The difference between owning a pet and having a kid — well, one of the differences, I mean, of course; there’s also the fact that if you let kids out the back to pee then people look at you funny — is that, when your dog has dental surgery that lasts for hours and leaves him without the same number of teeth he started with, you can’t really let him know what’s going on. Kids, at least, you can say “Hey, take better care of your teeth, you don’t even want to know how much that cost” and they’ll have some idea what you’re talking about.
I kid, obviously, but the sheer amount of worrying Kate and I did yesterday for Gus as he was in surgery pretty much made yesterday a bust as far as work was concerned — we both did the bare minimum to get by, but our hearts weren’t in it. He’s fine, now (Well, as fine as you can be when you’re missing teeth and on crazy pain medication and antibiotics and you’re a dog), so today, we’ll just spend our time catching up on the important stuff and quasi-worrying about our little guy.
2015, you’re looking nuts already.