As you can see, I’m continuing with my Star Trek and Greg Rucka reading habits. Critical Space is a weird, fascinating read because it’s a novel that changes the Kodiak series from one thing into another, and also the format of Rucka’s novels, as well; I have to doubleback and read Shooting At Midnight again to see if he actually started it there. Fistful of Rain, meanwhile, I just loved for the Portland-ness of it all (This is maybe the third time I’ve read it, and each time I feel like I recognize a little more of the city). As far as the Trek novel goes, it’s fun enough but has a truly ridiculous ending that reads as if it is missing a chapter or two somewhere along the way. As far as cliffhangers go, though, it’s pretty fun.
Next up on the bedside table: Alan Bennert’s Time and Chance, a recommendation from none other than comics’ own Kurt Busiek, and the Shooting At Midnight that’s waiting for me at the library.