The Comics of September 2023

What was I reading back in September? It feels like a long time ago as I write this, but the answer appears to be “I read Operation: Galactic Storm for some reason.” For those who don’t know, Operation: Galactic Storm is a Marvel crossover from the 1990s that saw all of the Avengers characters go to war in space for reasons that didn’t make any sense, based on the seeming idea that naming something after the real-life Operation: Desert Storm was anything other than a tacky idea. I’d never actually read the storyline, but thankfully Marvel Unlimited exists, and… well, honestly, it’s as bad as it sounds. But somehow, still not the worst thing I read that month. See for yourself!

  1. MPH #s 1-6
  2. Doctor Strange (1974) #s 48-49
  3. Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham #1
  4. Hershey: Disease TPB
  5. Hershey: The Cold in the Bones Parts One and Two
  6. Lawless: Ballots Over Babylon
  7. Lawless: Most Wanted eps 1-4
  8. The Out: Book One 
  9. The Out: Book Two
  10. Alpha Flight (1983) #s 28-32, 35-38
  11. Alpha Flight (1983) #s 39-44
  12. Silver Age 80-Page Giant #1
  13. Captain Glory #1
  14. The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #1
  15. Doctor Strange (2023) #3
  16. The Punisher (2022) #12
  17. Doctor Strange (1974) #s 50-54
  18. The Out: Book Three
  19. Secret City Saga #s 0, 1-2
  20. Daredevil (1964) #s 292-296 (Start of Chichester run)
  21. Daredevil (1964) #s 297-300
  22. Daredevil (1964) #s 301-314
  23. Superman Adventures #s 1-3
  24. Adventures of Superman (2013) #s 1-6
  25. Superman/Batman #s 79-80 (Chris Roberson DC One Million two-parter)
  26. Daredevil (1964) #s 315-318
  27. Daredevil (1964) #s 319-322
  28. Superman Adventures #s 4-6
  29. Daredevil (1964) #s 323-325
  30. Green Arrow (2023) #4
  31. The Flash (2023) #1
  32. Action Comics #1057
  33. The Penguin #2
  34. Tales of the Titans #3
  35. Superman: The Order of the Black Lamp (Batman: The Brave and the Bold strip)
  36. Harcourt: Second Life eps. 1-2  (Batman: The Brave and the Bold strip)
  37. Stormwatch: Down with the Kings eps. 1-5  (Batman: The Brave and the Bold strip)
  38. Art Brut #s 1-4
  39. Alpha Flight (1983) #s 45-50
  40. Alpha Flight Annual (1986) #s 1-2
  41. Superman Adventures #s 7-13
  42. Scarlet Witch (2015) #s 1-15
  43. Wolverine (1988) #s 69-75
  44. Power Girl (2023) #1
  45. Power Girl strips from Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton and Action Comics #s 1051-1053
  46. Power Girl Special (2023) #1
  47. Daredevil (2022) #12
  48. Spider-Man (2022) #9
  49. Immortal X-Men (2022) #12
  50. X-Men (2021) #23
  51. Fantastic Four (2022) #8
  52. The Invincible Iron Man (2022) #7
  53. X-Men: Before The Fall – Mutant First Strike #1
  54. Wag #1
  55. Batman, Incorporated (2022) #s 8-12
  56. The Green Lantern Corps #s 202-203
  57. Superman Adventures Annual #1
  58. Superman Adventures #s 14-16
  59. Sensational She-Hulk (1989) #s 18-24
  60. Superman Adventures #s 17-21
  61. Birds of Prey (2023) #2
  62. Batman (2016) #138
  63. Shazam! (2023) #4
  64. Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #2
  65. Green Lantern: Legacy OGN
  66. Green Lantern: Alliance OGN
  67. Waller vs. Wildstorm #s 1-3
  68. Avengers, Inc. #1
  69. Blue Beetle (2006) #1
  70. Ant-Man (2022) #s 1-4
  71. Wasp (2023) #s 1-4
  72. Avengers: Ultron Forever #1
  73. New Avengers: Ultron Forever #1
  74. Uncanny Avengers: Ultron Forever #1
  75. Avengers Assemble (2012) #15
  76. Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #s 1-2
  77. Avengers Assemble (2012) #20
  78. Avengers (2012) #34.1
  79. Contest of Champions (2015) #s 1-6
  80. Rorschach (2020) #s 1-3
  81. Secret Warps: Soldier Supreme Annual #1
  82. Secret Warps: Weapon Hex Annual #1
  83. Secret Warps: Ghost Panther Annual #1
  84. Secret Warps: Arachknight Annual #1
  85. Secret Warps: Iron Hammer Annual #1
  86. Doctor Strange (2023) #4
  87. Moon Knight (2021) #24
  88. Contest of Champions (2015) #s 7-10
  89. Wolverine (2020) #34
  90. The Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #27
  91. X-Men Red (2022) #s 10-12
  92. Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War Prelude (Batman Day Edition) #1
  93. New Avengers (2015) #s 1-18
  94. U.S.Avengers #s 1-12
  95. Superman/Batman: World’s Finest #1
  96. The Terrifics #s 1-14
  97. The Silencer #1
  98. Justice League of America (2017) #s 22-24 (Promethea appearance)
  99. Incredible Hulk Annual (1976) #11
  100. Inhumans Prime #1
  101. Royals #1
  102. 2000 AD Prog 2351
  103. Danger Street #10
  104. Batman & Robin (2023) #2
  105. World’s Finest: Teen Titans #4
  106. Green Lantern (2023) #4
  107. Wesley Dodds, The Sandman #1
  108. Peacemaker Tries Hard! #6
  109. 1st Issue Special #12 (Starman)
  110. Manhunter (1994) #0
  111. Royals #2
  112. Royals #s 3-8
  113. Manhunter (2004) #s 1-4
  114. Royals #s 9-12
  115. Inhumans: Judgment Day #1
  116. Captain America (1968) #398 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  117. Avengers West Coast #80 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  118. Quasar #32 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  119. Wonder Man (1991) #7 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  120. Avengers (1963) #345 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  121. Iron Man (1968) #278 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  122. Thor (1966) #445 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  123. Before Watchmen: Minutemen #s 1-6
  124. Captain America (1968) #399 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  125. Avengers West Coast #81 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  126. Quasar #33 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  127. Wonder Man (1991) #8 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  128. Avengers (1963) #346 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  129. Iron Man (1968) #279 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  130. Thor (1966) #446 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  131. Captain America (1968) #400 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  132. Avengers West Coast #82 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  133. Quasar #34 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  134. Wonder Man (1991) #9 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  135. Avengers (1963) #346 (Operation Galactic Storm)
  136. Avengers (2023) #2
  137. Hellcat (2023) #4
  138. Manhunter (2004) #s 5-7
  139. X-Force (2019) #41
  140. Manhunter (2004) #8-14
  141. Terra #s 1-4
  142. Saga #66
  143. Superman (1987) #s 186-187
  144. Adventures of Superman (1987) #s 608-609
  145. Superman: The Man of Steel #s 130-131
  146. Action Comics (1938) #s 795-796
  147. Void Rivals #4
  148. Fantastic Four (2018) #39
  149. Fantastic Four: Reckoning War #1
  150. X-Factor (1986) #43-44
  151. Superman (1987) #s 220-221
  152. Adventures of Superman #s 642-643
  153. Action Comics (1938) #829
  154. Wonder Woman (1987) #s 219-220
  155. Adam Strange (2004) #s 1-8
  156. Parasocial OGN
  157. Oblivion Song #s 1-6
  158. 2000 AD Prog 2350 (Battle Action crossover issue)
  159. The Rann/Thanagar War #s 1-6
  160. The Rann/Thanagar War: Infinite Crisis Special #1
  161. Proctor Valley Road #1
  162. Treasury of British Comics Annual 2024
  163. Counterfeit Girl TPB (2000 AD collection)
  164. Proctor Valley Road #2
  165. I Hate This Place #1
  166. Something is Killing the Children #s 6-10

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