
To everyone who self-identifies as queer but worries about claiming that ID publicly b/c of passing privilege: You are real and valued and seen. We love you. We need you. We want you with us.

To everyone who isn’t or can’t be or chooses not to be visible in their queerness; to everyone still in the closet by choice or necessity; to everyone who doesn’t yet know where they fit: you are no less real. We love you always, and we are holding space for you.

How Can We Say ‘It Gets Better’ After Orlando?

How Can We Say ‘It Gets Better’ After Orlando?

Scarborough looked into the camera to address Trump directly: “Hey Donald, guess what, I’m not going to support you until you get your act together. You are acting like a bush league loser, you’re acting like a racist, and you’re acting like a bigot.”

“This is called art of the deal,” the former Florida congressman continued. “I’m taking my deal off the table, Donald, until you come back to the table and get on the other side of the table and prove you are not a bigot and and prove you’re not going to take my party down in the ditch, you don’t have my endorsement and you can’t use Hillary Clinton as a gun against my head.”

Raising his voice to a shout, Scarborough told Trump it’s in his hands to prove to the party and to him personally that he’s not a bigot.

“I’m not scared of you and I’m not scared of the base because they are just as pissed off as me. It’s called art of the deal, it’s what Donald Trump has been preaching all his life,” he said. “Don’t use Hillary Clinton as an excuse as your blank check to say racist things about people born in Indiana. No, Donald! You don’t get to play it that way.”

Several minutes later, Scarborough hijacked the panel again to admonish party officials, calling the current scenario “the worst of all worlds.”

“Listen to me, guys!” he began. “You embrace a guy making racist comments, you lose the presidency and then you lose the Senate and you lose the House.”

In a faux-baby voice, Scarborough begged party officials to “stop running scared” and stand up to Trump.

Trump responded on Twitter to say “Morning Joe” has “gone off the deep end – bad ratings.”

Convinced as Sanders is that he’s realizing his lifelong dream of being the catalyst for remaking American politics—aides say he takes credit for a Harvard Kennedy School study in April showing young people getting more liberal, and he takes personal offense every time Clinton just dismisses the possibility of picking him as her running mate—his guiding principle under attack has basically boiled down to a feeling that multiple aides sum up as: “Screw me? No, screw you.”

Take the combative statement after the Nevada showdown.

“I don’t know who advised him that this was the right route to take, but we are now actively destroying what Bernie worked so hard to build over the last year just to pick up two fucking delegates in a state he lost,” rapid response director Mike Casca complained to Weaver in an internal campaign email obtained by POLITICO.

“Thank you for your views. I’ll relay them to the senator, as he is driving this train,” Weaver wrote back.

From here. On the plus side, at least no-one can argue that Sanders is being controlled by handlers. 

How to Be a Guy — MEL Magazine

How to Be a Guy — MEL Magazine


A rule of thumb: when there’s an article that gets angry about a lot of
different things, look for the one that seems weirdest and pettiest.
That is probably the thing that’s really got under the writer’s skin,
the tail which might be wagging the dog of the entire piece.