February 5

My mental behavior over the last few weeks has taught me one, somewhat surprising, thing: no matter what is going on, or what deadlines I have going on, I apparently have to take it easy midweek. This isn’t an optimum decision for the rest of my week — it almost inevitably throws my Thursdays and Fridays into busy disarray — but it’s almost certainly what happens: every Wednesday, my brain will slow down and I’ll not manage to do everything that I want to do that day.

On the one hand, this is amazingly frustrating, because it really does mean that I end up having to do way too much in too little time for the following two days every single week, but on the other, I feel like the fact that it continues to happen no matter what my personal plans may be suggests that it’s my own mental rhythm asserting itself, and that’s got to be a good thing no matter what. (It’s just that the “what” turns out to be a relatively big deal for the rest of my week; Wednesdays are always the day where I wish I could have a do-over.)

Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s a Thursday. Turns out, I have a lot to do.

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