It was a series of conversations once Jason started breaking down the story, starting with the kinds of characters that he wanted. He wanted to build an eclectic group that would represent every corner of the Marvel Universe, and that would allow him to do unexpected pairings that would be fun to see. So we bounced names back and forth – I’m guessing 60 to 80 percent of that final list were guys that Jason suggested, and the other 20 to 40 percent were names that Axel and I threw off. Not in, “You must use the Ant-Man,” but, “How about Ant-Man, he’s cool, because he can do this, and that would factor in this way.” “What about Emma Frost?” “How about the Black Panther?”

Tom Brevoort, talking about how the core characters for Marvel’s next event book were chosen. Personally, I’m entirely convinced that it was “How about Ant-Man, he’s cool,” and not “How about Ant-Man, he’s in a movie in 2015 and we should really try to build up the character in the comics before we launch a spin-off to cash in.”

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