The Fastest Obsession Alive

I wish I could explain to myself, as much as you, what possessed me to start collecting old The Flash comics last month with the speed and ferocity that I went after them. I’d been re-reading a collection of the final issues of the series — the so-called “Trial of the Flash” storyline, which is strange and a little camp and gloriously awkward in such interesting and delicious ways as it tries to marry a 1950s approach to story with the 1980s when it was published — when I realized that it was a comic that really didn’t feel like anything else, even surrounded by countless other comics it had inspired. I’m not sure what this is, I thought, I want more.

That I had this thought a week before a local comic show seemed like fate, and so I found the few cheap back issue sellers there (didn’t there used to be more? There should be more, again), and picked up a handful of copies. And then, inspired by that experience, I picked up a few more on eBay. And then a few more. And then more, and so on. The end result? Within three weeks, I had somewhere in the region of 30-40 issues. Thanks, my lowkey version of hyperfocus.

Here’s the thing, though: I don’t regret it at all, and not just because I picked up most of them at bargain prices. Instead, I’m if anything more obsessed by the very particular tone and obsessive nature that the comic displays in almost all of these issues. By hanging on to tropes established decades earlier when they were in fashion, The Flash‘s 1970s and 1980s comics are these fascinating examples of what happens when ideas and cliches metastasize and become something else in the process: there’s true danger in these stories — people die, even the Flash’s wife — but it’s all treated with a lightness and melodrama that defangs everything and suggests that nothing really bad can ever happen, with whatever energies should (and traditionally would) be put into emotionally responding to trauma being instead diverted into answering any one of the outlanding questions each story is built around: How can a man die in the morning and get married in the evening?!? What does it mean that my enemy is now my best friend — and knows my true identity?!? Why am I surrounded by dinosaurs and how can they help wake up this child from their coma?!?

(Yes, that last one is real.)

Each of these comics asks a very particular suspension of disbelief, and then goes on to reward that with stories filled with imagination, good humor, and no small level of whimsy. They’re clearly comics for kids, but done in such a way that I almost feel as if I had to age into in order to fully appreciate. Pow! Zoom! Comics aren’t just for kids anymore, as the tagline used to claim, for real.

The Comics of September 2024

First off, I know; I can’t quite believe I re-read all of Countdown to Final Crisis either, especially given that it must have been the third or fourth time I’ve read it. It’s not any good, and yet I periodically just… come back to it. I’m sorry, everyone. Much more fulfilling was revisiting Steve Englehart and Joe Staton’s The Green Lantern Corps, a massively fulfilling experience for me when I was 12, and happily the same when I was 49. I probably shouldn’t be so eager to admit that, and yet…

  1. The Flash (1987) #s 76-79
  2. The Flash: Rebirth #1
  3. The Flash: Rebirth #s 2-6
  4. X-Men: From The Ashes Infinity Comic #13
  5. The Flash (1959) #300
  6. Daredevil (2023) #13
  7. Exceptional X-Men #1
  8. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #16
  9. The Immortal Thor #15
  10. Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay #1
  11. What If Donald Duck Became Thor? #1
  12. Moon Knight Annual 2024 #1
  13. Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2022) #24
  14. Scarlet Witch (2024) #4
  15. Spectacular Spider-Men #7
  16. Spider-Boy #11
  17. Star Wars: The Acolyte – Kelnacca #1
  18. The Ultimates (2024) #4
  19. Venom War: Spider-Man #2
  20. Venom War #2
  21. Flesh Books 1-2
  22. Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1
  23. Green Lantern (2011) #35
  24. Green Lantern Corps (2011) #35
  25. Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011) #35
  26. Red Lanterns (2011) #35
  27. Sinestro (2013) #6
  28. New Gods (1971) #1
  29. Wonder Woman (1987) #s 101-103
  30. Green Lantern (2011) #36
  31. Green Lantern Corps (2011) #36
  32. Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011) #36
  33. Red Lanterns (2011) #36
  34. Sinestro (2013) #7
  35. Wonder Woman (1987) #104
  36. Green Lantern (2011) #37
  37. Green Lantern Corps (2011) #37
  38. Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011) #37
  39. Red Lanterns (2011) #37
  40. Sinestro (2013) #8
  41. Green Lantern Annual (2012) #3
  42. All-New Collector’s Edition #56 (Superman vs Muhammad Ali)
  43. Absolute Power: Super Son #1
  44. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #31
  45. Superman (2023) #18
  46. Wonder Woman (2023) #13
  47. Jenny Sparks #2
  48. John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #9
  49. Absolute Power: Origins #3
  50. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #7
  51. Green Arrow (2023) #16
  52. The Flash (2023) #13
  53. Titans (2023) #15
  54. Detective Comics #s 1084-1089
  55. Super Powers (1985) #1
  56. MultiVersus: Collision Detected #1
  57. Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story
  58. Dawn of DC: Knight Terrors FCBD 2023 Special Edition #1
  59. Knight Terrors: First Blood #1
  60. Knight Terrors #1
  61. 2000 AD Prog 2400
  62. Judge Dredd Megazine #472
  63. Knight Terrors #s 2-4
  64. Knight Terrors: Night’s End #1
  65. Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Battle Lines #1
  66. Batman (2016) #s 137-188
  67. Catwoman (2018) #s 57-58
  68. Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Red Hood #s 1-2
  69. Batman/Catwoman; The Gotham War – Scorched Earth #1
  70. Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Prelude Batman Day Edition #1
  71. World War III (2007) #s 1-4 (52 spin-off)
  72. Sgt. Rock Annual #3
  73. Questprobe #3
  74. Super-Team Family #6
  75. The Flash (1959) #s 252, 268
  76. Action Comics (1938) #s 482, 512
  77. Sgt. Rock #s 345, 347, 368, 387
  78. G.I. Combat #288
  79. Blackhawk (1944) #258
  80. Green Lantern (1960) #s 123-124
  81. Judge Dredd by Mick McMahon Apex Edition
  82. Green Lantern (1960) #125
  83. The Flash (1959) #296
  84. DC Comics Presents: Captain Atom #1
  85. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 51-49 (Series is numbered backwards)
  86. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 48-43
  87. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #51
  88. Mystic (2000) #1
  89. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #14
  90. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #6
  91. Star Wars (2020) #47
  92. Star Trek: Defiant #s 8-11
  93. Star Trek: Defiant Annual #1
  94. Our Army at War #233
  95. Justice League of America (1960) #109
  96. Wolverine (2024) #1
  97. Star-Spangled War Stories #183
  98. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The Scorpius Run #s 1-5
  99. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 42-40
  100. Justice League of America (1960) #123
  101. Uncanny X-Men (2024) #2
  102. Justice League of America (1960) #124
  103. Star Wars (2020) #50
  104. Avengers Assemble (2024) #1
  105. Captain America (2023) #13
  106. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #57
  107. All-Star Squadron #s 1-3
  108. The Flash (1959) #s 260, 263-264
  109. Justice League of America (1960) #127
  110. All-Star Squadron #s 4-5
  111. The Lovable Lockheed Infinity Comic #1
  112. Absolute Batman #1
  113. Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #s 7-13
  114. All-Flash Special #1
  115. Justice League of America (1960) #117
  116. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #40
  117. Amazons Attack! (2007) #s 1-6
  118. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 39-34
  119. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #201
  120. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 33-31
  121. Justice League of America Wedding Special #1
  122. Justice League of America (2006) #13-15
  123. Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special #1
  124. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 30-29
  125. Countdown (to Final Crisis) #s 28-27
  126. Countdown to Final Crisis # 26
  127. The Lovable Lockheed Infinity Comic #2
  128. Savage Wolverine #7
  129. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 203-204
  130. Countdown to Final Crisis #s 25-21
  131. Salvation Run #s 1-2
  132. Countdown to Mystery #s 1-8
  133. Countdown to Final Crisis #20
  134. Countdown: Arena #s 1-4
  135. Salvation Run #s 3-7
  136. Countdown to Final Crisis #s 19-1
  137. DC Universe #0
  138. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #205
  139. DC Retroactive: Green Lantern – The ‘70s #1
  140. DC Retroactive: Justice League of America – The ‘70s #1
  141. Secret Origins (1986) #7
  142. Sword of the Atom (1983) #s 1-4
  143. Power of the Atom #s 1-2
  144. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #206
  145. Vengeance of the Moon Knight #9
  146. Spider-Man: Reign 2 #3
  147. The Sixth Gun #1
  148. Fantastic Four (2022) #25
  149. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #207
  150. Batman (1940) #401
  151. Detective Comics (1935) #568
  152. The Warlord (1976) #s 114-115
  153. G.O.D.S. #8
  154. Spider-Man/Deadpool #s 1-2
  155. Spider-Man/Deadpool #s 3-6
  156. Deadpool Team-Up #893
  157. Spider-Man: The Short Halloween #1
  158. Heroic Age: 1 Month 2 Live #1
  159. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 208-210
  160. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #15
  161. Avengers (2023) #15
  162. Spider-Man/Deadpool #s 7-18
  163. House of Mystery (2008) #1
  164. 2000 AD Prog 2401
  165. DC Retroactive: Green Lantern – The ‘80s #1
  166. DC Retroactive: Justice League International – The ‘90s #1
  167. Red Tornado (1985) #1
  168. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #13
  169. Blood Hunt #3
  170. Giant-Size Daredevil (2024) #1
  171. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 211-213
  172. X-Men (2024) #4
  173. X-Factor (2024) #2
  174. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #17
  175. Dazzler (2024) #1
  176. Black Canary (2024) #1
  177. Hyde Street #1
  178. Avengers (2023) #18
  179. Spider-Man: Black, White and Blood #2
  180. The Power Fantasy #2
  181. Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #50
  182. Spider-Boy Annual #1
  183. Wolverine: Deep Cuts #3
  184. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 214-216
  185. Joker: The World OGN
  186. Batman/Elmer Fudd #1
  187. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #8
  188. Deadpool (2024) #6
  189. Venom War: Deadpool #1
  190. Venom War: Lethal Protectors #1
  191. Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #3
  192. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #217
  193. Green Lantern (2023) #s 1-2
  194. Green Lantern: Knight Terrors #s 1-2
  195. Sinestro #s 1-4
  196. Green Lantern (2023) #s 3-12
  197. Green Lantern (2021) #1
  198. Green Lantern (2005) #10
  199. 2000 AD Prog 2402
  200. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 218-219
  201. Millennium (1987) #1
  202. Young All-Stars #s 8-9
  203. The Flash (1987) #8
  204. Justice League International (1987) #9
  205. Wonder Woman (1986) #12
  206. Outsiders (1985) #27
  207. Firestorm (1982) #67
  208. Batman (1940) #415
  209. Blue Beetle (1986) #20
  210. Superman (1986) #13
  211. Adventures of Superman (1986) #436
  212. Booster Gold (1985) #24
  213. Infinity, Inc. (1984) #46
  214. Teen Titans Spotlight #18
  215. Action Comics (1938) #596
  216. The Lobo Cancelation Special #1
  217. Detective Comics (1937) #582
  218. Suicide Squad (1987) #9
  219. The Spectre (1987) #10
  220. Captain Atom (1986) #11
  221. Generations: Fractured (Detective Comics #1027 short)
  222. Generations: Shattered #1
  223. Generations: Forged #1
  224. Millennium #s 2-3
  225. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #220
  226. The Flash (1987) #9
  227. Justice League International (1987) #10
  228. Wonder Woman (1986) #13
  229. Outsiders (1985) #28
  230. Firestorm (1982) #68
  231. Blue Beetle (1986) #21
  232. Superman (1986) #14
  233. The Shadow War of Hawkman #s 1-4
  234. Hawkman Special (1986) #1
  235. Action Comics (1938) #s 588-589
  236. Millennium #s 4-7
  237. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #221
  238. Millennium #8
  239. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #s 222-223
  240. The Immortal Thor #12
  241. DC Comics Presents (1978) #95
  242. Hawkman (1986) #1
  243. Infinity, Inc. (1984) #47
  244. The Spectre (1987) #11
  245. Teen Titans Spotlight #19
  246. Jeff Week Infinity Comic #1
  247. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #1
  248. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #52
  249. Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #9
  250. Doctor Strange (2023) #16
  251. Wolverine: Revenge #2
  252. Uncanny X-Men (2024) #3
  253. Avengers Annual (2024) #1
  254. Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #58
  255. Daredevil: Woman Without Fear (2024) #3
  256. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #9
  257. Absolute Power #4
  258. DC All In Special #1
  259. Justice Society of America (2022) #12
  260. Batman (2016) #153
  261. Plastic Man No More! #2
  262. War of the Gods #1
  263. Wonder Woman (1986) #58
  264. Superman: The Man of Steel (1991) #3
  265. Action Comics (1938) #s 1070-1071
  266. Green Lantern Civil Corps Special #1
  267. Green Lantern (2023) #16
  268. Batman and Robin: Year One #1
  269. Jenny Sparks #3
  270. Birds of Prey (2023) #14
  271. Shazam! (2023) #16
  272. The New Guardians (1988) #s 1-4
  273. G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #301
  274. The New Guardians (1988) #s 5-8
  275. Dark Nights: Death Metal #7
  276. Infinite Frontier #0
  277. The New Guardians (1988) #s 9-12
  278. All-New Collector’s Edition #54
  279. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #32
  280. Titans (2023) #16
  281. Wonder Woman (2023) #14
  282. 100-Page Super Spectacular #22
  283. The Flash (1959) #s 269, 271-272
  284. The Flash (1958) #s 274, 290-291
  285. Hawkman (1986) #s 2-3
  286. The Flash (1958) #s 292-295
  287. Detective Comics (1937) #s 821-826
  288. The Forged #1
  289. Tales of the Unnamed: The Blizzard #s 1-2 
  290. X-Men: From The Ashes Infinity Comic #17
  291. Detective Comics (1937) #s 827-832
  292. Hawkman (1986) #s 4-6
  293. DC Comics Presents (1978) #17
  294. Justice League of America (1960) #s 179-180
  295. Doodlepool Infinity Comic #1
  296. Detective Comics (1937) #s 833-837
  297. Hawkman (1986) #s 7-11
  298. G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #s 302-305

The Comics of August 2024

Another month where I was convinced I’d been reading significantly less than usual, only for the final tally to surprise me. This month, we can especially appreciate what in both cases started as accidental, and then very purposeful, dives into the DC back catalogs of both Geoff Johns (Doomsday Clock and afterwards, specifically) and Tom Taylor, starting with Nightwing and moving forward. As you’ll also see for the end of the month, I got very, very into revisiting The Flash in multiple different incarnations, to the point where I have crude operating theories about the differences between Barry, Wally, and so on. Sometimes, I worry about my brain.

  1. Superman/Wonder Woman: Whom Gods Destroy #s 1-2
  2. Cobra Commander #s 1-5
  3. Superman/Wonder Woman: Whom Gods Destroy #s 3-4
  4. Superman: True Brit OGN
  5. Superman/Batman (2003) #26
  6. Sovereign Seven #3
  7. Superman: The Secret Years #1
  8. Detective Comics (1937) #s 501-502
  9. Showcase ‘95 #12
  10. Teen Titans: Year One #s 1-6
  11. World’s Finest: Teen Titans #1
  12. Classic X-Men #s 10-13
  13. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #106
  14. Infinite Frontier #0
  15. Infinite Frontier Secret Files #s 1-6
  16. Future State: Justice League #s 1-2
  17. Classic X-Men #s 14-15
  18. Wolverine (1988) #88
  19. Wolverine ‘95 #1
  20. Deadpool (1997) #27
  21. Wolverine ‘99 Annual #1
  22. Wolverine (1988) #154-155
  23. Cable & Deadpool #s 43-44
  24. Wolverine: Origins #s 21-25
  25. Classic X-Men #16
  26. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #110
  27. Classic X-Men #17
  28. Universal Monsters: Dracula #1
  29. The Immortal Thor #10
  30. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #12
  31. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #9
  32. Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime #1
  33. Armageddon 2001 #s 1-2
  34. Avengers (2023) #17
  35. Doctor Strange (2023) #18
  36. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #15
  37. Uncanny X-Men (2024) #1
  38. Wolverine: Deep Cuts #2
  39. Venom War #1
  40. Spider-Man: Reign 2 #2
  41. Blood Hunters v2 #1
  42. Daredevil (2023) #12
  43. Marvel’s What If Donald Duck was Wolverine? #1
  44. Spider-Man: Black Suit and Blood #1
  45. Spectacular Spider-Men #6
  46. Lazarus Planet: Alpha #1
  47. Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton #1
  48. Lazarus Planet: We Once We Gods #1
  49. Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn #1
  50. Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution #1
  51. Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1
  52. Lazarus Planet: Omega #1
  53. Catwoman (2018) #1
  54. Firestorm (1978) #s 1-2
  55. Venom (2021) #18
  56. Firestorm (1978) #3
  57. Venom (2021) #19
  58. Firestorm (1978) #s 4-6 (#6 originally unpublished, available on DCUI)
  59. DC Comics Presents (1978) #s 17, 45
  60. The Brave and the Bold (1955) #172
  61. The Fury of Firestorm (1982) #1
  62. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #s 1-4
  63. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #s 5-12, 0
  64. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #13 (Yes, a very mild name change)
  65. Legends of Tomorrow: Firestorm #1
  66. Venom (2021) #s 20-25
  67. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #s 111-113
  68. Zero Hour 30th Anniversary Special #1
  69. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #5
  70. Absolute Power: Origins #2
  71. The Flash (2023) #12
  72. Green Arrow (2023) #15
  73. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #14
  74. Captain Atom (2011) #s 1-4
  75. The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #s 1-3
  76. Batman (1989 movie adaptation)
  77. Batman Returns (1992 movie adaptation)
  78. The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #s 4-6
  79. Captain Atom (2011) #s 4-12, 0
  80. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #s 15-20
  81. Venom (2021) #s 26-32
  82. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #s 1-2
  83. Dogpool Infinity Comic #s 2-3
  84. Legends of Tomorrow: Firestorm #s 2-4
  85. Legion Lost (2011) #s 1-16, 0
  86. Venom (2021) #33
  87. Fantastic Four (2022) #20
  88. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #49
  89. Giant-Size X-Men (2024) #1
  90. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #10
  91. Wolverine (1982) #s 1-4
  92. Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #s 1-10 (Wolverine stories only)
  93. Wolverine (1988) #1
  94. X-Factor (2024) #1
  95. X-Men (2024) #2
  96. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #55
  97. Fantastic Four (2022) #23
  98. Venom (2021) #36
  99. Venom War: Spider-Man #1
  100. Vengeance of the Moon Knight #8
  101. Doctor Strange (2023) #15
  102. Blood Hunters (Vol 1) #1
  103. Captain America (2023) #9
  104. Avengers (2023) #14
  105. Daredevil (2023) #9
  106. The Nice House by the Sea #2
  107. DC vs Vampires: World War V #1
  108. Gotham City Sirens (2024) #s 1-4
  109. Starman (1994) #s 0, 1
  110. Starman (1988) #1
  111. 1st Issue Special #12
  112. Adventure Comics (1938) #467
  113. Punchline Special #1
  114. Starman (1994) #s 2-3
  115. The Immortal Thor #14
  116. Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #s 26-31
  117. Absolute Power #3
  118. Batman (2016) #152
  119. Plastic Man No More! #1
  120. Birds of Prey (2023) #13
  121. The Penguin #12
  122. Justice Society of America (2022) #11
  123. Absolute Power #s 1-2
  124. Doomsday Clock #s 1-4
  125. Doomsday Clock #s 5-12
  126. Dark Crisis: Big Bang #1
  127. Birds of Prey (2023) #s 7-12
  128. Nightwing (2016) #s 94-98
  129. The Transformers: The Movie (1986) #s 1-3
  130. Spider-Boy #s 4-6
  131. Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7
  132. Nightwing Annual 2022 #1
  133. Nightwing (2016) #s 99-104
  134. Dark Horse Comics #s 15-19 (Aliens stories only)
  135. Aliens: Music of the Spears #s 1-4
  136. Aliens: Stronghold #s 1-4
  137. Captain Atom (1965) #s 83-84
  138. Captain Atom (1986) #s 1-3
  139. The L.A.W. #1
  140. Captain Atom: Armageddon #s 1, 9
  141. Extreme Justice #18
  142. Superman/Batman (2003) #s 1-6
  143. Superman/Batman (2003) #s 7-25
  144. Iron Fist 50th Anniversary Special #1
  145. Petrol Head #s 1-5
  146. Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #10
  147. Ultraman/Avengers #1
  148. Justice League (1987) #s 1-3
  149. Nightwing (2016) #s 105-109
  150. Titans (2023) #s 1-5
  151. Titans: Beast World #s 1-6
  152. Titans (2023) #s 6-14
  153. Nightwing (2016) #s 110-117
  154. Nightwing Annual 2024 #1
  155. Doom (2024) #1
  156. The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #1
  157. Batman: The Detective #1
  158. Superman: Son of Kal-El #s 1-6
  159. Superman: Son of Kal-El Annual 2022 #1
  160. Superman: Son of Kal-El #s 7-13
  161. X-Men: From The Ashes Infinity Comic #11
  162. Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #s 32-36
  163. The Moon is Following Us #1
  164. Superman: Son of Kal-El #s 14-18
  165. Jughead (2015) #2
  166. Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #s 1-6
  167. Injustice: Year Zero #s 1-8
  168. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #4
  169. Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #s 37-40
  170. Giant-Size Thor (2024) #1
  171. Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual (2024) #1
  172. Spider-Woman (2023) #10
  173. Phoenix (2024) #2
  174. Namor (2024) #2
  175. Predator vs. Black Panther #1
  176. Scarlet Witch (2024) #3
  177. Star Wars (2020) #49
  178. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #8
  179. Wolverine: Revenge #1
  180. Injustice: Year Zero #s 9-14
  181. Injustice 2 Annual #2
  182. Batman: The Detective #s 2-6
  183. The Green Lantern #1
  184. Jughead (2015) #s 3-5
  185. Batman: Dark Age #1
  186. Batman: Dark Age #s 2-5
  187. Superman: Space Age #s 1-3
  188. Harley Quinn: Make ‘Em Laugh #s 1-3
  189. Superman & Bugs Bunny #1
  190. Jughead (2015) #6
  191. Judge Dredd: Machine Law
  192. Dreadnoughts: Nothing to Fear
  193. Rogue Trooper: Souther Belle
  194. Rogue Trooper: Recon
  195. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6
  196. Green Lantern (2023) #15
  197. Batman & Robin (2023) #13
  198. DC vs Vampires: World War V #2
  199. Superman & Bugs Bunny #s 2-4
  200. Dan Dare (2018) #s 1-4
  201. James Bond: 007 (2023) #s 1-3
  202. Ultimate Invasion #s 1-4
  203. Ultimate Universe (2023) #1
  204. Ultimates (2024) #s 1-2
  205. Ultimate Black Panther #s 1-3
  206. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #s 1-4
  207. FCBD Ultimate Universe/Spider-Man 2024 #1
  208. The Spirit Artisan Edition
  209. Rok of the Reds #1
  210. Alien: The Illustrated Story OGN
  211. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #202
  212. Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #s 1-2
  213. Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #1
  214. The Green Lantern #s 2-8
  215. Justice League (1987) #s 4-6
  216. Justice League International (1987) #7
  217. John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #s 1-4
  218. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #50
  219. The Immortal Thor #11
  220. Ultimate Black Panther #4
  221. The Green Lantern #s 9-12
  222. Green Lantern: Blackstars #s 1-3
  223. Star Wars (2020) #46
  224. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #12
  225. Predator: The Last Hunt #4
  226. Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #8
  227. Dogpool Infinity Comic #5
  228. John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #s 5-8
  229. Aliens vs Avengers #1
  230. Marvel 85th Anniversary Special #1
  231. Deadpool Team-Up (2024) #1
  232. X-Men (2024) #3
  233. X-Force (2024) #2
  234. Incredible Hulk Annual 2024 #1
  235. Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #56
  236. Venom War: Zombiotes #1
  237. Phases of the Moon Knight #1
  238. NYX (2024) #2
  239. Fantastic Four (2022) #24
  240. The Flash (1959) #s 340-344
  241. Flashpoint Beyond #s 0, 6
  242. Legion of Super-Heroes (2011) #23
  243. The Flash (1959) #s 345-347
  244. The Flash (1959) #s 348-350
  245. The Flash (2010) #8
  246. The Flash (1987) #197
  247. Final Crisis: Rogues Revenge #1
  248. Secret Origins (1986) #41
  249. The Flash (2023) #s 1-8
  250. The Flash Annual 2024 #1
  251. The Flash (2023) #s 9-12
  252. The Flash (1959) #s 275, 277-278, 280-284
  253. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #5
  254. House of Harkness Infinity Comic #1
  255. The New Golden Age #1
  256. Justice Society of America (2022) #s 1-6
  257. The Flash (1987) #s 62-65
  258. The Flash (1987) #s 66-75
  259. Justice Society of America (2022) #s 7-10

The Comics of July 2024

Although it doesn’t look like it, I barely read any comics during San Diego Comic-Con; instead, I read an obscene amount before the show, and getting sick upon returning freed up time to do similar then, too.

  1. X-Men: The Wedding Special (2024) #1
  2. X-Factor (1986) #s 1-5
  3. Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #s 11-13
  4. All-New X-Men (2012) #s 22-24
  5. Uncanny X-Men (2013) #s 15-22
  6. All-New X-Men (2012) #s 25-29
  7. Rom Spaceknight #s 46-47
  8. Uncanny X-Men (2013) #23
  9. All-New X-Men (2012) #30
  10. Annihilation 2099 #1
  11. Amazing Spider-Man Annual (2024) #1
  12. Black Panther: Blood Hunt #3
  13. Deadpool (2024) #4
  14. Doctor Strange (2023) #17
  15. Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2022) #22
  16. Spider-Man: Reign 2 #1
  17. Star Wars: The Inquisitors #1
  18. Venom (2021) #35
  19. Werewolf by Night: Blood Hunt #1
  20. Wolverine: Deep Cut #1
  21. X-Men: Psylocke – Blood Hunt #1
  22. Absolute Power #1
  23. Rom Spaceknight #48
  24. Uncanny X-Men (2013) #s 24-31
  25. All-New X-Men (2012) #s 31-36
  26. Cyclops (2014) #1
  27. Rom Spaceknight #s 49-50
  28. Cyclops (2014) #s 2-7
  29. All-New X-Men (2012) #37
  30. Uncanny X-Men Annual (2014) #1
  31. All-New X-Men Annual (2014) #1
  32. Uncanny X-Men (2013) #s 32-35
  33. Cyclops (2014) #s 8-12
  34. Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha #1
  35. Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #s 24-25
  36. All-New X-Men (2012) #s 38-39
  37. Guardians Team-Up #3
  38. Nova (2013) #8
  39. Captain Marvel (2014) #14
  40. Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex Omega #1
  41. All-New X-Men (2012) #s 40-41
  42. Uncanny X-Men (2013) #600
  43. Extermination (2018) #s 1-5 (Original X-Men get sent home series)
  44. Rom Annual #2
  45. X-Factor (1986) #s 6-9
  46. Generation X (1994) #1
  47. GODS #6
  48. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #46
  49. Daredevil (2023) #7
  50. Thunderbolts (2023) #4
  51. Predator: The Last Hunt #2
  52. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #3
  53. Marvel Two-in-One (1974) #86
  54. X-Factor (1986) #s 10-12
  55. Wolverine (2020) #s 41-45
  56. Phoenix Resurrection #s 1-2
  57. Uncanny X-Men (2016) #1
  58. Uncanny X-Men (2018) #1
  59. X-Factor (1986) #s 13-15
  60. Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #s 260-261
  61. Wolverine (2020) #s 46-50
  62. X-Factor (1986) #s 16-23
  63. Archie (2015) #s 1-12
  64. X-Factor (1986) #s 24-26
  65. Archie (2015) #s 13-32
  66. Legion Lost (2000) #s 1-2
  67. Archie (2015) #700 (Yes, it got renumbered)
  68. Betty & Veronica (2016) #s 1-2
  69. Justice League of America Annual (1983) #2 
  70. Justice League (2011) #s 22-23
  71. Justice League of America (2013) #s 6-7
  72. Justice League Dark (2011) #s 22-23
  73. Superman (2011) #13
  74. Superboy (2011) #14
  75. Supergirl (2011) #14
  76. Superboy Annual (2012) #1
  77. Superman (2011) #s 14-17
  78. Superboy (2011) #s 15-17
  79. Supergirl (2011) #s 15-17
  80. Superman/Wonder Woman #s 1-7
  81. The New 52: Future’s End #0
  82. Earth 2: World’s End #1
  83. Convergence #0
  84. X-Men: From The Ashes Infinity Comic #5
  85. The New 52: Future’s End #s 1-4
  86. The Immortal Thor #9
  87. Captain America (2023) #8
  88. The Avengers (2023) #12
  89. The Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #s 6-7
  90. Alien: Black, White & Blood #3
  91. Betty & Veronica (2016) #3
  92. Star Wars (2020) #s 34-36
  93. Spider-Man: Shadow of the Goblin #1
  94. Star Wars (2020) #s 37-42
  95. Identity Crisis #1
  96. Superior Spider-Man (2023) #5
  97. Star Wars (2020) #s 43-45
  98. Annihilation 2099 #2
  99. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #53
  100. Avengers (2023) #16
  101. Daredevil (2023) #11
  102. The Incredible Hulk: Blood Hunt #1
  103. Union Jack: Blood Hunt #3
  104. Wolverine: Blood Hunt #3
  105. X-Men (2024) #1
  106. X-Men:  Heir of Apocalypse #3
  107. Get Fury #3
  108. Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #5
  109. Ultimate Comics Ultimates #s 15-16
  110. Howard the Duck (1976) #8
  111. Superman (2006) #s 700-706
  112. The Power Fantasy #1
  113. Superman (2006) #s 707-711,713-714
  114. Superman (1939) #167
  115. Steel (2011) #1
  116. Outsiders (2007) #37
  117. Justice League of America (2006) #55
  118. Batman/Superman Annual (2006) #5
  119. Superboy (2010) #6
  120. Batman/Superman (2003) #75
  121. World’s Finest Comics (1941) #s 298-300
  122. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 9-13
  123. The New Teen Titans (1980) #s 39-44
  124. Tales of the Teen Titans Annual (1980) #3
  125. The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #s 1-3
  126. Justice League of America (1960) #s 195-197
  127. Ultimates (2024) #2
  128. Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #5
  129. Justice League of America (1960) #198
  130. Star Wars: Ahsoka #1
  131. Justice League of America (1960) #199
  132. Tales of the Teen Titans (1980) #s 45-48
  133. Absolute Power: Origins #1
  134. The Flash (2023) #11
  135. Tales of the Teen Titans (1980) #s 49-50
  136. Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #300
  137. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #s 2-3
  138. Green Arrow (2023) #14
  139. Batman: The Brave and The Bold (2023) #15
  140. Detective Comics (1937) #1087
  141. Zatanna: Bringing Down the House #2
  142. Green Lantern (2023) #13
  143. From the DC Vault – Death in the Family: Robin Lives #1
  144. Green Lantern: War Journal #11
  145. Shazam (2023) #13
  146. Catwoman (2018) #67
  147. Dark Knights of Steel: Allwinter #1
  148. Power Girl (2023) #11
  149. Harley Quinn (2021) #42
  150. Tales of the Teen Titans (1980) #s 51-58
  151. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 1-6
  152. Justice League of America (1960) #s 232-236
  153. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinite Comic #6
  154. Justice League of America (1960) #s 237-238
  155. Batman and the Outsiders Annual (1984) #1
  156. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 14-16
  157. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 7-8
  158. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 17-19
  159. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 9-11
  160. Justice League of America (1960) #s 239, 241-244
  161. Infinity Inc. #19
  162. Absolute Power #2
  163. Batman (2016) #151
  164. Shazam (2023) #14
  165. Fantastic Four (2022) #19
  166. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 12-14
  167. Shade the Changing Man (1990) #s 33-35
  168. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #47
  169. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #11
  170. Immortal Thor Annual #1
  171. The Invincible Iron Man (2022) #20
  172. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #s 12-13
  173. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #14
  174. Dracula: Blood Hunt #3
  175. Namor (2024) #1
  176. Phoenix (2024) #1
  177. The Spectacular Spider-Men #5
  178. Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #3
  179. Blood Hunters #4
  180. Annihilation 2099 #4
  181. Spider-Woman (2023) #9
  182. X-Men: Blood Hunt – Laura Kinney the Wolverine #1
  183. Aliens: What If…? #5
  184. Ultimate X-Men (2024) #5
  185. Daredevil: Woman Without Fear (2024) #1
  186. Star Wars (2020) #48
  187. Scarlet Witch (2024) #2
  188. Kid Venom #1
  189. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #20
  190. Justice League of America Annual (1983) #3
  191. Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter #1
  192. Justice League of America (1960) #s 245-250
  193. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 21-24
  194. The New Teen Titans (1984) #s 15-19
  195. The Omega Men (1983) #34
  196. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 25-27
  197. Star Wars: The High Republic (2022) #s 1-2
  198. Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter #s 2-4
  199. BRZRKR #1
  200. Batman and the Outsiders Annual (1984) #2
  201. DC Comics Presents #83
  202. Batman and the Outsiders (1983) #s 28-32
  203. Adventures of the Outsiders (1986) #s 33-38
  204. The Outsiders (1985) #1
  205. Justice League of America (1960) #s 251-261
  206. Legends (1986) #s 1-2
  207. Cosmic Boy #s 1-2
  208. Force Works 2020 #s 1-3
  209. Iron Age 2020 #1
  210. Machine Man 2020 #s 1-2
  211. Machine Man (1984) #s 1-4
  212. Amazing Spider-Man Annual (1964) #20
  213. Iron Man 2020 (1994) #1
  214. Tony Stark, Iron Man #s 1-14
  215. Roxxon Presents: Thor #1
  216. Tony Stark, Iron Man #15
  217. Tony Stark, Iron Man #s 16-19
  218. Iron Man 2020 (2020) #s 1-6
  219. Avengers: Twilight #5
  220. Vengeance of the Moon Knight #7
  221. Wolverine: Blood Hunt #4
  222. Captain America (2023) #11
  223. Annihilation 2099 #4
  224. The Outsiders (1985) #s 2-6
  225. Detective Comics (1937) #566
  226. Batman (1940) #400
  227. The Outsiders (1985) #7
  228. Superman (1938) #s 412-415
  229. Avengers, Inc. #s 1-5
  230. Detective Comics (1937) #526
  231. Batman (1940) #321
  232. Classic X-Men #1
  233. Marvel Zero
  234. Batman (1940) #s 322-324
  235. Trinity (1993) #2
  236. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #s 94-98
  237. Classic X-Men #s 2-7
  238. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #54
  239. Black Widow: Venomous #1
  240. Blood Hunt #5
  241. Fantastic Four (2022) #22
  242. Hellverine #3
  243. Immortal Thor #13
  244. Ms. Marvel Annual 2024 #1
  245. Midnight Sons: Blood Hunt #3
  246. Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin #4
  247. X-Force (2024) #1
  248. X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #4
  249. Classic X-Men #s 8-9
  250. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #4
  251. Green Lantern (2023) #14
  252. Jenny Sparks (2024) #1
  253. Nightwing (2016) #117
  254. Wonder Woman (2023) #12
  255. Superman (2023) #17
  256. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #30
  257. Batman (1940) #s 325-326
  258. G.O.D.S. #7
  259. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #4
  260. Daredevil (2023) #8
  261. Superior Spider-Man (2023) #6
  262. Blade (2023) #10
  263. Predator: The Last Hunt #3
  264. Sovereign Seven #1
  265. The Impact Winter Special #1
  266. Batman (1940) #s 328-331
  267. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #s 7-8
  268. Dogpool Infinity Comic #1
  269. Catpool Infinity Comic #1
  270. Mousepool Infinity Comic #1
  271. Transformers (2023) #s 1-6
  272. Duke #s 1-5
  273. Titans (2023) #14
  274. Green Lantern: War Journal #12
  275. Batman (1940) #s 332-337
  276. Dogpool Team-Up Infinity Comic #1
  277. Sovereign Seven #2

The Comics of March 2024

In which I spent a surprising amount of time (to me, at least) visiting a lot of 1990s output from DC that I hadn’t really spent a lot of time with before: Priest’s The Ray, for example, I’d stayed away from because I wasn’t a fan of the art, even though the earlier Joe Quesada-illustrated mini had been a favorite of mine at the time. The Alan Grant-written L.E.G.I.O.N. was similarly something I dipped into and then almost immediately back out because I wasn’t so enthused about Barry Kitson’s art at the time, but looking back now, maybe I should’ve spent more time realizing that the story is… not the best, shall we politely say…?

  1. Kingsman: The Red Diamond #s 1-2
  2. Somna #1
  3. Kingsman: The Red Diamond #s 3-6
  4. Superman (2023) #12
  5. The Flash (2023) #7
  6. Green Arrow (2023) #10
  7. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1
  8. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #1
  9. Captain America (2023) #3
  10. Project Superpowers (2018) #s 0, 1-6
  11. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #s 2-8
  12. JLA/Avengers #4
  13. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #s 9-12
  14. It’s Jeff! #32
  15. Void Rivals #s 1-6
  16. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #13
  17. Prodigy #s 1-3
  18. Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #5
  19. Amazons Attack (2023) #6
  20. Spider-Man Annual (2023) #1
  21. Iron Man Annual (2023) #1
  22. Fantastic Four Annual (2023) #1
  23. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #s 14-18
  24. Blood Hunt Diaries #1
  25. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #s 19-33
  26. Prodigy #s 4-6
  27. Ordinary #s 1-3
  28. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #s 34-50
  29. It’s Jeff! #33
  30. L.E.G.I.O.N. #s 1-4
  31. Transformers (2023) #6
  32. Batman (2016) #146
  33. Birds of Prey (2023) #8
  34. L.E.G.I.O.N. #s 5-8
  35. Nacelleverse #0
  36. Petrol Head #5
  37. Cobra Commander #2
  38. Duke #3
  39. 2000 AD Prog 2374
  40. Judge Dredd Megazine #466
  41. L.E.G.I.O.N. #s 9-10
  42. Radiant Black #s 27, 27.5
  43. The Hawk and The Dove (1968) #s 1-4
  44. Prodigy: The Icarus Society #1
  45. L.E.G.I.O.N. #s 11-18
  46. Adventures of Superman Annual (1987) #2
  47. L.E.G.I.O.N. Annual #1
  48. Prodigy: The Icarus Society #s 2-5
  49. Aquaman: Rebirth #1
  50. L.E.G.I.O.N. #s 19-26
  51. Mysterius the Unfathomable #1
  52. The Invincible Iron Man (2022) #13
  53. X-Men (2021) #29
  54. Daredevil (2023) #4
  55. Fantastic Four (2022) #14
  56. Avengers (2023) #8
  57. Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1982) #s 1-4
  58. Sentry (2023) #1
  59. The Darkstars #s 1-10
  60. The Ray (1994) #s 1-2
  61. Legends (1986) #s 1-6
  62. Underworld Unleashed: Apokolips – Dark Uprising #1
  63. The Ray (1994) #s 3-6, 0
  64. Deathlok (1990) #s 1-4
  65. Deathlok (1991) #1
  66. L.E.G.I.O.N. #s 27-35
  67. Jughead #1
  68. L.E.G.I.O.N. #s 36-41
  69. The Ray (1994) #s 7-8
  70. It’s Jeff! #34
  71. Astonishing X-Men (2004) #1
  72. Shazam! (2023) #10
  73. Green Lantern (2023) #10
  74. The Ray (1994) #s 9-18
  75. Cobra Commander #3
  76. The Ray (1994) #s 19-20
  77. Justice League Task Force #s 0, 17-21
  78. 2000 AD Prog 2375
  79. Silver Age: Green Lantern #1
  80. All-Flash (2007) #1
  81. DC Comics Presents (1978) #s 12-13
  82. The Maze Agency (1988) #1
  83. DC Comics Presents (1978) #71, 79
  84. The Spirit (1984) #10 
  85. DC Comics Presents (1978) #81
  86. The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #3, 8
  87. Justice League Task Force #s 22-27
  88. The Maze Agency (1988) #s 4-5
  89. Justice League Task Force #s 28-29
  90. The Maze Agency (1988) #s 8-9
  91. Alien: The Illustrated Story
  92. Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1
  93. The Maze Agency (1988) #17
  94. The Punisher (2023) #2
  95. The Immortal Thor #5
  96. Captain America (2023) #4
  97. X-Men Red (2022) #18
  98. Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #s 8-9
  99. Weirdworld (2015) #s 1-3
  100. Action Comics #1064
  101. Batman and Robin (2023) #8
  102. Justice League Task Force #s 30-37
  103. The Maze Agency (1988) #s 18, 20
  104. The Ray (1994) #s 21-28
  105. JLA #s 28-31
  106. Trinity (2008) #1
  107. Moon Knight (2021) #s 28-30
  108. Spider-Gwen: Smash #1
  109. Con & On #1
  110. It’s Jeff! #35
  111. Trinity (2008) #s 2-6
  112. DC Comics Presents (1978) #73
  113. Vigilante (1984) #s 1-3
  114. Vigilante (1984) #s 4-19
  115. Thunderbolts (2023) #1
  116. Thunderbolts (2006) #101
  117. Dark X-Men (2023) #5
  118. What If…? Dark: Tomb of Dracula #1
  119. What If…? Dark: Moon Knight #1
  120. What If…? Dark: Loki #1
  121. Ex-Con #s 1-5
  122. DC Comics Presents (1978) #43
  123. Justice League: No Justice #s 1-2
  124. 2000 AD Prog 2376
  125. Duke #4
  126. The Six Fingers #2
  127. Local Man: Bad Girls #1
  128. The Maze Agency (1988) #21
  129. The Maze Agency Annual (1990) #1
  130. DC Comics Presents (1978) #s 50, 58
  131. Detective Comics (1937) #s 569-754
  132. Justice League: No Justice #3
  133. Trinity (2008) #7
  134. JLA #s 107-109
  135. Captain America: Cold War Prelude #1
  136. King of Spies #s 1-4
  137. Vampirella (2001) #s 1-6
  138. Justice League: No Justice #4
  139. Justice League Odyssey #1, 25
  140. Justice League of America: The Nail #s 1-3
  141. Justice League of America: Another Nail #1
  142. DC 2000 #s 1-2
  143. Uncanny Avengers (2023) #5
  144. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #7
  145. Wolverine (2020) #40
  146. Doctor Strange (2023) #10
  147. Original X-Men (2023) #1
  148. Superior Spider-Man (2023) #2
  149. G.O.D.S. #3
  150. Star Wars: Revelations (2023) #1
  151. Alien (2023) #s 1-5
  152. Alien Annual (2023) #1
  153. Alien (2023 2nd series) #1
  154. Superman (2023) #13
  155. Titans (2023) #10
  156. Nightwing (2016) #113
  157. Crucible: The Final Impact #s 1-2
  158. Action Force (1987) #s 1-2
  159. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #26
  160. Wonder Woman (2023) #8
  161. Alien (2023 2nd series) #2
  162. Crucible: The Final Impact #s 3-5
  163. Justice League of America: Another Nail #s 2-3
  164. Jay Garrick: The Flash #6
  165. Crucible: The Final Impact #6
  166. Aliens: Horror Show
  167. Aliens: Earth Angel
  168. Aliens: Sacrifice 
  169. Green Lantern: War Journal #8
  170. The Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #s 1-4
  171. Aliens: Rogue #1
  172. Aliens: Rogue #s 2-4
  173. Aliens: Taste
  174. Aliens: Backsplash
  175. Daredevil: Black Armor #s 1-2
  176. Iron Man & The Armor Wars #1
  177. Memoir of a Man in Pajamas OGN
  178. Batman: The Brave and the Bold #12
  179. It’s Jeff! #36
  180. Titans (1999) #1
  181. Titans Secret Files & Origins #1
  182. The House OGN
  183. Batman, Incorporated (2010) #s 1-6
  184. Aliens: Labyrinth #s 1-4
  185. Star Trek: The Motion Picture – Echoes #1
  186. Justice League International (1989) #s 51-55
  187. Justice League Spectacular #1
  188. Action Comics (1938) #674
  189. Superman: The Man of Steel (1991) #9
  190. Superman (1987) #65
  191. Adventures of Superman (1987) #488

The Comics of February 2024

What was behind the re-read of Marvel’s Thunderbolts, you might ask? Was it the movie that’s due out next year? Honestly, no; instead, I just remembered that I hadn’t read that much of the original series past that first year, and was in the mood for a solid, B-level superhero comic read after binging Louise Simonson’s New Mutants run. Thankfully, those Thunderbolts stories really hit the spot, even if they’re objectively rarely any better than “good.” There really is a comfort food quality of unspectacular, but good-enough superhero comics, isn’t there…?

Also on the list below: I read through basically all of the Massive-Verse, Image Comics’ creator-owned superhero universe run by Kyle Higgins, thanks to a Humble Bundle purchase, and it remains a fun take on a lot of classic superhero tropes… and something that led me into re-reading a lot of recent Green Lantern comics, as well; one of the strange things about reading quite the volume that I do is that you can overlook how solid something is until you binge-read, which is what I think happened here: the current state of DC’s two Green Lantern books is far, far healthier than I think I’d realized…

  1. Dial H for Hero (2019) #s 4-6
  2. Jennifer Blood #s 1-6
  3. Jennifer Blood #s 7-12
  4. Dial H for Hero (2019) #s 7-8
  5. Dial H for Hero (2019) #s 9-12
  6. Green Lantern (1960) #s 193-200
  7. Rom Spaceknight (1979) #s 1-4
  8. Infinity Inc. (1984) #s 3-4
  9. 2000 AD Progs 2368-2369
  10. Green Lantern (1960) #s 78-82
  11. Green Lantern (1960) #s 83-87,89
  12. Marvel Zombies: Resurrection (2019) #1
  13. Marvel Zombies: Resurrection (2020) #s 1-4
  14. Jennifer Blood #s 13-24
  15. The Ninjettes #s 1-6
  16. Rom Spaceknight (1979) #s 5-8
  17. Ultimate Universe #1
  18. Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #1
  19. X-Men (2021) #28
  20. The Avengers (2023) #7
  21. Doctor Strange (2023) #s 8-9
  22. Scarlet Witch (2023) #s 9-10
  23. Rom Spaceknight (1979) #s 9-13
  24. Venom (2021) #27
  25. Magneto (2023) #s 1-4
  26. The New Mutants (1983) #s 54-61
  27. Green Arrow (2023) #9
  28. The Flash #217-219, 226 (Green Lantern back-ups only)
  29. Green Lantern (1960) #s 90-91
  30. The New Mutants (1983) #s 62-67
  31. Spellbound #4
  32. The New Mutants (1983) #s 68-75
  33. Batman: The Brave and The Bold (2023) #10
  34. Amazons Attack (2023) #5
  35. The Penguin (2023) #7
  36. Jay Garrick: The Flash #s 1-5
  37. Green Lantern (1960) #s 92-93
  38. The New Mutants Annual (1984) #4
  39. The New Mutants (1983) #s 76-77
  40. Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane #s 5, 16, 23
  41. Green Lantern (1960) #s 94-95
  42. World’s Finest Comics (1941) #s 301-302
  43. 2000 AD Prog 2370
  44. World’s Finest Comics (1941) #s 294-297
  45. The New Mutants (1983) #s 78-86
  46. Infinity Inc. (1984) #s 5-10
  47. Green Lantern (1960) #s 96-100
  48. The New Mutants Annual (1984) #5
  49. Dark Ride #s 5-8
  50. Thunderbolts (1997) #s 13-18
  51. Superboy (1949) #s 222-227
  52. Thunderbolts (1997) #s 19-22
  53. Avengers (1998) #12
  54. Thunderbolts (1997) #s 0, 23-25
  55. Superboy (1949) #s 228-230
  56. DC’s How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days #1
  57. X-Men Red (2022) #17
  58. X-Force (2019) #46
  59. Thanos (2023) #1
  60. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #37
  61. G.O.D.S. #2
  62. Punisher (2023) #1
  63. Thunderbolts (1997) #s 26-30
  64. Future Quest #s 1-3
  65. Thunderbolts (1997) #s 31-37
  66. Fielder #1
  67. Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #s 83-84
  68. Thunderbolts (1997) #s 38-49
  69. Green Lantern (1960) #101
  70. Thunderbolts (1997) #s 50-52
  71. Thunderbolts: Life Sentences #1
  72. Thunderbolts Annual (1997) #1
  73. Thunderbolts (1997) #s 53-59
  74. COWL #s 1-5
  75. Thunderbolts Annual (2000) #1
  76. Thunderbolts (1997) #s 60-66
  77. Thunderbolts (1997) #s 67-75
  78. Avengers/Thunderbolts ## 1-6
  79. Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 1
  80. What If…? (1989) #108
  81. New Thunderbolts #1
  82. COWL #s 7-11
  83. Teen Titans: Earth One Vol. 1
  84. 2000 AD Prog 2371
  85. Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 2
  86. New Thunderbolts #s 2-3
  87. The Invisibles (1994) #s 1-4
  88. New Thunderbolts #s 4-18
  89. Thunderbolts (2006) #100
  90. Batman (2016) #145
  91. Birds of Prey (2023) #7
  92. Shazam (2023) #9
  93. The Invisibles (1994) #s 5-12
  94. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #s 1-12
  95. Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 3
  96. Alpha Flight (2023) #4
  97. Children of the Vault #4
  98. The Immortal Thor #4
  99. Uncanny Avengers (2023) #4
  100. Fantastic Four (2022) #13
  101. Green Lantern: Earth One Vol. 1
  102. Green Lantern: Earth One Vol. 2
  103. Amazons Attack (2023) #s 2-5
  104. Wonder Woman (2016) #759-769 (Mariko Tamaki run)
  105. Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #s 1-6
  106. Superior Spider-Man (2023) #1
  107. Daredevil (2023) #s 2-3
  108. Jean Grey (2023) #s 2-4
  109. Dark X-Men #s 1-4
  110. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #s 13-24
  111. Knight Terrors: First Blood #1
  112. Knight Terrors #s 1-4
  113. Knight Terrors: Night’s End #1
  114. DC Universe: Lazarus Planet Alpha #1
  115. Titans: Beast World #1
  116. Justice League of America (1960) #147
  117. 2000 AD Prog 2372
  118. Justice League of America (1960) #148
  119. DC Universe: Lazarus Planet Omega #1
  120. Titans: Beast World #s 2-6
  121. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #25
  122. Action Comics #1063
  123. Suicide Squad: Dream Team #1
  124. Batman/Dylan Dog #1
  125. Green Lantern (2023) #9
  126. DC Ape-Ril Special #1
  127. Green Lantern Corps (2006) #s 29
  128. Detective Comics (1935) #425
  129. Green Lantern (2023) #s 1-8
  130. Duke #3
  131. Cobra Commander #2
  132. Radiant Black #s 1-6
  133. Radiant Black #s 2-12
  134. Radiant Red #s 1-5
  135. Inferno Girl Red Book One #s 1-3
  136. Supermassive 2022 #1
  137. Judge Dredd: A Better World 
  138. Conan the Barbarian (2023) #s 1-4
  139. The Cull #s 1-5
  140. Rogue Sun #s 1-6
  141. Radiant Black #s 13-18
  142. Radiant Pink #s 1-5
  143. Radiant Black #s 19-24
  144. Supermassive 2023 #1
  145. Radiant Black #s 25-26, 26.5
  146. JLA/Avengers #1
  147. Green Lantern: War Journal #s 1-6
  148. Green Lantern (2021) #s 1-4
  149. Immortal X-Men #17
  150. Wolverine (2019) #39
  151. Invincible Iron Man (2022) #12
  152. Incredible Hulk (2023) #6
  153. Avengers Inc. #3
  154. Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld #1
  155. It’s Jeff! #31
  156. Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #38
  157. JLA/Avengers #2
  158. Titans (2023) #9
  159. Justice Society of America (2022) #9
  160. Wonder Woman (2023) #9
  161. Green Lantern (2021) #s 5-9
  162. Green Lantern Annual 2021 #1
  163. Green Lantern (2021) #s 10-12
  164. John Stewart: The Emerald Knight #1
  165. JLA/Avengers #3
  166. The Great British Bump-Off #s 1-4
  167. Brilliant #1
  168. Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #s 39-41
  169. Amazing Spider-Man: Gang War #1
  170. Luke Cage: Gang War #s 1-2
  171. Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #s 1-4
  172. Nightwing (2016) #112
  173. The Flash (2023) #s 1-6
  174. Suicide Squad: Raise the Flag #s 1-2
  175. Suicide Squad: Raise the Flag #s 3-5
  176. Suicide Squad: Raise the Flag #s 6-8
  177. Big Game #s 1-3
  178. TMNT: The Last Ronin II #1
  179. Big Game #s 4-5

Bam! You’ve Been Had, Dad!

I’m hyper-fixating on a detail from an old Superman comic I was re-reading recently, mostly because of the sheer fucking delight that it gave me; it’s a comic from the mid-1950s, when such material was firmly aimed at kids, and as such freed from the need to offer more than hand waving at any plot contrivance or speed bump on the road to where it needs to be, and as such is as bold and blunt as necessary to achieve its desired result.

The gimmick of the story is laid out in its first page: this time around, Superman isn’t just dealing with one villain, but three — and they’re all working together! Calamity! What made me laugh out loud with joy wasn’t that simple idea, though, but the way the villains met in the story. If that story was being told today, they’d meet in jail or through some appropriately grim, Machiavellian method, but in 1950-something, it was deemed entirely fine not only for all three to be escaping their glumness at the same local carnival, but for all three to literally bump into each other on the same carnival slide, each complaining that they were being jostled by the others.

It’s such a silly idea that it’s stuck with me ever since. I read a lot of superhero comics — it’s part of my job, sure, but they’re also just something that I deeply love personally — and seeing three bad guys on a slide together was a necessary reminder of how unserious and whimsical the genre is at its roots, and how playful this material used to be when it began. I’m not saying that I want more villains taking breaks at amusement parks at every given opportunity, but when repeatedly faced with the prospect of the world ending and an apocalypse on a monthly basis, maybe it’d be nice to remember that not everything has to be solved with a grimace and a seriousness that belies whimsy.

Even as I write that, I remember Marvel’s upcoming gimmick of releasing polybagged alternate versions of their superhero comics with more violence for “mature readers”…

The Comics of January 2024

And so we return and begin again. It’s a new year, and that means… well, I’m reading comics as much as ever, it seems. Of particular note from this past month’s haul have been my mass reading of Hickman-era X-Men, a return to old Superman comics, and my last-minute rediscovery of the joys of Dial H for Hero — the 2019 series that is very much a remix of superhero iconography and DC history, but also the earlier versions, too. Sockamagee, indeed.

  1. Cosmic Odyssey #1
  2. The Immortal Thor #2
  3. The Invincible Iron Man (2022) #10
  4. The Avengers (2023) #5
  5. Ultimate Invasion #4
  6. The Bogie Man: The Manhattan Project
  7. A-Next (1998) #s 1-3
  8. A-Next (1998) #s 4-6
  9. Cosmic Odyssey #s 2-4
  10. The Demon (1986) #s 1-4
  11. Action Comics #1061
  12. A-Next (1998) #s 7-12
  13. X-Men: Red (2018) #s 1-6
  14. X-Men: Red (2018) #s 7-11
  15. Dark Ages #s 4-6
  16. Batman and Robin Annual 2024 #1
  17. DC Power 2024 #1
  18. Trinity Special #1
  19. Inferno (2021) #s 1-4
  20. Immortal X-Men #s 1-10
  21. Sins of Sinister #1
  22. Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1
  23. Immortal X-Men #11
  24. Immortal X-Men #s 12-15
  25. X-Men (2019) #s 1-5
  26. Immortal X-Men #16
  27. 2000 AD Progs 2364-2365
  28. Petrol Head #s 2-3
  29. X-Men (2019) #s 6-11
  30. X-Men (2019) #12
  31. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest Annual 2024 #1
  32. Giant-Sized X-Men: Jean Grey & Emma Frost #1
  33. Giant-Sized X-Men: Nightcrawler #1
  34. Giant-Sized X-Men: Magneto #1
  35. Giant-Sized X-Men: Fantomex #1
  36. Giant-Sized X-Men: Storm #1
  37. X-Men (2019) #s 16-21
  38. The Six Fingers #1
  39. The One Hand #1
  40. Moon Man #1
  41. Planet-Size X-Men #1
  42. X-Men (2021) #27
  43. X-Force (2019) #45
  44. Fantastic Four (2022) #12
  45. Superman: Lost #s 3-10
  46. Titans: Beast World #6
  47. X-Men (2021) #s 1-6
  48. X-Men (2021) #s 7-12
  49. X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2022) #1
  50. X-Men (2021) #s 13-15
  51. X-Men (2021) #s 16-21
  52. 2000 AD Prog 2366
  53. Cobra Commander #1
  54. X-Men (2021) #s 22-24
  55. X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2023) #1
  56. 2001: A Space Odyssey #1
  57. Conan the Barbarian Free Comic Book Day 2023 
  58. Batman (2016) #142
  59. X-Men (2021) #s 25-26
  60. X Lives of Wolverine #1
  61. X Deaths of Wolverine #s 1-2
  62. X Lives of Wolverine #s 2-3
  63. The Spirit Casebook Vol. 1
  64. Captain Victory & the Galactic Rangers (1982) #s 1-2
  65. Captain Victory & the Galactic Rangers (1982) #s 3-7
  66. Captain Victory & the Galactic Rangers (1982) #s 8-13
  67. Captain Victory & the Galactic Rangers Special #1
  68. X-Men/Fantastic Four #s 1-4
  69. X Deaths of Wolverine #s 3-5
  70. X Lives of Wolverine #s 4-5
  71. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #35
  72. Wolverine (2020) #38
  73. Guardians of The Galaxy (2023) #7
  74. Superior Spider-Man Returns #1
  75. The Avengers (2023) #6
  76. Children of the Vault #s 1-2
  77. X-Men Red (2021) #1
  78. SWORD (2020) #1-11
  79. X-Men Red (2021) #s 2-10
  80. Detective Comics #854
  81. X-Men Red (2021) #s 11-13
  82. X-Men: Before the Fall – Heralds of Apocalypse #1
  83. X-Men Red (2021) #s 14-16
  84. Cable (2020) #1
  85. Cable: Reloaded #1
  86. Powers of X #s 1-6
  87. Birds of Prey (2023) #6
  88. Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #6
  89. Red Hood: The Hill #0
  90. Justice League of America (1960) #s 201-205
  91. Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1
  92. Inhumans Prime #1
  93. Royals #s 1-12
  94. Inhumans: Judgment Day #1
  95. Marvel Boy (2000) #s 1-6
  96. Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #s 2-8
  97. Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #s 9-15
  98. Batman (2016) #143
  99. Batman and Robin (2023) #6
  100. Green Lantern (2023) #8
  101. X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #1
  102. Judge Dredd: A Penitent Man (collection)
  103. 2000 AD Prog 2367
  104. Ghost Machine #1
  105. Star Trek (2022) #s 7-10
  106. Star Trek Annual 2023 #1
  107. Best of 2000 AD Free Comic Book Day 2022
  108. Flash/Green Lantern: The Brave and The Bold #1
  109. Flash/Green Lantern: The Brave and The Bold #s 2-6
  110. Avengers Inc. #2
  111. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #5
  112. The Invincible Iron Man (2022) #11
  113. Crypt of Shadows (2023) #1
  114. Children of the Vault #3
  115. Green Lantern/Flash: Faster Friends #1
  116. Helen of Wyndhorne #1
  117. Essential Rogue Trooper Vol. 1
  118. The Flash (1959) #131, 222
  119. The Flash Special (1990) #1
  120. DC Special Series #11
  121. We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #s 1-7
  122. We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #s 8-12
  123. Superman (1939) #88
  124. World’s Finest Comics #82
  125. Adventure Comics #253
  126. Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #1
  127. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #24
  128. Titans (2023) #8
  129. Green Lantern: War Journal #6
  130. Action Comics #1062
  131. Batman (2016) #144
  132. We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #s 13-15
  133. World’s Finest Comics #71
  134. Aquaman: Through Fire and Water #1
  135. World’s Finest Comics #s 72-74
  136. Superman (1939) #s 1-2
  137. Duke #2
  138. Superman (1939) #65
  139. Superman (2023) #11
  140. Wonder Woman (2023) #6
  141. Nightwing (2016) #111
  142. Action Comics (1938) #s 544-546
  143. Action Comics (1938) #s 539-541
  144. Superman Special (1983) #1
  145. Action Comics (1938) #s 551-554
  146. Superman Special (1983) #2
  147. Action Comics Weekly #601
  148. Blackhawk (1988) #1
  149. Blackhawk (1944) #258
  150. Our Army at War #83
  151. Star-Spangled War Stories #87
  152. Action Comics (1938) #309
  153. Infinity Inc. (1984) #19
  154. Action Comics (1938) #484
  155. Infinity Inc. (1984) #1
  156. Immortal Thor #3
  157. Captain America (2023) #2
  158. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #36
  159. Alpha Flight (2023) #3
  160. Infinity Inc. (1984) #2
  161. Action Comics (1938) #252
  162. Detective Comics (1937) #567
  163. Action Comics (1938) #285
  164. Detective Comics (1937) #327
  165. Batman: Death and the Maidens #s 1-9
  166. Detective Comics (1937) #225
  167. Action Comics (1938) #241
  168. Uncanny Avengers (2023) #3
  169. Green Lantern (1960) #188
  170. Green Lantern (1960) #s 189-191
  171. Green Lantern (1960) # 192
  172. Dial H for Hero (2019) #s 1-3
  173. H-E-R-O #s 1-2
  174. Dial H #1
  175. New Adventures of Superboy #s 28-30 (Dial H for Hero stories)

The Old Gods Died

I am the audience for superhero comics; I am not a frustrated creator of them. Oh, maybe I was at some point decades earlier; I think it’s a generally recognized fact that a significant portion of the fan base of superhero comics are wannabe creators of them, and I was almost certainly someone who dreamed about that possibility when I was in high school, because of course I was. As I got older, though, that ambition faded and fell apart through a combination of knowing I wasn’t good enough and wanting to do other things anyway. I was happy enough to just enjoy reading them.

With the exception of Jack Kirby’s Fourth World.

I don’t mean that I don’t enjoy reading those characters; I do, very much — they’re likely my favorite collective of concepts and characters in mainstream superhero comics. Instead, it’s that when I do revisit those original Kirby books, as I tend to annually, I always end up thinking, Well, if you were going to do it today, you should do this… for whatever reason.

It’s never in the form of a plot idea, or anything I could ever pitch (not that I would), but odd background ideas and restaging things. It’s Kirby’s own fault: his Fourth World books were not only timeless, they were timely, with hippies and draft dodgers and commentary on media and society and the nature of war, and the nature of aging, even, and my head just… goes places. I can’t help it.

(Serifan is trans-masc; Darkseid’s primary weapon is Glorious Godfrey, who uses Kalibak as an example of masculinity that isn’t “allowed” by the left in an attempt to sow discord; the Forever People has a fandom of “stans” and “simps” that they don’t know what to do with because of their own attitudes towards equality; there needs to be more done with Apokolips conquering death and using technology as a cure to everything, and how that affects the Hunger Dogs, and so on.)

I’ll never do anything with any of these ideas, aside from forget them. Nonetheless, it’s fun to have them, and feels like a tribute to Kirby’s impossibly huge creativity — that he was so plugged into things that even I can be affected by it in such a way, almost 60 years later.

The Comics of December 2023

And so we reach the end of the comics of 2023, with this round-up of what I read in December. (Normally I do it closer to the start of the month, but the holidays distracted me. What do you want?) I went through a period of reading a lot of Christmas-themed comics in the middle of the month, in part because I wasn’t having an especially festive time and I wanted to jumpstart the season somehow. It kind of worked, in the same way that listening to a bunch of Christmas music kind of worked; more than anything, I learned to appreciate the cliche and stereotypes of these comics , and how creators navigated them — leaning in, in some cases, trying their best to avoid them in others.

When I started keeping track, it was something I thought I’d only do for a year as a project. I’ve found myself continuing to note down comics as I finish them. Along the lines, it became a habit instead of a project. The question is, should I keep posting them here for people to see…? We’ll find out this time next month, I guess.

For now, December 2023’s comics.

  1. The Divided States of Hysteria #s 1-6
  2. Dark Ride #1
  3. Transformers (2023) #3
  4. Duke (2023) #1
  5. 2000 AD Prog 2362 (End of year Christmas prog)
  6. Legion of Super-Heroes (2005) #37 (Jim Shooter returns)
  7. Every Judge Dredd strip from 2000 AD in 2023
  8. Excalibur (1988) #83-87
  9. Dark Ride #s 2-4
  10. Every Judge Dredd strip from 2000 AD in 2021
  11. Ultimate Invasion #3
  12. Excalibur (1988) #88-92
  13. Marvel Age #1000
  14. Batman (1940) #678-679
  15. Batman (2016) #129
  16. Jaegir: Warchild
  17. Jaegir: In the Realm of Pyrrhus
  18. Jeagir: Bonecrusher
  19. Jaegir: Valkyrie 
  20. Jaegir: The Path of Kali
  21. Jaegir: Ferox
  22. Marvel Mutts Infinity Comic #1
  23. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #3
  24. Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #s 1-2
  25. Miracleman (2015) #1
  26. Titans: Beast World #4
  27. Action Comics #1061
  28. Batman & Robin (2023) #5
  29. Batman (2016) #141
  30. Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #5
  31. Miracleman (2015) #s 2-16
  32. All-New Miracleman Annual #1
  33. Marvel Team-Up (1972) #78
  34. Marvel Two-In-One #78
  35. Marvel Team-Up (1972) #136
  36. What If…? (1989) #s 28-29
  37. Batman (1940) #428
  38. Batman #428 Alternate Edition: Robin Lives!
  39. Daleks: The Ultimate Comic Strip Collection Vol. 1
  40. What If…? (1989) #s 30-32
  41. G.I. Joe (1982) #s 11-20
  42. What If…? (1989) #s 33-34
  43. Secret Empire #s 0-10
  44. Secret Empire: Omega #1
  45. Fantastic Four (2012) #s 5-7
  46. Fantastic Four (2012) #s 8-10
  47. Immortal X-Men #15
  48. X-Men (2021) #26
  49. Doctor Strange (2023) #s 6-7
  50. The Amazing Spider-Men (2022) #33
  51. Fantastic Four (2022) #11
  52. Scarlet Witch (2023) #s 7-8
  53. Fantastic Four (2012) #s 11-16
  54. Warlock: Rebirth #5
  55. Avengers: Beyond #5
  56. Captain Marvel (2019) #50
  57. Spider-Man (2022) #s 10-11
  58. Moon Knight (2021) #s 25-27
  59. Nightwing (2016) #110
  60. Titans (2022) #7
  61. Superman (2023) #10
  62. What If…? (1989) #s 35-39, 49
  63. Wonder Woman (2023) #5
  64. The Bogie Man #s 2-4
  65. Silver Surfer (1987) #s 139-140
  66. Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #23
  67. Green Lantern: War Journal #5
  68. John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #1
  69. Justice League of America (1960) #152
  70. The Flash (2016) #13
  71. Green Arrow Annual (2017) #1
  72. Harley Quinn (2016) #10
  73. Batman: Gotham Nights #22
  74. Detective Comics (1937) #826
  75. Hawk & Dove (1989) #20
  76. Superman (1987) #64
  77. Adventures of Superman (1987) #487
  78. DC Comics Presents #67
  79. The New Adventures of Superboy #39
  80. Super Friends (1976) #32
  81. Superman (1987) #109
  82. DCU Holiday Bash #1
  83. DCU Holiday Bash II #1
  84. DCU Holiday Bash III #1
  85. DCU Infinite Holiday Special #1
  86. DC Universe Holiday Special 2009
  87. DC Universe Holiday Special 2010
  88. DC Universe: Rebirth Holiday Special #1
  89. Daredevil (2023) #1
  90. Shadowpact #1-5
  91. Star Trek: Defiant #s 1-3
  92. G.I. Joe (1982) #22
  93. James Bond: Agent of SPECTRE #s 2-5
  94. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #4
  95. Hawk & Dove (1989) #s 21-28
  96. Shadowpact #s 6-8
  97. Star Trek: Defiant #s 4-5
  98. DC Holiday Special 2017
  99. X-Force (2019) #44
  100. Every Judge Dredd strip from 2000 AD in 2022
  101. X-Men Red (2022) #22
  102. DC’s Nuclear Winter Special #1
  103. New Year’s Evil #1
  104. DC’s Very Merry Multiverse #1
  105. The Children’s Crusade #s 1-2
  106. Starman (1994) #27
  107. Batman (1940) #s 596, 598
  108. Justice League Unlimited #s 16, 28
  109. Swamp Thing Winter Special #1
  110. Superman’s Christmas Adventure #1
  111. Action Comics #93
  112. Moon Knight: Silent Knight #1
  113. Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1
  114. Daredevil (1964) #266
  115. The ‘Nam #23
  116. Marvel Two-In-One #8
  117. Iron Man (1968) #254
  118. The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #314
  119. Wolverine (2003) #49
  120. The Winter Soldier: Winter Kills #1
  121. Daredevil (2011) #7
  122. King in Black: Immortal Hulk #1
  123. Season’s Beatings #1
  124. GLX-Mas #1
  125. King in Black: Iron Man/Doctor Doom #1
  126. World’s Greatest Super-Heroes Holiday Special #1
  127. Doctor Doom (2019) #s 1-5
  128. Doctor Doom (2019) #s 6-10
  129. Iron Man (2020) #s 1-15
  130. Iron Man (2020) #s 16-25
  131. Runaways (2017) #s 1-9
  132. 2000 AD Free Comic Book Day 2016, 2017, 2020, 2021
  133. Klaus and the Crisis in Xmasville
  134. Iron Man/Hellcat Annual #1
  135. Hellcat (2023) #s 1-5
  136. Thunderbolts Annual 2000 #1
  137. Avengers Annual 2000 #1
  138. Klaus and the Crying Snowman
  139. Klaus and the Life and Times of Joe Christmas 
  140. Titans: Beast World #5
  141. Green Arrow (2023) #8
  142. Amazons Attack (2023) #4
  143. The Penguin (2023) #6
  144. Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #9
  145. Titans: Beast World Tour – Star City #1
  146. The Flash (2023) #5
  147. Once and Future #s 1-10
  148. Runaways (2017) #s 10-11
  149. Once and Future #s 11-18
  150. Runaways (2017) #s 12-38
  151. Green Lantern: Mosaic #9 
  152. Once and Future #s 19-24
  153. Once and Future #s 25-26
  154. The Amazing Spider-Men (2022) #34
  155. Uncanny Avengers (2023) #2
  156. Captain America (2023) #1
  157. Alpha Flight (2023) #2
  158. Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #6
  159. Wolverine (2020) #37
  160. Uncanny Spider-Man #1
  161. Once and Future #s 27-30
  162. Asterios Polyp OGN
  163. The Song of the Machine OGN
  164. Detective Comics (2016) #s 1073-1076
  165. Secret Wars (2015) #s 0, 1-3
  166. Gold Goblin #s 1-5
  167. Namor: Conquered Shores #s 1-5
  168. New Gods (1971) #s 1-5
  169. New Gods (1971) #s 6-11
  170. New Gods (1984) #6 (New material only)
  171. Super Powers (1984) #1-5
  172. The Hunger Dogs OGN
  173. Super Powers (1985) #1
  174. New Gods Secret Files #1
  175. Kirby 100: Darkseid Special #1
  176. Kirby 100: The New Gods Special #1
  177. Kirby 100: Manhunter Special #1
  178. Kirby 100: The Black Racer and Shilo Norman Special #1
  179. The Kamandi Challenge #s 1-6
  180. The Kamandi Challenge #s 7-12
  181. First Issue Special #13
  182. New Gods (1971) #s 12-13
  183. New Gods (1971) #s 14-19
  184. Adventure Comics #459-460 (New Gods stories only)
  185. Super-Team Family #15
  186. DC Special Series #10
  187. Justice League of America (1960) #183