The Comics of August 2024

Another month where I was convinced I’d been reading significantly less than usual, only for the final tally to surprise me. This month, we can especially appreciate what in both cases started as accidental, and then very purposeful, dives into the DC back catalogs of both Geoff Johns (Doomsday Clock and afterwards, specifically) and Tom Taylor, starting with Nightwing and moving forward. As you’ll also see for the end of the month, I got very, very into revisiting The Flash in multiple different incarnations, to the point where I have crude operating theories about the differences between Barry, Wally, and so on. Sometimes, I worry about my brain.

  1. Superman/Wonder Woman: Whom Gods Destroy #s 1-2
  2. Cobra Commander #s 1-5
  3. Superman/Wonder Woman: Whom Gods Destroy #s 3-4
  4. Superman: True Brit OGN
  5. Superman/Batman (2003) #26
  6. Sovereign Seven #3
  7. Superman: The Secret Years #1
  8. Detective Comics (1937) #s 501-502
  9. Showcase ‘95 #12
  10. Teen Titans: Year One #s 1-6
  11. World’s Finest: Teen Titans #1
  12. Classic X-Men #s 10-13
  13. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #106
  14. Infinite Frontier #0
  15. Infinite Frontier Secret Files #s 1-6
  16. Future State: Justice League #s 1-2
  17. Classic X-Men #s 14-15
  18. Wolverine (1988) #88
  19. Wolverine ‘95 #1
  20. Deadpool (1997) #27
  21. Wolverine ‘99 Annual #1
  22. Wolverine (1988) #154-155
  23. Cable & Deadpool #s 43-44
  24. Wolverine: Origins #s 21-25
  25. Classic X-Men #16
  26. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #110
  27. Classic X-Men #17
  28. Universal Monsters: Dracula #1
  29. The Immortal Thor #10
  30. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #12
  31. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #9
  32. Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime #1
  33. Armageddon 2001 #s 1-2
  34. Avengers (2023) #17
  35. Doctor Strange (2023) #18
  36. The Incredible Hulk (2023) #15
  37. Uncanny X-Men (2024) #1
  38. Wolverine: Deep Cuts #2
  39. Venom War #1
  40. Spider-Man: Reign 2 #2
  41. Blood Hunters v2 #1
  42. Daredevil (2023) #12
  43. Marvel’s What If Donald Duck was Wolverine? #1
  44. Spider-Man: Black Suit and Blood #1
  45. Spectacular Spider-Men #6
  46. Lazarus Planet: Alpha #1
  47. Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton #1
  48. Lazarus Planet: We Once We Gods #1
  49. Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn #1
  50. Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution #1
  51. Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1
  52. Lazarus Planet: Omega #1
  53. Catwoman (2018) #1
  54. Firestorm (1978) #s 1-2
  55. Venom (2021) #18
  56. Firestorm (1978) #3
  57. Venom (2021) #19
  58. Firestorm (1978) #s 4-6 (#6 originally unpublished, available on DCUI)
  59. DC Comics Presents (1978) #s 17, 45
  60. The Brave and the Bold (1955) #172
  61. The Fury of Firestorm (1982) #1
  62. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #s 1-4
  63. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #s 5-12, 0
  64. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #13 (Yes, a very mild name change)
  65. Legends of Tomorrow: Firestorm #1
  66. Venom (2021) #s 20-25
  67. Uncanny X-Men (1963) #s 111-113
  68. Zero Hour 30th Anniversary Special #1
  69. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #5
  70. Absolute Power: Origins #2
  71. The Flash (2023) #12
  72. Green Arrow (2023) #15
  73. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #14
  74. Captain Atom (2011) #s 1-4
  75. The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #s 1-3
  76. Batman (1989 movie adaptation)
  77. Batman Returns (1992 movie adaptation)
  78. The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #s 4-6
  79. Captain Atom (2011) #s 4-12, 0
  80. The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #s 15-20
  81. Venom (2021) #s 26-32
  82. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #s 1-2
  83. Dogpool Infinity Comic #s 2-3
  84. Legends of Tomorrow: Firestorm #s 2-4
  85. Legion Lost (2011) #s 1-16, 0
  86. Venom (2021) #33
  87. Fantastic Four (2022) #20
  88. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #49
  89. Giant-Size X-Men (2024) #1
  90. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #10
  91. Wolverine (1982) #s 1-4
  92. Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #s 1-10 (Wolverine stories only)
  93. Wolverine (1988) #1
  94. X-Factor (2024) #1
  95. X-Men (2024) #2
  96. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #55
  97. Fantastic Four (2022) #23
  98. Venom (2021) #36
  99. Venom War: Spider-Man #1
  100. Vengeance of the Moon Knight #8
  101. Doctor Strange (2023) #15
  102. Blood Hunters (Vol 1) #1
  103. Captain America (2023) #9
  104. Avengers (2023) #14
  105. Daredevil (2023) #9
  106. The Nice House by the Sea #2
  107. DC vs Vampires: World War V #1
  108. Gotham City Sirens (2024) #s 1-4
  109. Starman (1994) #s 0, 1
  110. Starman (1988) #1
  111. 1st Issue Special #12
  112. Adventure Comics (1938) #467
  113. Punchline Special #1
  114. Starman (1994) #s 2-3
  115. The Immortal Thor #14
  116. Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #s 26-31
  117. Absolute Power #3
  118. Batman (2016) #152
  119. Plastic Man No More! #1
  120. Birds of Prey (2023) #13
  121. The Penguin #12
  122. Justice Society of America (2022) #11
  123. Absolute Power #s 1-2
  124. Doomsday Clock #s 1-4
  125. Doomsday Clock #s 5-12
  126. Dark Crisis: Big Bang #1
  127. Birds of Prey (2023) #s 7-12
  128. Nightwing (2016) #s 94-98
  129. The Transformers: The Movie (1986) #s 1-3
  130. Spider-Boy #s 4-6
  131. Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7
  132. Nightwing Annual 2022 #1
  133. Nightwing (2016) #s 99-104
  134. Dark Horse Comics #s 15-19 (Aliens stories only)
  135. Aliens: Music of the Spears #s 1-4
  136. Aliens: Stronghold #s 1-4
  137. Captain Atom (1965) #s 83-84
  138. Captain Atom (1986) #s 1-3
  139. The L.A.W. #1
  140. Captain Atom: Armageddon #s 1, 9
  141. Extreme Justice #18
  142. Superman/Batman (2003) #s 1-6
  143. Superman/Batman (2003) #s 7-25
  144. Iron Fist 50th Anniversary Special #1
  145. Petrol Head #s 1-5
  146. Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #10
  147. Ultraman/Avengers #1
  148. Justice League (1987) #s 1-3
  149. Nightwing (2016) #s 105-109
  150. Titans (2023) #s 1-5
  151. Titans: Beast World #s 1-6
  152. Titans (2023) #s 6-14
  153. Nightwing (2016) #s 110-117
  154. Nightwing Annual 2024 #1
  155. Doom (2024) #1
  156. The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #1
  157. Batman: The Detective #1
  158. Superman: Son of Kal-El #s 1-6
  159. Superman: Son of Kal-El Annual 2022 #1
  160. Superman: Son of Kal-El #s 7-13
  161. X-Men: From The Ashes Infinity Comic #11
  162. Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #s 32-36
  163. The Moon is Following Us #1
  164. Superman: Son of Kal-El #s 14-18
  165. Jughead (2015) #2
  166. Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #s 1-6
  167. Injustice: Year Zero #s 1-8
  168. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #4
  169. Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) #s 37-40
  170. Giant-Size Thor (2024) #1
  171. Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual (2024) #1
  172. Spider-Woman (2023) #10
  173. Phoenix (2024) #2
  174. Namor (2024) #2
  175. Predator vs. Black Panther #1
  176. Scarlet Witch (2024) #3
  177. Star Wars (2020) #49
  178. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #8
  179. Wolverine: Revenge #1
  180. Injustice: Year Zero #s 9-14
  181. Injustice 2 Annual #2
  182. Batman: The Detective #s 2-6
  183. The Green Lantern #1
  184. Jughead (2015) #s 3-5
  185. Batman: Dark Age #1
  186. Batman: Dark Age #s 2-5
  187. Superman: Space Age #s 1-3
  188. Harley Quinn: Make ‘Em Laugh #s 1-3
  189. Superman & Bugs Bunny #1
  190. Jughead (2015) #6
  191. Judge Dredd: Machine Law
  192. Dreadnoughts: Nothing to Fear
  193. Rogue Trooper: Souther Belle
  194. Rogue Trooper: Recon
  195. Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6
  196. Green Lantern (2023) #15
  197. Batman & Robin (2023) #13
  198. DC vs Vampires: World War V #2
  199. Superman & Bugs Bunny #s 2-4
  200. Dan Dare (2018) #s 1-4
  201. James Bond: 007 (2023) #s 1-3
  202. Ultimate Invasion #s 1-4
  203. Ultimate Universe (2023) #1
  204. Ultimates (2024) #s 1-2
  205. Ultimate Black Panther #s 1-3
  206. Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #s 1-4
  207. FCBD Ultimate Universe/Spider-Man 2024 #1
  208. The Spirit Artisan Edition
  209. Rok of the Reds #1
  210. Alien: The Illustrated Story OGN
  211. The Green Lantern Corps (1986) #202
  212. Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #s 1-2
  213. Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #1
  214. The Green Lantern #s 2-8
  215. Justice League (1987) #s 4-6
  216. Justice League International (1987) #7
  217. John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #s 1-4
  218. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #50
  219. The Immortal Thor #11
  220. Ultimate Black Panther #4
  221. The Green Lantern #s 9-12
  222. Green Lantern: Blackstars #s 1-3
  223. Star Wars (2020) #46
  224. X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity Comic #12
  225. Predator: The Last Hunt #4
  226. Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #8
  227. Dogpool Infinity Comic #5
  228. John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #s 5-8
  229. Aliens vs Avengers #1
  230. Marvel 85th Anniversary Special #1
  231. Deadpool Team-Up (2024) #1
  232. X-Men (2024) #3
  233. X-Force (2024) #2
  234. Incredible Hulk Annual 2024 #1
  235. Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #56
  236. Venom War: Zombiotes #1
  237. Phases of the Moon Knight #1
  238. NYX (2024) #2
  239. Fantastic Four (2022) #24
  240. The Flash (1959) #s 340-344
  241. Flashpoint Beyond #s 0, 6
  242. Legion of Super-Heroes (2011) #23
  243. The Flash (1959) #s 345-347
  244. The Flash (1959) #s 348-350
  245. The Flash (2010) #8
  246. The Flash (1987) #197
  247. Final Crisis: Rogues Revenge #1
  248. Secret Origins (1986) #41
  249. The Flash (2023) #s 1-8
  250. The Flash Annual 2024 #1
  251. The Flash (2023) #s 9-12
  252. The Flash (1959) #s 275, 277-278, 280-284
  253. Savage Wolverine Infinity Comic #5
  254. House of Harkness Infinity Comic #1
  255. The New Golden Age #1
  256. Justice Society of America (2022) #s 1-6
  257. The Flash (1987) #s 62-65
  258. The Flash (1987) #s 66-75
  259. Justice Society of America (2022) #s 7-10

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