The Comics of November 2024

The first half of this month passed in a bit of a blur, for reasons I can’t even begin to comprehend — it’s not as if anything was particularly busy on my end, but I guess the election results left my head in more of a spin than I thought — but nonetheless, I kept on keeping on reading comics at a fair clip through the whole thing. Somehow, I ended up on both a John Ostrander’s DC work and a Greg Rucka’s later DC work kick (they’re connected, via Amanda Waller; I was also tracking through all the Suicide Squad material, as you can see), which proved to be far more enjoyable than I might have expected, despite the DC Universe Infinite app collapsing at the time. (It’s fixed, since; I celebrated by reading too many New Teen Titans comics, and oh boy.) Here’s what I read last month, anyway.

  1. Action Comics #1076
  2. Batman & Robin: Year One #2
  3. Batman & Robin: Year One Noir Edition #1
  4. Wonder Woman (2023) #15
  5. Titans (2023) #15
  6. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #33
  7. Catwoman (2018) #s 69-70
  8. Suicide Squad (1987) #52
  9. Justice League of America (1960) #159
  10. Star Wars: Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #3
  11. Wolverine: Revenge #3
  12. NYX (2024) #4
  13. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 53-59
  14. Captain America (2023) #14
  15. Deadpool Team-Up #3
  16. Phases of the Moon Knight #3
  17. Namor (2024) #4
  18. The Power Fantasy #s 1-3
  19. Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt (2019) #s 1-5
  20. Star Trek (2022) #13
  21. Suicide Squad (1987) #s 60-66
  22. Suicide Squad (2007) #s 1-3
  23. Checkmate (2006) #1
  24. The Fury of Firestorm (1982) #53
  25. Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man
  26. Checkmate (2006) #s 2-4
  27. Firestorm (1982) #s 54-60
  28. Manhunter (1988) #s 5-7
  29. Blue Beetle (1986) #s 1-2
  30. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1982) #s 61-69
  31. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man Annual #5
  32. Manhunter (1988) #s 8-12
  33. Marvel Treasury Edition #28 (The Amazing Spider-Man/Superman)
  34. DC Universe: Decisions #s 1-4
  35. Titans (2008) #9
  36. Batman vs. The Incredible Hulk
  37. Drax the Destroyer (2005) #1
  38. DC All In Special #1
  39. Manhunter (1988) #s 13-15
  40. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1982) #70
  41. Aliens vs. Avengers #2
  42. The Avengers (2023) #20
  43. X-Men (2024) #7
  44. X-Force (2024) #5
  45. X-Factor (2024) #4
  46. Venom War #4
  47. Ultimates (2024) #6
  48. Star Wars: Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #4
  49. Marvel and DC Present The Uncanny X-Men and the New Teen Titans
  50. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 20-23
  51. The New Teen Titans Annual (1984) #2
  52. One Star Squadron #s 1-2
  53. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #22
  54. Astonishing Spider-Man Infinity Comic #s 3-4
  55. One Star Squadron #s 3-6
  56. Damage Control (2022) #s 1-2
  57. Batman/Punisher: Lake of Fire
  58. Punisher/Batman: Deadly Knights
  59. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 24-27
  60. Checkmate (2006) #s 5-7
  61. Suicide Squad (2007) #4
  62. V for Vendetta #1
  63. Action Comics (1938) #1
  64. Action Comics #1077
  65. The Flash (2023) #15
  66. Superman (2023) #20
  67. Detective Comics #1091
  68. Absolute Wonder Woman #2
  69. Action Comics (1938) #411, 443, 482
  70. Superman (1939) #326
  71. World’s Finest Comics #s 251-252
  72. Suicide Squad (2007) #5
  73. Superman (1939) #327-328
  74. Action Comics #500
  75. Suicide Squad (2007) #s 6-8
  76. Hawkworld (1989 miniseries) #s 1-3
  77. Hawkworld (1989) #s 1-2
  78. Suicide Squad (2009) #67
  79. Secret Six (2008) #s 17-18
  80. Suicide Squad (2011) #s 1-5
  81. Darkseid vs. Galactus: The Hunger 
  82. Spider-Man and Batman #1
  83. Fantastic Four: Full Circle Expanded Edition
  84. Suicide Squad (2011) #s 6-8
  85. Checkmate (2006) #s 8-10
  86. Hawkworld (1989) #3
  87. Checkmate (2006) #s 11-17
  88. Outsiders (2003) #s 47-49
  89. Star Trek (2022) #14
  90. Checkmate (2006) #s 18-20
  91. Suicide Squad (2011) #s 9-15, 0
  92. Superman in ‘The Computers that Saved Metropolis’ (Radio Shack 1980 giveaway comic)
  93. Green Lantern/Silver Surfer #1
  94. Silver Surfer/Superman #1
  95. Action Comics (1938) #512
  96. Superman (1939) #352
  97. Darker Image #1
  98. Checkmate (2007) #s 21-26
  99. Detective Comics (1937) #s 854-865 (Question back-ups only)
  100. Convergence: The Question #s 1-2
  101. Lois Lane (2019) #s 1-12
  102. 2000 AD Annual 2025
  103. Judge Dredd Megazine #474
  104. Suicide Squad (2011) #s 16-23
  105. New Suicide Squad #s 1-4
  106. Reign in Hell #s 1-2
  107. DC Universe Presents #s 13-16
  108. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #23
  109. X-Men: To Serve and Protect #3
  110. New Suicide Squad #s 5-8
  111. Uncanny X-Men (2024) #5
  112. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #61
  113. Captain America (2023) #15
  114. The Spectacular Spider-Men #9
  115. Venom (2021) #39
  116. Psylocke (2024) #1
  117. Spider-Man: Black Suit & Blood #4
  118. Superman (1939) #355
  119. Superman (1939) #s 358-359
  120. New Suicide Squad #s 9-22
  121. New Suicide Squad Annual #1
  122. Harley Quinn and Suicide Squad: April Fools Special #1
  123. Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1
  124. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1982) #s 71-73
  125. Superman (1939) #s 360, 362
  126. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1982) #s 74-79
  127. Manhunter (1988) #s 16-17
  128. Doom Patrol (2001) #s 11-14
  129. Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1982) #s 80-83
  130. Astonishing Spider-Man Infinity Comic #5
  131. DC: The New Frontier #1
  132. Firestorm (1982) #s 84-85
  133. Void Rivals #s 7-12
  134. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 1-8
  135. Venom War: Fantastic Four #1
  136. Suicide Squad by Jim Lee Unwrapped (includes alternate version of Suicide Squad (2016) #1)
  137. Superman (1939) #363
  138. Action Comics (1938) #s 523, 545
  139. Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #s 1-6
  140. Justice League (2016) #s 12-13
  141. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 9-10
  142. Manhunter (1988) #18
  143. The Spectre (1992) #9
  144. Martian Manhunter (1998) #0
  145. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 11-12
  146. Action Comics (1938) #546
  147. Final Crisis: Revelations #s 1-2
  148. Final Crisis: Revelations #s 3-4
  149. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 13-15
  150. Final Crisis: Revelations #5
  151. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 16-20
  152. The New Gods (1971) #s 2-3
  153. Star Wars (1977) #s 55-57
  154. Star Wars: Rebellion (2006) #s 1-2
  155. 2000 AD Prog 2410
  156. Battle Action (2024) #4
  157. Star Trek (1989) #s 7-9
  158. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 21-25
  159. Suicide Squad: Amanda Waller #1
  160. Superman (1987) #4
  161. Star Wars: Rebellion (2006) #s 3-5
  162. Inhumans (2000) #1
  163. Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Comic Magazine #1
  164. Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes #1
  165. Wonder Man (1986) #1
  166. Marvel Spotlight (1971) #s 26, 31
  167. Marvel Spotlight (1979) #s 9-11
  168. Vigilante (1983) #36
  169. Superman (1987) #170
  170. The New Gods (1971) #4
  171. Hellblazer (1988) #s 25-26 (Grant Morrison fill-in)
  172. Constantine (2013) #s 1-3
  173. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 26-41
  174. Trinity Annual (2017) #1
  175. Trinity (2016) #s 12-16
  176. Star Trek (1989) #s 10-12
  177. Star Wars (1977) #s 58-60
  178. Action Comics (1938) #556
  179. Superman (1939) #403
  180. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 42-46
  181. Aquaman (2016) #s 39-40
  182. Suicide Squad (2016) #s 47-50
  183. Suicide Squad (2019) #1
  184. Zenith: Phase 1
  185. Batman/Captain America
  186. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #s 19-21
  187. Star Wars (1977) #s 61-66
  188. Zenith: Phase 2
  189. Suicide Squad (2019) #2
  190. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #11
  191. Venom War: It’s Jeff #1
  192. Firestorm (1982) #s 86-88
  193. Hellblazer (1988) #s 135-140
  194. Suicide Squad (2019) #s 3-5
  195. Star Wars (1977) #s 67-77
  196. The Spectre (1992) #s 10-13
  197. Battle Action (2024) #3
  198. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #24
  199. Astonishing Spider-Man Infinity Comic #6
  200. The Hunger and the Dusk #1
  201. Hellblazer (1988)  #s 141-143
  202. Daredevil/Batman: Eye for an Eye
  203. Suicide Squad (2019) #s 6-11
  204. Suicide Squad (2021) #s 1-3
  205. Teen Titans Academy #3
  206. Suicide Squad (2021) #4
  207. Firestorm (1982) #89
  208. Suicide Squad (2021) #s 5-6
  209. Suicide Squad Annual (2021) #1
  210. Superman and the Authority #s 1-4
  211. The Power Fantasy #4
  212. Batman and Spider-Man 
  213. Superman/Fantastic Four 
  214. Immortal Thor #17 
  215. Exceptional X-Men #3 
  216. Avengers Assemble (2024) #3 
  217. Phoenix (2024) #5 
  218. Storm (2024) #2 
  219. Wolverine (2024) #3
  220. NYX (2024) #5
  221. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 28-32
  222. Crisis (UK) #s 1-2 (Third World War stories only)
  223. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 33-36
  224. Destro #1
  225. Scarlett #1
  226. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 37-38
  227. The New Teen Titans Annual (1984) #3
  228. Infinity Inc. (1984) #45
  229. Destro #s 2-5
  230. The New Teen Titans (1984) #39
  231. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 39-42
  232. Teen Titans Spotlight #1
  233. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 43-49
  234. The New Teen Titans Annual (1984) #4
  235. Scarlett #2
  236. Star Wars (1977) #78
  237. Crisis (UK) #s 3-4 (Third World War stories only)
  238. Teen Titans Spotlight #s 2-6
  239. Vigilante (1985) #s 20-21
  240. World’s Finest Comics (1941) #s 254, 270
  241. The New Titans (1984) #s 50-52
  242. Teen Titans Spotlight #s 7-11
  243. Vigilante (1985) #22
  244. The New Titans (1984) #s 53-56
  245. The New Titans Annual (1984) #5
  246. The New Titans (1984) #s 57-59
  247. Secret Origins Annual (1986) #2
  248. The Multiversity Guidebook #1
  249. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #25
  250. Batman (1940) #440
  251. The New Titans (1984) #60
  252. Harley Quinn in Paradise #1
  253. Scarlett #s 3-5
  254. Batman (1940) #s 441-442
  255. The New Titans (1984) #61
  256. The New Titans (1984) #s 62-67
  257. The Multiversity: Mastermen #1
  258. The Multiversity: Ultra Comics #1
  259. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #62
  260. Venom War #5
  261. The Multiversity #2
  262. The New Titans (1984) #s 68-70
  263. The New Titans Annual (1984) #6
  264. The New Teen Titans: Games OGN
  265. The New Titans (1984) #s 71-75
  266. The New Titans (1984) #s 76-77
  267. Crisis (UK) #5 (Third World War story only)
  268. The New Titans (1984) #s 78-79
  269. The New Titans Annual (1984) #7
  270. The New Titans (1984) #s 80-86
  271. Crisis (UK) #6 (Third World War story only)
  272. The New Titans (1984) #s 87-89
  273. Crisis (UK) #7 (Third World War story only)
  274. Astonishing Spider-Man Infinity Comic #7
  275. Deathstroke the Terminator #s 14-16
  276. The New Titans (1984) #s 90-92
  277. Team Titans #s 1-3
  278. Titans Sell Out! Special #1
  279. Deathstroke the Terminator #17
  280. Team Titans #4
  281. The New Titans (1984) #93
  282. The One Hand #s 1-5
  283. The Six Fingers #s 1-5
  284. Zombo: Can I Eat You?
  285. JLA (1997) #s 1-4
  286. Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns #1
  287. The New Titans (1994) #s 94-100
  288. Zombo: The Day Zombo Died
  289. The New Titans (1994) #s 101-111
  290. Zombo: Planet Zombo
  291. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #168
  292. The New Titans (1994) #s 112-114, 0
  293. It’s Jeff! Infinity Comic #32
  294. The New Titans (1994) #s 115-117
  295. Superman vs. The Incredible Hulk
  296. Batman/Daredevil #1
  297. The New Titans (1994) #s 118-122
  298. The New Titans Annual (1984) #11
  299. The New Titans (1994) #s 123-130
  300. JLA/Titans #s 1-3

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