This Is What 38 Feels Like

My birthday gifts to myself: Catching up on deadlines (I think? This is where I discover there’s something that’s slipped through the cracks) and stopping for the weekend. Seriously; I have been working on weekends for the last few weeks, and that’s just meant that I’ve been working seven days a week for varying amounts of time. That is, as the kids say, bananas and I’m taking happy advantage of the chance to, you know, relax over the next couple of days.

We’ll see how long it is until I get bored.

Oh, and I’m also going to shave finally, and maybe buy myself a book to read on my Kindle or something, too. That’s not too ridiculous, right…?

(To everyone who sent me birthday wishes on Facebook or Twitter: Thank you very, very much. I’m genuinely kind of humbled by them all.)

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