Brand New Thing

Well, it seems to have gone live now, but the logo design thing I was talking about on Monday was redoing the logo for Shelfdust, the comic criticism site run by Steve Morris that I occasionally contribute to.

Steve made a somewhat open call for a new logo this weekend, which prompted Chloe to put my name forward publicly; as she put it, she did this because I’m bad at tooting my own horn. The two of us talked, which led me to putting together three proposals for him to choose from:

He went for the first, which was my favorite — and also one that I kind of arrived at by mistake. It started as a color version —

— the colors were placeholders, but I wondered how/if the image would work in black and white, which brought me onto the 45-degree lined version above, which is just much stronger, I think.

When Steve picked his favorite, he asked for one simple change, which was a smart one — he wanted the colors inverted.

I’m not sure it reads as well, but I’m also not sure that it doesn’t — I can see benefits for both versions, and so I was happy when he said that he planned to use both variants in future.

We also came up with banners.

The logo’s already in use, far sooner than I expected, but the whole thing was a joy from surprise start to speedy finish, not least of all because doing stuff with Steve is always a pleasure. But look at me, putting that art degree to use again…!

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