In Glasgow, just 75% of the boys born there and 85% of the girls would reach their 65th birthday. Boys born in east Dorset, the best performing area for males, could expect to live until 83, and girls who were born in the Purbeck area of Dorset could expect to reach 86.6 years.

The ONS said: “Life expectancy at birth has been used as a measure of the health status of the population since the 1840s. Glasgow city was consistently ranked as the area with the lowest male and female life expectancy between 2006-08 and 2010-12.”

Overall, life expectancy at birth in the UK increased between 2006-8 and 2010-12 from 77.5 to 78.9 years for males, and 81.7 to 82.7 years for females. It was higher in England than elsewhere in the UK .

No local areas in Scotland and Wales, and only one in Northern Ireland, featured in the top fifth of those regions with the highest life expectancy at birth.

I’m feeling such hometown nostalgia right now, you guys.

(Official, pedantic, note: Okay, I don’t come from Glasgow exactly; I actually come from Greenock, which, you know.)

I’ve very proud of The Newsroom. I have the time of my life working with the people that I work with, but there is a learning curve and unfortunately, those lessons are learned in front of several million people. Again, that’s what you sign up for. I wish that I could go back to the beginning of The Newsroom and start again and replicate what you have with a play, which is a preview period… But I’m feeling really good about how the third season is going. I’ll look back on it fondly and proudly and wish I could get every scene of every episode back so that I could do it all over again.

Aaron Sorkin apologizes for The Newsroom, a show that has a lot of problems – oh, so many – but which I really enjoy anyway. Admittedly, I’ve only seen season one so far, so the second season could take an astonishing nosedive, but still.