Oddly enough, I found myself tired of reading at one point this month; specifically, tired of reading comics, so I’d happily kill time writing something for work loosely, or reading the news or analysis of the news or whatever, but… reading comics…? I’d lost the appetite. Thankfully, it came back before too long. Maybe I was really just burned out on my specific choice of reading material for awhile. Who knows?
- Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1
- Ultimate Avengers #s 1-6
- Ultimate Avengers 2 #s 1-6
- Ultimate Avengers 3 #s 1-6
- The Cull #1
- Marvel Knights Spider-Man #s 1-4
- G.I. Joe (1982) #s 1-2
- Marvel Knights Spider-Man #s 5-6
- Cartoon Show (Derek M. Ballard strip collection)
- Dwellings #1
- Marvel Knights Spider-Man #s 7-12
- New X-Men (1991) #114
- Superman and the Authority #s 1-4
- Batman/Superman: The Authority Special #1
- Dark Knights of Steel #s 1-11
- Suicide Squad (2019) #1
- A-1 (1989) #s 1-2
- Suicide Squad (2019) #s 2-6
- Mech Cadets #1
- Suicide Squad (2019) # 7-11
- Incredible Hulk (1999) #s 106-108
- World War Hulk #s 1-2
- Incredible Hulk (1999) #s 109-111
- World War Hulk #s 3-5
- World War Hulk: Aftersmash #1
- Damn Them All #1
- Illuminati (2015) #1
- Thor (1966) #s 206-207
- Avengers (1963) #s 183-184
- Transformers Classic: UK Vol. 1 (Collected edition)
- Earth 2 (2012) #s 10-14, Annual #1
- Earth 2 (2012) #s 15-26, Annual #2
- Earth 2: World’s End #1
- Thor (2007) #s 1-4
- Spider-Man: Reign #s 1-3
- Alec: The King Canute Club
- Immortal X-Men #11
- Spider-Man (2022) #8
- Joe Fixit #5
- Thor (2007) #s 5-10
- Angst Farm #1
- Batman/Catwoman: Gotham War – Battlelines #1
- Batman (2016) #137
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #3
- WildC.A.T.s (2022) #1
- WildC.A.T.s (2022) #s 2-5
- Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special #1
- WildC.A.T.s (2022) #s 6-10
- Thor (2007) #s 11-12, 600
- Thor (2020) #27
- Void Rivals #3
- Thor (2020) #s 28-29
- Batman Incorporated (2022) #1
- Knight Terrors: Night’s End #1
- Action Comics presents: Doomsday Special #1
- Batman Incorporated (2022) #s 2-7
- Captain Midnight (2013) #0
- Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #s 1-5
- Captain Midnight (2013) #s 1-3
- Nostalgia #s 1-5
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin #s 1-5
- Dark Knights of Steel #12
- Knight Terrors #4
- Batman: The Brave and The Bold #4
- Knight Terrors: Angel Breaker #2
- Knight Terrors: Titans #2
- Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #2
- Knight Terrors: Action Comics #2
- Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #2
- The Penguin (2023) #1
- Voodoo (1997) #s 1-4
- X-Men/Alpha Flight (1985) #1
- Alpha Flight (2011) #s 0, 1-4
- Codename: Knockout #0
- All Star Superman #s 1-12
- Alpha Flight (2011) #s 5-8
- Gender Queer: A Memoir
- Wolverine (2020) #33
- The Invincible Iron Man (2022) #6
- X-Men Red (2022) #11
- Captain Marvel (2019) #49
- The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #s 23-25
- The Authority (2003) #s 1-4
- The Authority (2003) #s 0, 5-14
- The Authority/The Authority: The Lost Year #s 1-12
- The Authority: World’s End #1
- Shazam! (2023) #3
- Birds of Prey (2023) #1
- Fire and Ice: Welcome to Smallville #1
- Justice Society of America (2022) #6
- Peacemaker Tries Hard! #5
- Blue Beetle (2023) #1
- The Authority: World’s End #s 2-17
- The Unseen Hand #s 1-4
- Deadline USA Vol. 2 #s 1-4
- Thor: The Trial of Thor #1
- Thor (2007) #s 601-603
- Thor Giant-Sized Finale #1
- Thor (2007) #s 604-621
- Deadline USA Vol. 2 #s 5-8
- Scarlet Witch (2022) #s 1-4
- Destroyer Duck #s 1-3
- Fantastic Four (2022) #7
- X-Force (2019) #40
- X-Men (2021) #22
- She-Hulk (2022) #13
- Venom (2021) #19
- Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #2
- Scarlet Witch (2022) #5
- Scarlet Witch Annual (2023) #1
- Hulk Annual (2023) #1
- Hey Kids! Comics! Vol. 2: Prophets #s 1-6
- Survival Geeks (2000 AD strip collection)
- Batman and Robin (2023) #1
- Danger Street #9
- Green Lantern (2023) #3
- World’s Finest: Teen Titans #3
- Petrolhead #1
- Survival Geeks: Crisis of Infinite Nerds (2000 AD strip collection)
- The Mean Arena #1 (2000 AD strip collection)
- Rare Flavours: Tasting Menu ashcan
- Pandora Perfect TPB (2000 AD strip collection)
- Moon Knight (2021) #1
- Bricktop A1 Special #1
- Moon Knight (2021) #s 2-20
- X-Force/Champions Annual #1
- Moon Knight (2021) #s 21-23
- Justice League: A Midsummer’s Nightmare #1
- The Riverside Companion #s 1-3 (Kevin Huizenga minis)
- Crime Destroyer: True Till Death (Shaky Kane one-shot)
- The Worst (Molly Mendoza mini)
- Fielder #1 (Huizenga)
- Gag! (2023) #2
- JLA #s 43-58
- Classic X-Men #s 1-32
- X-Men/Alpha Flight (1998) #1
- The Immortal Thor #1
- Justice League (2016) #s 34-43
- Fury (2023) #1
- Hellcat (2023) #3
- Justice League Elite #s 1-2
- Justice League Elite #s 3-12
- Steelworks #s 2-3
- Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #19
- Titans (2023) #3
- Wonder Woman (2023) #1
- Superman (2023) #6
- Nightwing (2016) #106
- Catwoman (2019) #57
- Green Lantern: War Journal #1
- Silver Surfer: Rebirth #s 1-5
- Warlock: Rebirth #s 1-2
- Silver Surfer (1987) #123
- Transformers (2023) #1
- Silver Surfer (1987) #s 125-138
- Doctor Strange (2023) #2
- Doctor Strange (1974) #64
- Not Brand Ecch #11
- Doctor Strange (1974) #47
- G.O.D.S. #1
- Starlight #s 1-6
- Huck #s 1-6
- The Ambassadors #s 1-6