What were your 2014 High Points and, if you feel like sharing, Low Points?

Hrm. High points are actually harder to identify than low points, to be honest: I liked some work I did, and I made more money with it than the year before, which was nice enough. Launching the Wait, What Patreon and people being excited and generous was a thrill, especially hitting the $500 mark right at the very end of the year. Other than that, uh… making it through, I guess…?

In terms of low points, Kate’s brother died in a hit-and-run early in the year, which colored a lot of what followed in big ways and small. I was a lot more hermit-like than I would’ve wanted to have been, for reasons that didn’t really consist of more than “I wasn’t up to being social,” which is shitty. A couple of big work things fell through for reasons that left me feeling very down on particular people that really depressed me (or, in one case, left me feeling very angry, but powerless to do anything about it). Friends had bad times that I couldn’t help with.

It wasn’t a banner year, by any means. I wasn’t being sarcastic or funny when I said I’d be glad to see the back of 2014 on the podcast. It was a fucker of a year, all told.

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