Now this is Adam answering and I am answering for me here, really so keep that in mind. THAT SAID: On my end it came from a place of “She doesn’t have TIME.” Just being realistic here. She’s a busy, busy woman holding down a really strange job and in a place that, while she is used to it, is still fairly new to her all told. Doesn’t mean she won’t eventually have a relationship (And wait a second! Who says it would be with a man? Or with a human? Or with any specific gender over any other? We’ve never had her in a relationship so we haven’t mentioned her preferences in that area yet. Hell, she may be asexual. Perfectly fine thing to be. We’re not telling as of now.) but if she is ever in a place to have a relationship it is something I feel we would discuss amongst ourselves a good long time before pulling the trigger on so that we could do it justice and with all the care we put into everything about Amelia.
TL;DR – Yeah – she’s kinda in a war right now, bad time to go out on dates.
I don’t know what it says about me that I have never even once thought “I wonder why Amelia doesn’t have a boy- or girlfriend” during the… two years, I guess, of me reading the series.