I Turn Up The Radio/But I Can’t Hear It

So, yeah. I was on NPR awhile back.

nprIt was a surreal, but ultimately enjoyable, experience – Although, I’ll admit, it didn’t end up with “ultimately enjoyable” until after everyone had heard the interview. I was (and still kind of am) surprised and unsure that it aired at all; I had managed to convince myself that I had screwed up and the entire thing would’ve been unusable because I was so boring or something. I was also amazingly nervous, because look at that studio I was in. That’s a real radio studio, with multiple mics and someone that you can’t see through the glass working to produce the whole thing, even though I was in Portland and the interviewer was somewhere on the East Coast.

I meant to post this picture back then, when the episode of All Things Considered aired, but I forgot; I’m kind of glad, now. Enough time has passed that I feel like I can say that I’d happily go back, if I was ever to be asked. I guess for that to happen, I’ll have to write something suitably sticky for Wired again…?

It hasn’t stopped being surreal, though.