Why NBC’s Right to Revive Heroes
NBC is bringing back its 2006 superhero series ‘Heroes’ as a miniseries next year. Forget how much you hated seasons 2-4; this is actually a good idea.
Spoilers: I’m of the opinion that if you strip Heroes back to its original concept – which is literally “a bunch of folk get superpowers and have to learn how to use them,” AKA the most generic superhero story ever – then you have the basis for a good TV show.
Not spoilers: I am, of course, in favor of this idea because I suggested it three years ago.
In related news: Hey, Show Business: I am for hire.
In more related news: Talking about Heroes in the WIRED meeting this morning, I made a comment about how it felt like a relic from the distant past despite not being that old a TV show. dynamofire then responded by saying that she was in high school when it premiered.