16-19
  218. Iron Man 2020 (2020) #s 1-6
  219. Avengers: Twilight #5
  220. Vengeance of the Moon Knight #7
  221. Wolverine: Blood Hunt #4
  222. Captain America (2023) #11
  223. Annihilation 2099 #4
  224. The Outsiders (1985) #s 2-6
  225. Detective Comics (1937) #566
  226. Batman (1940) #400
  227. The Outsiders (1985) #7
  228. Superman (1938) #s 412-415
  229. Avengers, Inc. #s 1-5
  230. Detective Comics (1937) #526
  231. Batman (1940) #321
  232. Classic X-Men #1
  233. Marvel Zero
  234. Batman (1940) #s 322-324
  235. Trinity (1993) #2
  236. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #s 94-98
  237. Classic X-Men #s 2-7
  238. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #54
  239. Black Widow: Venomous #1
  240. Blood Hunt #5
  241. Fantastic Four (2022) #22
  242. Hellverine #3
  243. Immortal Thor #13
  244. Ms. Marvel Annual 2024 #1
  245. Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt #3
  246. Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin #4
  247. X-Force (2024) #1
  248. X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #4
  249. Classic X-Men #s 8-9
  250. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #4
  251. Green Lantern (2023) #14
  252. Jenny Sparks (2024) #1
  253. Nightwing (2016) #117
  254. Wonder Woman (2023) #12
  255. Superman (2023) #17
  256. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #30
  257. Batman (1940) #s 325-326
  258. G.O.D.S. #7
  259. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #4
  260. Daredevil (2023) #8
  261. Superior Spider-Man (2023) #6
  262. Blade (2023) #10
  263. Predator: The Last Hunt #3
  264. Sovereign Seven #1
  265. The Impact Winter Special #1
  266. Batman (1940) #s 328-331
  267. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #s 7-8
  268. Dogpool Infinity Comic #1
  269. Catpool Infinity Comic #1
  270. Mousepool Infinity Comic #1
  271. Transformers (2023) #s 1-6
  272. Duke #s 1-5
  273. Titans (2023) #14
  274. Green Lantern: War Journal #12
  275. Batman (1940) #s 332-337
  276. Dogpool Team-Up Infinity Comic #1
  277. Sovereign Seven #2