Captain America Made Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Better, But Still Not Great | Underwire | WIRED
The crossover of the plot from <em>Captain America: The Winter Soldier</em> to <em>Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.</em> was a shot in the arm for the TV series, but maybe not enough of one.
How to tell that I didn’t write the headline for this Wired piece about the effect Captain America: The Winter Soldier had on Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD #1: I never use periods in “SHIELD” anymore.
How to tell that I didn’t write the headline for this Wired piece about the effect Captain America: The Winter Soldier had on Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD #2: I would have said “But Still Not Good,” never mind “Great.” Because that show, man.