What was behind the re-read of Marvel’s Thunderbolts, you might ask? Was it the movie that’s due out next year? Honestly, no; instead, I just remembered that I hadn’t read that much of the original series past that first year, and was in the mood for a solid, B-level superhero comic read after binging Louise Simonson’s New Mutants run. Thankfully, those Thunderbolts stories really hit the spot, even if they’re objectively rarely any better than “good.” There really is a comfort food quality of unspectacular, but good-enough superhero comics, isn’t there…?
Also on the list below: I read through basically all of the Massive-Verse, Image Comics’ creator-owned superhero universe run by Kyle Higgins, thanks to a Humble Bundle purchase, and it remains a fun take on a lot of classic superhero tropes… and something that led me into re-reading a lot of recent Green Lantern comics, as well; one of the strange things about reading quite the volume that I do is that you can overlook how solid something is until you binge-read, which is what I think happened here: the current state of DC’s two Green Lantern books is far, far healthier than I think I’d realized…
- Dial H for Hero (2019) #s 4-6
- Jennifer Blood #s 1-6
- Jennifer Blood #s 7-12
- Dial H for Hero (2019) #s 7-8
- Dial H for Hero (2019) #s 9-12
- Green Lantern (1960) #s 193-200
- Rom Spaceknight (1979) #s 1-4
- Infinity Inc. (1984) #s 3-4
- 2000 AD Progs 2368-2369
- Green Lantern (1960) #s 78-82
- Green Lantern (1960) #s 83-87,89
- Marvel Zombies: Resurrection (2019) #1
- Marvel Zombies: Resurrection (2020) #s 1-4
- Jennifer Blood #s 13-24
- The Ninjettes #s 1-6
- Rom Spaceknight (1979) #s 5-8
- Ultimate Universe #1
- Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #1
- X-Men (2021) #28
- The Avengers (2023) #7
- Doctor Strange (2023) #s 8-9
- Scarlet Witch (2023) #s 9-10
- Rom Spaceknight (1979) #s 9-13
- Venom (2021) #27
- Magneto (2023) #s 1-4
- The New Mutants (1983) #s 54-61
- Green Arrow (2023) #9
- The Flash #217-219, 226 (Green Lantern back-ups only)
- Green Lantern (1960) #s 90-91
- The New Mutants (1983) #s 62-67
- Spellbound #4
- The New Mutants (1983) #s 68-75
- Batman: The Brave and The Bold (2023) #10
- Amazons Attack (2023) #5
- The Penguin (2023) #7
- Jay Garrick: The Flash #s 1-5
- Green Lantern (1960) #s 92-93
- The New Mutants Annual (1984) #4
- The New Mutants (1983) #s 76-77
- Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane #s 5, 16, 23
- Green Lantern (1960) #s 94-95
- World’s Finest Comics (1941) #s 301-302
- 2000 AD Prog 2370
- World’s Finest Comics (1941) #s 294-297
- The New Mutants (1983) #s 78-86
- Infinity Inc. (1984) #s 5-10
- Green Lantern (1960) #s 96-100
- The New Mutants Annual (1984) #5
- Dark Ride #s 5-8
- Thunderbolts (1997) #s 13-18
- Superboy (1949) #s 222-227
- Thunderbolts (1997) #s 19-22
- Avengers (1998) #12
- Thunderbolts (1997) #s 0, 23-25
- Superboy (1949) #s 228-230
- DC’s How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days #1
- X-Men Red (2022) #17
- X-Force (2019) #46
- Thanos (2023) #1
- The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #37
- G.O.D.S. #2
- Punisher (2023) #1
- Thunderbolts (1997) #s 26-30
- Future Quest #s 1-3
- Thunderbolts (1997) #s 31-37
- Fielder #1
- Marvel Two-In-One (1974) #s 83-84
- Thunderbolts (1997) #s 38-49
- Green Lantern (1960) #101
- Thunderbolts (1997) #s 50-52
- Thunderbolts: Life Sentences #1
- Thunderbolts Annual (1997) #1
- Thunderbolts (1997) #s 53-59
- COWL #s 1-5
- Thunderbolts Annual (2000) #1
- Thunderbolts (1997) #s 60-66
- Thunderbolts (1997) #s 67-75
- Avengers/Thunderbolts ## 1-6
- Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 1
- What If…? (1989) #108
- New Thunderbolts #1
- COWL #s 7-11
- Teen Titans: Earth One Vol. 1
- 2000 AD Prog 2371
- Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 2
- New Thunderbolts #s 2-3
- The Invisibles (1994) #s 1-4
- New Thunderbolts #s 4-18
- Thunderbolts (2006) #100
- Batman (2016) #145
- Birds of Prey (2023) #7
- Shazam (2023) #9
- The Invisibles (1994) #s 5-12
- Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #s 1-12
- Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 3
- Alpha Flight (2023) #4
- Children of the Vault #4
- The Immortal Thor #4
- Uncanny Avengers (2023) #4
- Fantastic Four (2022) #13
- Green Lantern: Earth One Vol. 1
- Green Lantern: Earth One Vol. 2
- Amazons Attack (2023) #s 2-5
- Wonder Woman (2016) #759-769 (Mariko Tamaki run)
- Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #s 1-6
- Superior Spider-Man (2023) #1
- Daredevil (2023) #s 2-3
- Jean Grey (2023) #s 2-4
- Dark X-Men #s 1-4
- Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #s 13-24
- Knight Terrors: First Blood #1
- Knight Terrors #s 1-4
- Knight Terrors: Night’s End #1
- DC Universe: Lazarus Planet Alpha #1
- Titans: Beast World #1
- Justice League of America (1960) #147
- 2000 AD Prog 2372
- Justice League of America (1960) #148
- DC Universe: Lazarus Planet Omega #1
- Titans: Beast World #s 2-6
- Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #25
- Action Comics #1063
- Suicide Squad: Dream Team #1
- Batman/Dylan Dog #1
- Green Lantern (2023) #9
- DC Ape-Ril Special #1
- Green Lantern Corps (2006) #s 29
- Detective Comics (1935) #425
- Green Lantern (2023) #s 1-8
- Duke #3
- Cobra Commander #2
- Radiant Black #s 1-6
- Radiant Black #s 2-12
- Radiant Red #s 1-5
- Inferno Girl Red Book One #s 1-3
- Supermassive 2022 #1
- Judge Dredd: A Better World
- Conan the Barbarian (2023) #s 1-4
- The Cull #s 1-5
- Rogue Sun #s 1-6
- Radiant Black #s 13-18
- Radiant Pink #s 1-5
- Radiant Black #s 19-24
- Supermassive 2023 #1
- Radiant Black #s 25-26, 26.5
- JLA/Avengers #1
- Green Lantern: War Journal #s 1-6
- Green Lantern (2021) #s 1-4
- Immortal X-Men #17
- Wolverine (2019) #39
- Invincible Iron Man (2022) #12
- Incredible Hulk (2023) #6
- Avengers Inc. #3
- Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld #1
- It’s Jeff! #31
- Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #38
- JLA/Avengers #2
- Titans (2023) #9
- Justice Society of America (2022) #9
- Wonder Woman (2023) #9
- Green Lantern (2021) #s 5-9
- Green Lantern Annual 2021 #1
- Green Lantern (2021) #s 10-12
- John Stewart: The Emerald Knight #1
- JLA/Avengers #3
- The Great British Bump-Off #s 1-4
- Brilliant #1
- Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #s 39-41
- Amazing Spider-Man: Gang War #1
- Luke Cage: Gang War #s 1-2
- Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #s 1-4
- Nightwing (2016) #112
- The Flash (2023) #s 1-6
- Suicide Squad: Raise the Flag #s 1-2
- Suicide Squad: Raise the Flag #s 3-5
- Suicide Squad: Raise the Flag #s 6-8
- Big Game #s 1-3
- TMNT: The Last Ronin II #1
- Big Game #s 4-5