With all of their recent announcements like the Hickman/Ribic Secret Wars, Wolverines, the cinematic Civil War and Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies has Marvel: a)jumped the shark, b)lost their collective minds, c)somehow just trolling us all or d)some combination of the above?

I’m kind of impressed by the way that the interesting – to me, at least – announcements from Marvel at NYCC (Kathryn Immonen and Rich Ellis doing a Peggy Carter series! Getting Nicole Perlman to do comics!) have been overshadowed if not entirely drowned out by the “bigger” announcements, which seem almost comically regressive and conservative. The latter things are what’s going to make them all their money, of course, but I do wish that they’d announced less at the show to give some of the other announcements some room to breathe.

Which is to say, it’s probably a combination of a) and c), but we both know that so many people are going to buy Secret Wars and all its related projects that Marvel definitely hasn’t lost its mind.

Wolverines is still an absolutely nutzo idea, though.

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